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SRE NEXT 2020 Designing fault-tolerant microservices with SRE and circuit breaker centric architecture Takayuki Watanabe Cookpad Inc. SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe

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Who? Name: Takayuki Watanabe Affiliation: Cookpad Inc. Job: Site Reliability Engineering Chapter Lead Sns: Blog: GitHub: takanabe Twitter: @takanabe_w Interests: - Chaos Engineering - Distributed Systems - Resilience Engineering SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 2

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Menu • About Cookpad Global • Search-v2 and ML APIs • Gaps: ideal and reality • Designing fault-tolerant microservices with SRE and circuit breaker centric architecture SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 3

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Out of scope • Monolith vs SOA vs Microservices • So2ware design and development in Cloud Na

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About Cookpad Global SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 5

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Cookpad Global by numbers • 42,700,000 monthly users • 3,160,000 recipes • 74 countries • 32 languages SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 6

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Cookpad Global by numbers • 1 monolith + 7 microservices in produc5on • 300+ spot instances for ECS clusters • 400+ deployments per ECS task defini5on per day • 20 deployements to produc5on per day 7

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Cookpad Global by numbers • 23 backend developers (Ruby:19, Python:4) • 5 Site Reliability Engineers 8

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See more details on Speaker Deck ... 1,2 2 Cookpad TechConf 2019, Challenges for Global Service from a Perspec>ve of SRE ~ 2nd season ~ 1 Cookpad TechConf 2018, Challenges for Global Service from a Perspec>ve of SRE SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 9

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Go back to 2019... SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 10

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Make everyday cooking fun! SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 11

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Search is essen+al3 3 Go Global - #CookpadTechconf 2017 SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 12

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Can users reach the best recipes out of 3,160,000 recipes? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 13

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No... SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 14

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Search-v2 and ML APIs SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 15

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Search-v2 and ML APIs • Search-v2: people can meet their favorite recipes for cooking • (e.g) Personalized search, visual search, recommenda@ons • ML APIs: Other APIs can provide machine learning integrated features • (e.g) Image enhancement, image to recipe SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 16

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got it. SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 17

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So, who develops them? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 18

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Machine learning researcher ≠ SWE in machine learning SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 21

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4 search/machine learning integra0on engineers joined 23

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Everthing goes smoothly!! SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 25

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Everthing goes smoothly!! SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 26

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Gaps: ideal and reality SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 27

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Gaps Organiza(on & technology stack SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 28

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Microservice architecture = Each team can use any technology we want SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 30

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Microservice architecture = Each team can use any technology we want SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 31

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Do we finish decoupling monolith to microservices? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 32

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Do we have enough developers? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 33

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Can we transfer internal resources and knowledge to other teams? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 34

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Need more efforts to gain benetfits from microservice architecture SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 35

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We restrict technology stack we use SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 36

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 37

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 38

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Is it possible to develop search-v2/ML APIs with those tech stacks? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 39

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Break barriers. Otherwise, no future SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 40

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As-Is Developers use restricted technology stack To-Be Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 41

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Gaps Expecta(on against service level SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 42

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This service is experimental This service is beta This service is prototype This service is [ANY EXPRESSIONS] 45

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Low service level APIs poten2ally cause cascading outages SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 46

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 47

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As-Is Produc'on is down due to outages of new microservices To-Be No produc)on outages due to low service level microservices SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 48

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Gaps Team capacity SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 49

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Does team have enough capacity for on-call? "Assuming that there are always two people on-call (primary and secondary, with different du:es), the minimum number of engineers needed for on-call duty from a single-site team is eight: assuming week-long shi?s, each engineer is on-call (primary or secondary) for one week every month." 4 "For produc7on on-call responsibili7es, I’ve found that two-7er 24/7 support requires eight engineers. As teams holding their own pagers have become increasingly mainstream, this has become an important sizing constraint, and I try to ensure that every engineering team’s steady state is eight people" 5 5 Larson, Will. An Elegant Puzzle: Systems of Engineering Management, 2.1 Sizing teams (p.33) 4 Google - Site Reliability Engineering Chapter 11 - Being On-Call SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 51

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As-Is People have to be responsible for on-call rota0ons for new mircorservices To-Be New search/ml team must be free from on-call pressures for their new microservices SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 52

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Gaps Knowledge for product development SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 53

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As-Is Many teams need tough nego)a)ons to release ML related features To-Be ML team can release experimental features with light process in produc0on SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 55

