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Microservices On GKE At Mercari GCPUG Tokyo Kubernetes Engine Day @deeeet

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Start with Monolith

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Small Overhead for cross domains Reusable code across domains 
 Effective operation by SRE team

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3 scalabilities

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Growth of business Growth of features Growth of organization

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Growth of business Growth of features Growth of organization

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Growth of business Growth of features Growth of organization

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Huge Monolith

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Difficult to understand change effect Difficult to test Difficult to on-board Difficult to isolate failure Difficult to scale independently Difficult to try new technologies

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Growth of business Growth of features Growth of organization

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Unclear ownership Communication overhead

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Velocity is stalled ☔

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Microservices is a software development technique that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services with the smallest autonomous boundary.

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Technical benefit Organization benefit

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Technical benefit Organization benefit

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Easy to test Easy to deploy Easy to on-board Easy to isolate failure Easy to scale independently

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Technical benefit Organization benefit

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Clear ownership Minimum communication overhead

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Deliver new features faster ☀

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How Microservices?

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Gateway pattern Strangler pattern

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Gateway pattern Strangler pattern

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Service A Service B Mercari API

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API Gateway Service A Service B Mercari API

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API Gateway Service A Service B Service X Mercari API

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API Gateway Service A Service B Service X Multiple services on a single endpoint SSL Termination DDoS Protection Common AuthZ/AuthN Mercari API

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Gateway pattern Strangler pattern

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Mercari API API Gateway Service A Service B Service X

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Mercari API API Gateway Service B Service X Service A

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Mercari API API Gateway Service X Service A Service B

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Mercari API API Gateway Function X Function Y Function Z Service C

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Mercari API API Gateway Function X Facade C Function Y Function Z Service C

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Mercari API API Gateway Facade C Function Y Function Z Service C Function X

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Mercari API API Gateway Facade C Function Z Service C Function X Function Y

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Mercari API API Gateway Facade C Service C Function X Function Y Function Z

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Mercari API API Gateway Service C Function X Function Y Function Z

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Mercari API API Gateway Service C Function X Function Y Service D Function Z

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Current Status

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API Gateway Service A Service B Service X Mercari API

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Technical Stack

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API Gateway Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services Container

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services Container Over HTTP

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services Container Over HTTP SSL Termination DDoS Protection Cloud Amor?

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services Container Over HTTP Routing to microservices Protocol tranformation (HTTP to gRPC) Common logging & Tracing Request buffering SSL Termination DDoS Protection Cloud Amor?

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services Container Over HTTP Routing to microservices Protocol tranformation (HTTP to gRPC) Common logging & Tracing Request buffering SSL Termination DDoS Protection Cloud Amor? Common AuthZ/AuthN

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service A Service B Sakura Service X Mercari API GCP Kubernetes Engine Cloud Resources Managed Services Container Over HTTP Routing to microservices Protocol tranformation (HTTP to gRPC) Common logging & Tracing Request buffering SSL Termination DDoS Protection Cloud Amor? Common AuthZ/AuthN Managed DB

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Another important takeaway is that even though all of these listed items are important, ultimately the most critical thing is observability. As I like to say: observability, observability, observability - Matt Klein, Seeking SRE (Chapter6)

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Service A Service B Network Logging? Tracing? (Observability) Network Logging? Tracing? (Observability)

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Service A Service B Network AuthN and AuthZ? API limit ? Load balancing ? Request timeout ? Request retry with backoff? Circuit breaking ? Logging? Tracing? (Observability) Network Logging? Tracing? (Observability)

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Service A Service B Network AuthN and AuthZ? API limit ? Load balancing ? Request timeout ? Request retry with backoff? Circuit breaking ? Logging? Tracing? (Observability) Network Logging? Tracing? (Observability) Different protocols..

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Service A Service B Service C Service D

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Service A Service B Service C Service D Se Se Se

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How we use GCP?

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service X GCP Kubernetes Engine

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service X GCP Kubernetes Engine How we use GKE?

