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Build Better, Deploy Faster Spring Boot + Spring Cloud in the cloud for frictionless Kubernetes-based microservices Mark Heckler Principal Cloud Advocate, Java/JVM Languages [email protected] [email protected] @mkheck

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@mkheck Who am I? • Architect & Developer • Advocate • Author • Java Champion, Rockstar • Kotlin Developer Expert • Pilot 🛩

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@mkheck Latest book @springbootbook

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@mkheck Deep dive!

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@mkheck What’s on the agenda? • A bit of context • Coding 👨💻 • Clouding ☁ (And the occasional break, I’m not a monster 🧌)

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@mkheck Spring Cloud • Configuration: externalize it • Service discovery: locate it, decouple it • Backing service(s): produce it • Consuming service(s): share it • Gateway service: expose it, route it Also baked in: tracing, load balancing, circuit breaking, (reactive) flowing, securing

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@mkheck Let’s code!

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@mkheck Spring Cloud Apps Spring Cloud Components Spring Cloud Components Cloud Services App Consumers Breaker dashboard Service registry Distributed tracing Config dashboard IoT Mobile Browser API Gateway Microservices Microservices Microservices Message brokers Databases 10,000 foot view

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@mkheck Responsibilities DIY with Spring Boot Azure Spring Apps Service Application iteration, debugging CI/CD Build and manage clusters Host Spring Cloud scaffolding Monitoring and logging Scaling Patching Support Customer VMware Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL Azure Cosmos DB Azure Cache for Redis User Git Repository Azure Spring Cloud agents Azure Spring Apps VMware Tanzu Build Service Azure Kubernetes Service Service binding Config source Service runtime User environment App 1 App 2 App N Config Server Service Registry Lifecycle Mgmt. Log Stream Data Encryption App Resiliency Azure DevOps CI/CD GitHub Jenkins Custom Domain Self-Diagnostics Metrics Tracing Managed Identities Logs Service Principals Azure Monitor Azure Active Directory Taking it to the cloud!

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@mkheck Responsibilities DIY with Spring Boot Azure Spring Apps Service Application iteration, debugging CI/CD Build and manage clusters Host Spring Cloud scaffolding Monitoring and logging Scaling Patching Support Customer VMware Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL Azure Cosmos DB Azure Cache for Redis User Git Repository Azure Spring Cloud agents Azure Spring Apps VMware Tanzu Build Service Azure Kubernetes Service Service binding Config source Service runtime User environment App 1 App 2 App N Config Server Service Registry Lifecycle Mgmt. Log Stream Data Encryption App Resiliency Azure DevOps CI/CD GitHub Jenkins Custom Domain Self-Diagnostics Metrics Tracing Managed Identities Logs Service Principals Azure Monitor Azure Active Directory Microsoft + VMware Frictionless Spring Boot apps from concept to production You build ‘em, we run ’em! … Taking it to the cloud! (continued)

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@mkheck Make the cloud work for you: demo

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@mkheck Helpful resources • • • @springbootbook •@mkheck on Twitter