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Produc6on outages due to new microservices No produc@on outages due to low service level microservices People have to be responsible for on- call rota6ons for new mircorservices New search/ml team must be free from on-call pressures for their new microservices Many teams need tough nego6a6ons to release ML related features ML team can release experimental features with light process in produc@on SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 56

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Designing fault-tolerant microservices with SRE and circuit breaker centric architecture SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 57

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Design Docs • Reach consensus against scopes and expecta2ons 6 • In Cookpad, only SRE team knows en2re system designs 7 7 Google, The Site Reliability Workbook, Chapter 7 - Simplicity 6 Google, Site Reliability Engineering, Chapter 31 - Communica

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 60

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 61

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Produc=on outages due to new microservices No produc=on outages due to low service level microservices Design document People have to be responsible for on-call rota=ons for new mircorservices New search/ml team must be free from on-call pressures for their new microservices Design document Many teams need tough nego=a=ons to release ML related features ML team can release experimental features with light process in produc=on Design document SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 62

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document + ? Produc8on outages due to new microservices No produc8on outages due to low service level microservices Design document People have to be responsible for on- call rota8ons for new mircorservices New search/ml team must be free from on-call pressures for their new microservices Design document Many teams need tough nego8a8ons to release ML related features ML team can release experimental features with light process in produc8on Design document SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 63

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Approach SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 64

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Delega&on and resource isola&on SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 65

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Resource isola,on = AWS resource isola/on SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 66

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Implementa)on pa,ern • IAM (delega,on level: low) • IAM Permissions Boundary (delega,on level: medium) • Dedecated AWS account (delega,on level: high) SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 68

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Dedicated AWS account • Use AWS Organiza0ons to issue new AWS account • Design network by SRE • Build VPC peering between new and old VPCs SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 69

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Search/ML team can use mainstream technology for their fields 71

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Transparent security and audit support • Enforce managed audit and security service on AWS • VPCFlowLogs • CloudTrail • GuardDuty • AWS Config 72

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega1on and resource isola1on Produc=on outages due to new microservices No produc=on outages due to low service level microservices Design document People have to be responsible for on-call rota=ons for new mircorservices New search/ml team must be free from on-call pressures for their new microservices Design document Many teams need tough nego=a=ons to release ML related features ML team can release experimental features with light process in produc=on Design document SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 73

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Don't accept excep,ons • We only have 3 SREs (in 2019) • Follow the boundary we define in the design document • Don't share servers managed by SRE team • Use SaaS to accelerate minimum product development cycles 8 • e.g: CI • e.g: Observability 8 Prac'cal Monitoring: Effec've Strategies for the Real World, Chapter 2.3 PaAern #3: Buy, Not Build SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 74

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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Disconnec(ng unstable produc(on microservices makes sense 77

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Approach SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 78

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Circuit breaker centric architecture SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 79

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Why Circuit Breaker? • Fail fast strategy to prevent cascading failures • Limits external service and network impacts • Don’t waste capacity calling a broken service • External service is slow • External service is down • Network is unstable SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 80

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State transi*on diagram SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 81

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Case study SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 82

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 83

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• Closed • Traffic flows normaly • Health is assessed every 100ms based on a 10s rolling average • Open / Tripped • Fail fast - return 503 error • Stays in this state for 10s • Recovering / Half Open • Ramp up traffic over 10s • Check health every 100ms -> if fail go back to Open state • Return to Closed if health is OK aJer 10s SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 84

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Circuit Breaker - Implica1ons • We can introduce experimental and new services with less risk to other parts of the applica8on • Slow responses ~= Outage! • Fallback strategies become more important • Add values to use SLOs for communica8on tools about service levels SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 85

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Implementa)on pa,ern • Applica(on library (e.g: cookpad/expeditor, Ne;lix/Hystrix) • Proxy (e.g: Envoy Proxy, Traefik) • Service Mesh (e.g: Is(o, Maesh) SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 86

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Circuit breaker proxy side-car container • Use a L7 reverse proxy with circuit breaking middleware • Each microservice has it's own independently configured circuit breaker • Run as a sidecar container SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 87

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Traefik as circuit breaker proxy • NetworkErrorRa+o • Covers networking errors connec0ng to the service • Shedding load can help some errors to recover! • ResponseCodeRa+o • Don’t bother calling broken serivice • LatencyAtQuan+leMS • Isolate slow services. SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 88

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Traefik configura-on example { service1: { backend: 'http://service1_endpoint', circuit_breaker: "LatencyAtQuantileMS(50.0) > 1000 || ResponseCodeRatio(500, 600, 0, 600) > 0.30 || NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.10", }, service2: { backend: 'http://service2_endpoint', circuit_breaker: "LatencyAtQuantileMS(50.0) > 3000 || ResponseCodeRatio(500, 600, 0, 600) > 0.10 || NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.10", }, } SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 89

