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Data science driving scalability throttling rtb bid requests Jean-Baptiste Pettit

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Teads & me • Online advertisement, mainly video • inRead format is the flagship product • Quality inventory and premium branding • Data scientist/ML engineer at Teads for 3 years • PhD in statistics, Masters in computer science

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Online advertising How does it work?

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Protocol openRTB Wires, network, machines, infrastructure… => $$$ Online advertising How does it work?

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The issue Teads SSP External DSP 1 External DSP 2 External DSP 3 External DSP 4 Ad request RTB bid requests

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The issue Teads SSP External DSP 1 External DSP 2 External DSP 3 External DSP 4 Ad request RTB bid responses => Sending bid requests to non responding DSPs is wasteful and expensive for everybody

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The solution => Just, like, don’t send them, you know?

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The solution • Prediction model to estimate • P(Bid response of DSP | Context of the ad request) • If this probability < threshold • don’t send the request • Questions: • What’s the relevant context => features? • What statistical model could we use? • How to determine the threshold?

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Features • User • Country • Device • Browser • OS • User mapping • Publisher • Website • Article content • Contextual • Time of day • Day of week…

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Model • Logistic regression • Not very sexy but… • Fast and reliable in online use, easy to optimize offline

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Model • Trained every hour on 6 hours of data with Spark on EMR • Fully separated pipelines EU/US/APAC • 10% exploration

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Offline results True positive rate
 False positive rate (= 1 - True negative rate)

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Offline results

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Choosing the threshold • The model is good but how can we determine and 
 adjust the threshold? • Fix true positive rate target, set in database • Hourly job to compute optimal threshold over the last x hours to reach target.

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Online results

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Impact on infrastructure Impact on infrastructure DB load Req/sec

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Impact on business AB testing

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Impact on business AB testing

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Impact on business AB testing

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Conclusions • Simple model at the heart of the business • Win-win-win situation • Low hanging fruits are everywhere in high volume businesses • Not all machine learning needs Deep Neural Networks

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Thank you I’ll take questions if I managed my time well, otherwise sorry :(