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Hitchhiker's Guide to Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries Droidcon Berlin 2024 John O’Reilly (@joreilly), Software Engineer, Neat

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@joreilly What we’ll cover The talk will use the various Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform samples I've been working on over the last 5+ years to provide a guided tour of a number of the key libraries used within them.

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@joreilly • PeopleInSpace ( • GalwayBus ( • Confetti ( • BikeShare ( • ClimateTrace ( • FantasyPremierLeague ( • GeminiKMP ( • MortyComposeKMM ( • StarWars ( • WordMasterKMP ( • Chip-8 ( KMP/CMP Samples

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@joreilly • PeopleInSpace • Koin, Ktor, Kotlinx Serialization, SQLDelight, KMP-NativeCoroutines • Confetti • Apollo Kotlin, Decompose, MultiplatformSettings, Coil • BikeShare • Realm, KMP-ObservableViewModel, Multiplatform Swift Package • ClimateTrace • Voyager, Molecule, Window Size Class, Compose on iOS, Jetpack Navigation • FantasyPremierLeague • Jetpack ViewModel, Jetpack Room, Jetpack DataStore, SKIE, KoalaPlot KMP/CMP Samples

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@joreilly • Voyager • Koala Plot • Compose Treemap Chart • Material 3 Window Size Class • Compose ImageLoader • Coil • Markdown Renderer • File Picker • Material Kolor • Kotlinx Coroutines • Kotlinx Serialization • Kotlinx DateTime • Ktor • SQLDelight • Apollo Kotlin • Realm • KStore • Koin • Decompose • Molecule • SKIE Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform Libraries Used • Jetpack ViewModel • Jetpack Room • Jetpack DataStore • Jetpack Navigation • Jetpack Paging • KMP-NativeCoroutines • KMP-ObservableViewModel • Generative AI SDK • MultiplatformSettings • KMMBridge • Multiplatform Swift Package • Kermit Logging

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@joreilly Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries by Year

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Confetti BikeShare ClimateTrace FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Shared KMP Code SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Repository Server DB ViewModel ViewModel RemoteAPI (Ktor)

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Covering in this section: • Koin • Ktor • SQLDelight • KMP-NativeCoroutines Shared KMP Code SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Repository Server DB ViewModel ViewModel RemoteAPI (Ktor)

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@joreilly Koin “A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform” PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly Koin expect fun platformModule(): Module fun commonModule() = module { singleOf( :: createJson) singleOf( :: createHttpClient) singleOf( :: PeopleInSpaceApi) singleOf( :: PeopleInSpaceRepository) } class PeopleInSpaceRepository : KoinComponent { private val peopleInSpaceApi: PeopleInSpaceApi by inject() … } PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly Koin PeopleInSpace expect fun platformModule(): Module fun commonModule() = module { singleOf( :: createJson) singleOf( :: createHttpClient) singleOf( :: PeopleInSpaceApi) singleOf( :: PeopleInSpaceRepository) } class PeopleInSpaceRepository : KoinComponent { private val peopleInSpaceApi: PeopleInSpaceApi by inject() … }

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@joreilly Koin actual fun platformModule() = module { single { AndroidSqliteDriver(PeopleInSpaceDatabase.Schema, get(), "peopleinspace.db") } single { Android.create() } } actual fun platformModule() = module { single { NativeSqliteDriver(PeopleInSpaceDatabase.Schema, "peopleinspace.db") } single { Darwin.create() } } Android iOS PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly Ktor “Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal e ff ort” PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly fun createJson() = Json { isLenient = true; ignoreUnknownKeys = true } fun createHttpClient(httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine, json: Json) = HttpClient(httpClientEngine) { install(ContentNegotiation) { json(json) } } Ktor PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace actual fun platformModule() = module { single { AndroidSqliteDriver(PeopleInSpaceDatabase.Schema, get(), "peopleinspace.db") } single { Android.create() } } actual fun platformModule() = module { single { NativeSqliteDriver(PeopleInSpaceDatabase.Schema, "peopleinspace.db") } single { Darwin.create() } } Android iOS Ktor