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How do we decide threshold? 91

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SLO SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 92

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 93

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Can developers define SLO? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 94

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Availability class SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 95

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Availability class • We customize produc0on readiness check as availablity class (a.k.a produc0on readiness review 9) 9 Google - Site Reliability Engineering, Chapter 32 - The Evolving SRE Engagement Model SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 96

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Availability class presets • Baseline • Medium • High • No SLO SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 97

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Baseline availability class Availablity Target: > 95% Period Down*me Budget Daily 1h 12m Weekly 8h 24 Monthly 36h 31m SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 98

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Medium availability class Availablity Target: > 99% Period Down*me Budget Daily 14m 24s Weekly 1h 41m Monthly 7h 18m SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 99

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High availability class Availablity Target: > 99.9% Period Down*me Budget Daily 1m 26s Weekly 10m 4s Monthly 43m 49s SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 100

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How do we know the service level? SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 103

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Aler%ng on SLO SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 104

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Implemen'ng alerts on SLO There are several strategies to implement alerts on SLO 10 • Target Error Rate ≥ SLO Threshold • Increased Alert Window • Incremen

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Implemen'ng alerts on SLO There are several strategies to implement alerts on SLO 10 • Target Error Rate ≥ SLO Threshold • Increased Alert Window • Incremen

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Burn rate Burn rate is how fast a service consumes the error budget on SLO SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 107

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Burn rates and +me to complete budget exhaus+on 10 Burn rate Error rate for 99.9% SLO Time to exhaus8on 1 0.1% 30 days 2 0.2% 15 days 10 1% 3 days 1000 100% 43minutes 10 Google - The Site Reliability Workbook, Chapter 5: Aler

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Burn rates and +me to complete budget exhaus+on 10 10 Google - The Site Reliability Workbook, Chapter 5: Aler

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Mul$window, Mul$-Burn-Rate Alerts 10 • This approach provides good precision alerts and reduce the number of false posi7ves • Make the short window 1/12 the dura7on of the long window as the star7ng point Severity No*fica*on Long window Short window Burn rate Error budget consumed Cri$cal Pager 1 hour 5 minutes 14.4 2% Cri$cal Pager 6 hour 30 minutes 6 5% Warning Chat, $cket 3 days 6 hours 1 10% 10 Google - The Site Reliability Workbook, Chapter 5: Aler

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Mul$window, Mul$-Burn-Rate Alerts 10 10 Google - The Site Reliability Workbook, Chapter 5: Aler

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Mul$window, Mul$-Burn-Rate Alerts 10 10 Google - The Site Reliability Workbook, Chapter 5: Aler

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 114

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 115

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Implemen'ng Prometheus configs in Jsonnet • Jsonnet11 is a data templa0ng language • Simple extension of JSON • Eliminate duplica0on with object-orienta0on 11 google/jsonnet: Jsonnet - The data templa5ng language SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 116

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Prometheus config structure in Jsonnent $ tree prometheus-config prometheus-config ├── alertmanager.jsonnet ├── alertmanager_templates.jsonnet ├── lib │ ├── alert.libsonnet │ ├── alertmanager.libsonnet │ [...snip...] │ ├── traefik.libsonnet │ └── utils.libsonnet ├── platform.libsonnet ├── prometheus_rules.jsonnet ├── runbooks │ ├── │ ├── │ [...snip...] │ └── ├── services │ ├── service1.libsonnet │ └── service2.libsonnet └── services.libsonnet SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 117

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Aler%ng rule library for Traefik $ cat lib/traefik.libsonnet { [...snip...] traefik_backend_high_error_budget_burn_rate_alert: self.alert { name: 'TraefikBackendHighErrorBudgetBurnRate', summary: '[{{ $labels.backend }} in {{ $labels.environment }}] Traefik backend error budget burn rate is high', description: '[{{ $labels.backend }} in {{ $labels.environment }}] Immediate intervention is required to defend the Uptime SLO', expr: ||| ( environment_backend:traefik_backend_errors_per_request:ratio_rate1h{%(matchers)s} > (14.4*0.001) and environment_backend:traefik_backend_errors_per_request:ratio_rate5m{%(matchers)s} > (14.4*0.001) ) or ( environment_backend:traefik_backend_errors_per_request:ratio_rate6h{%(matchers)s} > (6*0.001) and environment_backend:traefik_backend_errors_per_request:ratio_rate30m{%(matchers)s} > (6*0.001) ) ||| % self, }, [...snip...] } SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 118

