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Entity Ranking by Learning and Inferring Pairwise Preferences from User Reviews AIRS2017 Shinryo Uchida, Takehiro Yamamoto, Makoto P. Kato, Hiroaki Ohshima, Katsumi Tanaka Kyoto University, Japan 1

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2 Which camera is more suitable for capturing a sport scene? Canon EOS 6D EF24-105 Price: $1,500 Sensor size: 35mm Shutter speed: 1/4000 - 30sec ISO: 100 - 102400 Focal length: 24 - 105mm Weight: 1,205g Attributes Nikon D7200 18-300 Price: $1,500 Sensor size: APS-C Shutter speed: 1/8000 - 30sec ISO: 100 - 102400 Focal length: 18 - 300mm Weight: 1,225g Attributes

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Definition Search Attribute − An attribute that a user can know its value before using the product − E.g., size, weight, ISO, price, … Experience Attribute − An attribute that a user cannot know its value unless they use the product − E.g., capturing sport scene, portability, usability, … 3 Nelson, P. (1970). Information and consumer behavior. The Journal of Political Economy, 311-329.

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Motivation  Difficult to predict the quality of an experience attribute from search attributes − especially for non-experts 4 Which camera is best for capturing beautiful photo? ? Sensor:APS-C Sensor:APS-H Sensor:35mm

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Learning to rank entities in terms of a given experience attribute based on their search attributes Research Goal = (0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.7, … ) = (0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, … ) = (0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, … ) Size Weight Rsl. F-value Search Attributes o(1) o(2) o(3) = 0.2 = 0.8 = 0.5 Rank Portability fq (o(2)) fq (o(1)) fq (o(3)) e.g. q = Portability (Experience Attribute) 1st 2nd 3rd 5

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Use pairwise preferences extracted from user reviews Basic Approach >Portable Pairwise preference >Portable >Portable … Reviews Training data (o(1) , o(2)) (o(1) , o(3)) (o(3) , o(4)) … Ranking SVM Extract Learn Represent entities by search attributes = (0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.7, … ) Size Weight Rsl. F-value o(1) : 6

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Pairwise Preference  Pairwise Preference(obj1 >attr obj2 ) − Order of objects in terms of a certain attribute − Extracted from comparative sentences written in user reviews 7 Extracted >Portable Pairwise pref. User Reviews is more portable than Comparative sentence

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Challenge  Few pairwise preferences in user reviews − Lack of training data 8 Extracted >Portable Pairwise pref. User Reviews is more portable than Comparative sentence >Portable >Portable >Portable >Portable

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Our Approach: Inferring Preferences Infer pairwise preferences based on attribute dependencies to gain the size of training data 9 Attribute Dep. Weight →− Portable >Weight Pairwise Pref. >Size Portable Size →− Portable Infer

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Attribute Dependency  Attribute Dependency(attr1 →[+|−] attr2) − Dependency between two attributes − Extracted from resultative conjunctions written in user reviews Attribute dep. Weight →− Portable Extracted User Reviews Resultative is portable because it is light 10

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Inferring Preferences Infer pairwise preferences based on attribute dependencies to gain the size of training data 11 Attribute Dep. Weight →− Portability >Weight Pairwise Pref. >Size Portable Size →− Portability Reviews Extracted Infer

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Confidence of Preferences  Motivation − Inferred pairwise pref. may not be reliable  Approach − Assign confidence to pairwise preferences 12 Portable Pairwise pref. explicitly written in reviews >Portable , 0.9 , 0.8 , 0.3 , 0.2 confidence score

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Confidence of Preferences 13 Attribute Dep. Weight →− Portable >Weight Pairwise Pref.

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Confidence of Preferences 14 Attribute Dep. Weight →− Portable >Weight Pairwise Pref.

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Confidence of Preferences 15 Attribute Dep. Weight →− Portable >Weight Pairwise Pref.

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Confidence of Preferences 16 Attribute Dep. Weight →− Portable >Weight Pairwise Pref.

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Method Overview Reviews Training data (o(1) , o(2), 1.0) (o(1) , o(3), 0.8) (o(4) , o(3), 0.6) … Extracted Learn By their search attributes Represented Attribute dep. Weight →− Portability Size →− Portability (o(1) , o(4), 0.4) (o(5) , o(1), 0.3) (o(2) , o(3), 0.2) … Fuzzy Ranking SVM >Portability Pairwise pref. >Portability >Portability … 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 >Portability Inferred pref. >Portability >Portability … 0.4 0.3 0.2 Infer Increase the size of training data by inference Confidence for pairwise pref. 17

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Fuzzy Ranking SVM 18 minimize: subject to: minimize: subject to: Ranking SVM [Joachim2002] Fuzzy Ranking SVM (Fuzzy SVM + Ranking SVM) minimize: subject to: Fuzzy SVM [Lin2002] Training data: { ( xi , xj , si ) } weight of training data Ranking SVM Ranking SVM weight of training data (confidence)

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Experiments Dataset Evaluation Metric Category # Entities # Reviews # Attributes Example experience attributes Cameras 688 15,473 47 Usability, feeling of hold Smartphones 624 33,731 186 Easy-to-hold, comfort Headphones 2,229 13,117 304 Clearness, richness collected from • Accuracy of learnt pairwise preferences evaluated by leave-one-out cross validation Ground Truth • Pairwise preferences written in reviews 20

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Baselines and Proposed Methods 20  Ranking by Frequency (Freq) − # of reviews that contain the query (= experience attr.)  Ranking by Regression (Reg) − Frequency as dependent variable  Without inference and confidence (L2R) − only uses pairwise preferences written in reviews  Without confidence (L2R+Inf) − Infers preferences but confidences are always set to 1.0  Inference and confidence (L2R+Inf+Conf) Baselines Proposed Methods

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 Learning to rank by pairwise preferences outperformed baselines − Frequency of experience attributes in reviews are not useful for ranking Experimental Results 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Cameras Smartphones Headphones Macro Average Freq Reg L2R L2R+Infer L2R+Infer+Conf baselines proposed 22

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 The inference (L2R+Infer(+Conf)) improved the performance of learning to rank (L2R) − Although the effect is small for headphones (few attribute dependencies found) Experimental Results 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Cameras Smartphones Headphones Macro Average Freq Reg L2R L2R+Infer L2R+Infer+Conf baselines proposed 23

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Summary  Learning to rank entities in terms of a given experience attribute based on search attributes − Helpful to non-experts  Key Ideas − Learning to rank by pairwise preferences − Inferring pairwise preferences - To gain the size of training data − Confidence for preferences - Fuzzy Ranking SVM 23