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@joreilly @Serializable data class AstroResult(val message: String, val number: Int, val people: List) @Serializable data class Assignment(val craft: String, val name: String, var personImageUrl: String? = "", var personBio: String? = "") @Serializable data class IssPosition(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double) Ktor PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly class PeopleInSpaceApi(private val client: HttpClient) { suspend fun fetchPeople() = client.get(“$baseUrl/astros.json").body() suspend fun fetchISSPosition() = client.get("$baseUrl/iss-now.json").body() } Ktor PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly SQLDelight “SQLDelight generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from your SQL statements. It veri fi es your schema, statements, and migrations at compile-time” PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly CREATE TABLE People( name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, craft TEXT NOT NULL, personImageUrl TEXT, personBio TEXT ); insertItem: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO People(name, craft, personImageUrl, personBio) VALUES(?,?,?,?); selectAll: SELECT * FROM People; deleteAll: DELETE FROM People; SQLDelight PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly peopleInSpaceQueries.transaction { // delete existing entries peopleInSpaceQueries.deleteAll() // store results in DB result.people.forEach { peopleInSpaceQueries.insertItem(, it.craft, it.personImageUrl, it.personBio ) } } SQLDelight - storing data PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly peopleInSpaceQueries.selectAll( // map result to Assignment data class mapper = { name, craft, personImageUrl, personBio -> Assignment(name = name, craft = craft, personImageUrl = personImageUrl, personBio = personBio) } ) ?. asFlow().mapToList(Dispatchers.IO) SQLDelight - retrieving data PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly ALTER TABLE People ADD COLUMN personImageUrl TEXT; ALTER TABLE People ADD COLUMN personBio TEXT; SQLDelight - migration PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly KMP-NativeCoroutines “A library to use Kotlin Coroutines from Swift code in KMP apps” PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly KMP-NativeCoroutines @NativeCoroutines override fun pollISSPosition(): Flow { ... } Kotlin shared code let sequence = asyncSequence(for: repository.pollISSPosition()) for try await data in sequence { self.issPosition = data } Swift PeopleInSpace

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Confetti BikeShare ClimateTrace FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly Confetti

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@joreilly Confetti

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@joreilly Confetti

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@joreilly Confetti SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Server Cache Shared KMP/CMP Code Repository (Apollo) Decompose Components Shared Compose UI

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@joreilly Confetti SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Server Cache Shared KMP/CMP Code Repository (Apollo) Decompose Components Shared Compose UI Covering in this section: • Apollo Kotlin • Decompose • MultiplatformSettings • Coil

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@joreilly Apollo Kotlin - GraphQL “A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for the JVM, Android, and Kotlin multiplatform.” Confetti

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@joreilly Apollo Kotlin val memoryFirstThenSqlCacheFactory = MemoryCacheFactory(maxSize).chain(sqlNormalizedCacheFactory) val apolloClient = ApolloClient.Builder() .serverUrl("https: / /") .addHttpHeader("conference", conference) .normalizedCache(memoryFirstThenSqlCacheFactory) .build() Confetti

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@joreilly Queries.graphql query GetConferences{ conferences { id timezone days name timezone themeColor } } Apollo Kotlin - Read Conference List (query) Confetti

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@joreilly Queries.graphql query GetConferences{ conferences { id timezone days name timezone themeColor } } Apollo Kotlin - Read Conference List (query) ConfettiRepository.kt val conferences: List = apolloClient .query(GetConferencesQuery()) .execute().data.conferences Confetti

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@joreilly Apollo Kotlin - Add Bookmark (mutation) Confetti Bookmarks.graphql mutation AddBookmark($sessionId: String!) { addBookmark(sessionId: $sessionId) { sessionIds } }

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@joreilly Apollo Kotlin - Add Bookmark (mutation) Confetti Bookmarks.graphql mutation AddBookmark($sessionId: String!) { addBookmark(sessionId: $sessionId) { sessionIds } } ConfettiRepository.kt apolloClient .mutation(AddBookmarkMutation(sessionId)) .execute()

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@joreilly Decompose “Decompose is a Kotlin Multiplatform library for breaking down your code into lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoC), with routing functionality and pluggable UI” Confetti

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@joreilly Decompose - Confetti Components Confetti AppComponent Conference Component Conferences Component Home Component SessionDetails Component SpeakerDetails Component Settings Component Sessions Component Speakers Component Bookmarks Component Venue Component

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@joreilly Decompose - Confetti Components Confetti AppComponent Conference Component Conferences Component Home Component SessionDetails Component SpeakerDetails Component Settings Component Sessions Component Speakers Component Bookmarks Component Venue Component

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@joreilly Decompose - Confetti Components Confetti Home Component Sessions Component Speakers Component Bookmarks Component Venue Component

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@joreilly Decompose - Confetti Components Confetti Home Component Sessions Component Speakers Component Bookmarks Component Venue Component UI UI UI UI UI

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@joreilly Decompose - HomeComponent sealed class Child { class Sessions(val component: SessionsComponent) : Child() class Speakers(val component: SpeakersComponent) : Child() class Bookmarks(val component: BookmarksComponent) : Child() class Venue(val component: VenueComponent) : Child() } Confetti

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@joreilly Decompose - HomeComponent class HomeComponent( componentContext: ComponentContext, val conference: String ) : ComponentContext by componentContext { private val navigation = StackNavigation() val stack: Value> = childStack( source = navigation, serializer = Config.serializer(), initialConfiguration = Config.Sessions, childFactory = :: child ) ... } Confetti