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Aler%ng config for service1 $ cat services/service1.libsonnet local resque = import '../lib/resque.libsonnet'; local service = import '../lib/service.libsonnet'; local traefik = import '../lib/traefik.libsonnet'; service { name: 'service1', slack_channel: 'service1-alerts', dashboard: '', components+: [ [...snip...] self.component('traefik') { alerts+: [ self.traefik_backend_high_error_budget_burn_rate_alert { matchers: 'backend="service1", environment="production"', }, self.traefik_backend_high_error_budget_burn_rate_warning_alert { matchers: 'backend="service1", environment="production"', }, ], } + traefik, [...snip...] ], } SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 119

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Cau$on! • Jsonnet is super powerful language to elimiate redundancy • Too DRYed-configura

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 121

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 122

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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Strategy to make new team free from on-call pressure SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 126

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Fallback to search-v1 when circuit breaker is open • Proxy par*al requests to search-v2 in feature toggle • Strict circuit breaking threshold (No SLO or extreamely low SLO) and fail fast when upstream is unstable • Rescue all errors in feature toggle • Fallback all requests to search-v1 when circuit breaker returns 503s SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 127

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On-call is not necessary in new team 132

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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Implementa)on pa,ern • API Gateway (BFF) for mobile apps with JWT • Feature toggle + path-based rouBng SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 135

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BFF pa&ern for mobile clients in Cookpad 12 12 Cookpad Developers' Blog, ϞμϯBFFΛ׆༻ͨ͠طଘAPIαʔόʔͷ࠶ߏங SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 136

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 137

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Prod endpoint + feature toggle + path-based rou5ng • Specify shared single ML API endpoint in feature toggle • Strict circuit breaking threshold (No SLO) and fail fast when upstream is unstable • Rescue all errors in feature toggle and dismiss • Change desDnaDon for each ML API based on request path SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 138

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 139

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 140

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 141

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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Goals for the SRE team As-Is To-Be Approach Developers use restricted technology stack Search/ML team can use mainstream technology stack for their fields Design document Delega

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 144

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Recap SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 145

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SRE exper)se and circuit breaker • Protect microservices from unreliable microservice • Enforce contracts(alignment) among teams • Provide on-call free environment for new team • Enable developers to release experimental features • Reduce unproduc=ve communica=on among teams SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 146

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Bonus talk SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 147

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What is the best on-call rota0on? • It really depends on your team members • Someone loves weekly rota6on • Someone loves daily rota6on • Someone loves on-call on weekends • Don't create organiza6on-wide rota6on rule 13 13 Well designed policy about on-call compensa6on is necessary to achieve this SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 148

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On-call rota+on strategy in Cookpad • Don't page with events which don't damage our SLO • Use advantages of ;me-zone differences and distributed team14 • SREs and developers collaborate closely to fix problems 14 Strategy for two-/er on-call rota/on, h5ps:/ / SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 149

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On-call rota+on in Ruby backend team SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 150

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On-call rota+on in SRE team • Hybrid strategy to use advantages of 3me-zone differences • JP(UTC+9) & UK(UTC+0) business hour shiF • Daily off-hours rota3on SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 151

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+ Incident evacua-on drill (≠Chaos engineering) SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 152

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SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 153

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How can we introduce SRE in organiza3on? If you tackle to introduce the SRE methodology and culture with bo9om-up approaches, • Start from a small thing • Find your buddy from product develop teams who are happy to support your ideas • Provide incen;ve to your product developers • SREs are responsible for primary on-call if your services achieve your SLO standard (e.g: 99.99 % avaiability) for a month • Find win-win strategy for developers and SREs • Don't throw SRE sales pitch • Don't play "SRE is one of the Google best prac;ces" cards • We should seriously provide benefits to organiza;on with SRE methodologies (Why do we need SLO? What benefits do we have?) SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 154

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Achievements • Improvement of produc0on stability • Apply SRE technique to real service • Release of machine learning integrated search in produc0on 15 • Release of machine learning oriented infrastruture 15 Vector scoring for term embeddings in Elas5csearch - Speaker Deck SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 155

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What's next? • Promote SRE culture with ba4le-tested methodologies • Providing JWT auth endpoint for ML and other microservices • Machine learning researchers want to provide services that will be consumed by beta builds of mobile applicaCons • Monolith doesn't need frequent code changes for ML experiences • Monolith doesn't have to proxy anything (this sounds worry SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 156

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Thank you SRE NEXT 2020 (Jan 25, 2020) / Takayuki Watanabe 157