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Cluster strategy GCP project strategy Node pool strategy Namespace strategy

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Cluster strategy GCP project strategy Node pool strategy Namespace strategy

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asia-northeast1 us-west1 europe-west1 Each region has its own Cluster

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Production Cluster Development Cluster Testing/QA will be done in development cluster All services in 1 cluster No special cluster for specific service

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Production Cluster In future, 1 region 1 cluster like Google Borg

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Cluster strategy GCP project strategy Node pool strategy Namespace strategy

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GCP project: GKE Production Production Cluster GCP project: GKE Development Development Cluster IAM: SRE IAM: SRE + α 1 cluster for 1 GCP project Only SRE can access cluster nodes

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Cluster strategy GCP project strategy Node pool strategy Namespace strategy

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GCP project: GKE Production Production Cluster n1-standard-16 node pool n1-highmem-16 node pool Machine learning workloads Normal applications Auto scaling Enabled Automatic node repair Enabled Preemptible Enabled (only in US)

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Cluster strategy GCP project strategy Node pool strategy Namespace strategy

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Each services has its own kubernetes namespace GCP project: GKE Production Namespace: Service A Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B Pod: B Pod: B Production Cluster RBAC: Team X RBAC: Team X Each team can only access its own kubernetes namespace

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API Gateway Google Cloud Load balancing Authority Service X GCP Kubernetes Engine How we use GCP services?

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How access limit GCP services? Each service should be allowed to access only its own GCP resources

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GCP project: GKE Production IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B Pod: B Pod: B Production Cluster RBAC: Team X RBAC: Team Y

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GCP project: GKE Production IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE GCP project: Service B IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Each services has its own GCP project RBAC: Team X RBAC: Team Y

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GCP project: GKE Production IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Each services has its own GCP project RBAC: Team X RBAC: Team Y Service resources in its own GCP project

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GCP project: GKE Production IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Each services has its own GCP project Each namespace has its own service account for its own GCP project RBAC: Team X RBAC: Team Y Service resources in its own GCP project

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Each namespace has its own service account

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GCP project: GKE Production IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Each services has its own GCP project Each namespace has its own service account for its own GCP project Service resources in its own GCP project

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IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster GCP project creation…? Setup Spanner or Cloud SQL ..? GCP project: GKE Production

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Infrastructure as Code

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CloudSQL instance creation

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Spanner instance creation

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mercari / microservices-terraform Private

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Just create a PR to create new GCP project

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Terraform plan on CI

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Terraform apply on CI

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Tool for notifying terraform result is open sourced Terraform apply on CI

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Common part (GCP project creation, Pagerduty setup) can be bootstrapped

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IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Stackdriver GCP project: GKE Production

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IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Logging…? Stackdriver GCP project: GKE Production

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How access limit stackdriver logging? Each team should be allowed to access only its service log

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IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Logging…? Stackdriver GCP project: GKE Production

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IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Stackdriver Big Query Big Query GCP project: GKE Production Create BQ for each services

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IAM: SRE Namespace: Service A RBAC: Team X Pod: A Pod: A Pod: A Namespace: Service B RBAC: Team Y Pod: B Pod: B GCP project: Service A IAM: Team X + SRE Cloud SQL GCP project: Service B Spanner IAM: Team Y + SRE Production Cluster Create BQ sink for each services Stackdriver Big Query Big Query sink sink GCP project: GKE Production Create BQ for each services

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BigQuery sink creation

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GCP and k8s Ecosystem

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Just create ingress it automatically creates DNS records with Cloud DNS

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Disaster Recovering Take backups of your cluster and restore in case of loss. with Cloud Storage

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Non GCP?

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Notification or Integration with GitHub vs. Container Builder

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Integration with external services like CDN or AWS vs. Stackdriver monitoring

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vs. Stackdriver error report Notification and Integration with GitHub

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vs. ?? GCP does not have chaos as a service

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Mercari ❤

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