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Copyright © 2020 HashiCorp March 2022 Security vs. Delivery Win with dependency inversion

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Author, Patterns & Practices for IaC Developer Advocate, HashiCorp 
 @joatmon08 Rosemary Wang

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Dependency Inversion In software development 01 Round 1 / Security vs. Delivery

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Application Depends On Database

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APPLICATION CODE Database Type 1 Implement access to 
 MySQL Database Type 2 Implement access to PostgreSQL public class CustomerService { private CustomerDao customer ; public Optional findById(int id) { return customer.findById(id) ; } public List findAll() { return customer.findAll() ; } } Example from DATA ACCESS OBJECT public interface CustomerDao { Optional findById(int id) ; List findAll() ; } High-Level Object Low-Level Object Abstraction

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…both high-level and low-level objects must depend on same abstraction. This loosely couples software modules.

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Loose coupling supports evolution. Change low-level object while minimizing impact to high-level object.

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02 Infrastructure as code Round 2 / Security vs. Delivery

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…both high-level and low-level objects must depend on same abstraction. This loosely couples infrastructure dependencies. infrastructure resources

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Depends On Server Network

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SERVER CONFIG resource "aws_instance" “machine" { ## omitted for clarit y subnet_id = tags = { Name = local.nam e } } DATA ACCESS OBJECT data "aws_subnet" "selected" { filter { name = "tag:Team " values = [ ] } filter { name = "tag:Environment " values = [var.environment ] } } High-Level Object Low-Level Object Abstraction NETWORK CONFIG resource "aws_subnet" "main" { vpc_id = aws_vpc.main.i d cidr_block = cidrsubnet ( var.cidr_block, 4, 1 ) tags = { Name = local.nam e } } Infrastructure API

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DATA ACCESS OBJECT output "ip" { value = aws_instance.machine.private_i p } High-Level Object Low-Level Object Abstraction DNS CONFIG resource "cloudflare_record" "machine" { ## omitted for clarit y zone_id = var.cloudflare_zone_i d name = "vm " value = module.vm.ip } SERVER CONFIG resource "aws_instance" "machine" { ## omitted for clarit y subnet_id = data.aws_subnet.selected.i d tags = { Name = local.nam e } } Infrastructure Module Output

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DNS CONFIG resource "cloudflare_record" "machine" { ## omitted for clarit y zone_id = var.cloudflare_zone_i d name = "vm " value = module.vm.ip } DATA ACCESS OBJECT output "ip" { value = azurerm_linux_virtual_machine.machin e .private_ip_addres s } High-Level Object Low-Level Object Abstraction SERVER CONFIG resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "machine" { ## omitted for clarit y subnet_id = data.aws_subnet.selected.i d tags = { Name = local.nam e } } Multiple Clouds / Platforms

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03 Security Round 3 / Security vs. Delivery

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Infrastructure / applications depend on security. Benefits from dependency inversion principle.

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Application Depends On Database Secret

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1. Regret 2. Revoke 3. Rotate 4. Reference 5. Replace 6. Restart Can you imagine contacting multiple teams to fix their passwords? 😞 😞 😞 Invert application’s dependency on secret.

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APPLICATION CODE public class CustomerService { private CustomerDao customer ; public Optional findById(int id) { return customer.findById(id) ; } public List findAll() { return customer.findAll() ; } } High-Level Object Low-Level Object Abstraction CODE LIBRARY ## install spring-cloud-vault- config-databases dependenc y ## application.propertie s : database : enabled: tru e role: readonl y backend: database Application does not change! Change these if necessary. Secrets Manager + Code Library Database Secret Database Password /database/creds/customer

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APPLICATION CODE public class CustomerService { private CustomerDao customer ; public Optional findById(int id) { return customer.findById(id) ; } public List findAll() { return customer.findAll() ; } } High-Level Object Low-Level Object Abstraction SIDECAR PROCESS ## run Vault agent as a separate proces s vault agent -config /vault-agent/agent.hc l ## Vault agent generates application.propertie s {{ with secret “database/creds/customer“ -} } spring.datasource.username={{ .Data.username }} spring.datasource.password={{ .Data.password } } {{- end }} Application reads configuration from file. 
 No changes to code. Secrets Manager + Sidecar Process Database Secret Database Password /database/creds/customer APPLICATION.PROPERTIES spring.datasource.username=custome r spring.datasource.password=Depend3ncy!nversio n

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Network Policy

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Web Depends On App Database SHOULD NOT DEPEND ON

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1. API Authorization 2. Certificates 3. Traffic Management 4. Telemetry 5. Firewalls 6. Network Routing 7. Security Groups Can you imagine contacting multiple teams to manage these configurations? 😞 😞 😞

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1. API Authorization 2. Certificates 3. Traffic Management 4. Telemetry 5. Firewalls 6. Network Routing 7. Security Groups Inverts application’s dependencies on these.

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Web App Database Service Mesh + Sidecar Proxy Abstraction NETWORK POLICY Kind = "service-intentions " Name = "db " Sources = [ { Name = "web " Action = "deny " } , { Name = “app " Action = "allow " } ] Offers abstraction for certificates, traffic management, API authorization, and telemetry.

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1. API Authorization 2. Certificates 3. Traffic Management 4. Telemetry 5. Firewalls 6. Network Routing 7. Security Groups Service catalog + automation can help invert infrastructure’s dependency on these.

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Access Control

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Depends On Identity SSH Access to Server

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Depends On Many Identity Providers Across platforms, clouds, and services. …and more SSH Access to Server

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High-Level Object Low-Level Object Many Identity Providers Many platforms, clouds, etc. …and more Secure Access Management Abstraction SSH Access to Server TERRAFORM ## Azure AD operator group should have SSH acces s resource "boundary_role" "core_infra" { ## omitted for clarit y scope_id = d grant_scope_id = boundary_scope.core_infra.i d grant_strings = [ "id=*;type=*;actions=* " ] principal_ids = [ ] }

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Is it a win? 04 Final Round / Security vs. Delivery

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Units of Effort over Time Effort Time No Dependency Inversion You spend several months changing your security architecture and refactoring high-level applications and infrastructure.

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Can I change my security tool or policy tomorrow without affecting delivery?

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1. Dependency inversion 2. Choose an abstraction between low-level and high-level objects 3. Share security practices and knowledge

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Units of Effort over Time Effort Time No Dependency Inversion Dependency Inversion Initially, you spend a month or two adding abstraction. Initially, you spend a month or two adding abstraction. Future changes to security architecture minimizes refactor for high-level applications and infrastructure. Benefit of “Shifting Security Left”!

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Rosemary Wang 
 @joatmon08 Thank you!