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@joreilly Decompose - HomeComponent Confetti class HomeComponent( componentContext: ComponentContext, val conference: String ) : ComponentContext by componentContext { private val navigation = StackNavigation() val stack: Value> = childStack( source = navigation, serializer = Config.serializer(), initialConfiguration = Config.Sessions, childFactory = :: child ) ... }

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@joreilly Decompose - HomeComponent ... private fun child(config: Config, componentContext: ComponentContext): Child = when (config) { Config.Speakers -> Child.Speakers( SpeakersComponent( componentContext = componentContext, conference = conference, onSpeakerSelected = onSpeakerSelected, ) ) ... } } fun onSpeakersTabClicked() { navigation.bringToFront(Config.Speakers) } Confetti

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@joreilly Decompose - HomeComponent ... private fun child(config: Config, componentContext: ComponentContext): Child = when (config) { Config.Speakers -> Child.Speakers( SpeakersComponent( componentContext = componentContext, conference = conference, onSpeakerSelected = onSpeakerSelected, ) ) ... } } fun onSpeakersTabClicked() { navigation.bringToFront(Config.Speakers) } Confetti

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@joreilly Decompose - Compose UI code Children( stack = component.stack ) { when (val child = it.instance) { is HomeComponent.Child.Speakers - > SpeakersView(child.component) ... } } Confetti

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@joreilly Decompose - SwiftUI UI code stack = StateValue(component.stack) var body: some View { ... let child = switch child { case let child as HomeComponentChild.Speakers: SpeakersView(child.component) ... } } Confetti

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@joreilly Multiplatform Settings “A Kotlin library for Multiplatform apps, so that common code can persist key-value data” Confetti

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@joreilly Multiplatform Settings commonMain class AppSettings(val settings: FlowSettings) { ... suspend fun setConference(conference: String) { settings.putString(CONFERENCE_SETTING, conference) } fun getConferenceFlow(): Flow { return settings.getStringFlow(CONFERENCE_SETTING, CONFERENCE_NOT_SET) } } Confetti

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@joreilly Multiplatform Settings Confetti commonMain class AppSettings(val settings: FlowSettings) { ... suspend fun setConference(conference: String) { settings.putString(CONFERENCE_SETTING, conference) } fun getConferenceFlow(): Flow { return settings.getStringFlow(CONFERENCE_SETTING, CONFERENCE_NOT_SET) } }

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@joreilly Multiplatform Settings Confetti androidMain singleOf( :: DataStoreSettings) { bind() } iosMain single { NSUserDefaultsSettings(NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults).toFlowSettings() }

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@joreilly Multiplatform Settings Confetti iosMain single { NSUserDefaultsSettings(NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults).toFlowSettings() } androidMain singleOf( :: DataStoreSettings) { bind() }

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@joreilly Coil “Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.” Confetti

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@joreilly Coil Confetti AsyncImage( model = speaker.photoUrl, contentDescription =, contentScale = ContentScale.Crop, modifier = Modifier.size(64.dp) .clip(CircleShape) )

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Confetti BikeShare ClimateTrace FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly BikeShare

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@joreilly BikeShare

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@joreilly BikeShare Shared KMPCode SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Repository Server Realm DB View Models (KMP-ObservableViewModel) RemoteAPI (Ktor)

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@joreilly Covering in this section: • Realm Kotlin • KMP-ObservableViewModel • Multiplatform Swift Package Shared KMPCode SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Repository Server Realm DB View Models (KMP-ObservableViewModel) RemoteAPI (Ktor) BikeShare

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@joreilly “Realm Kotlin makes persisting, querying, and syncing data as simple as working with objects in your data model, with idiomatic APIs that integrate directly with Coroutines and Flows.” Realm Kotlin BikeShare

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@joreilly Realm Kotlin - Open Database val configuration = RealmConfiguration.create(schema = setOf(NetworkDb :: class)) val realm = BikeShare

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@joreilly class NetworkDb: RealmObject { @PrimaryKey var id: String = "" var name: String = "" var city: String = "" var country: String = "" var latitude: Double = 0.0 var longitude: Double = 0.0 } Realm Kotlin BikeShare

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@joreilly Realm Kotlin - storing data realm.write { networkList.forEach { networkDto -> copyToRealm(NetworkDb().apply { id = name = city = country = latitude = networkDto.location.latitude longitude = networkDto.location.longitude }, updatePolicy = UpdatePolicy.ALL) } } BikeShare

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@joreilly Realm Kotlin - reading data BikeShare realm.query().asFlow()

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@joreilly KMP-ObservableViewModel “Library to use AndroidX/Kotlin ViewModels with SwiftUI” BikeShare

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@joreilly class CountriesViewModelShared : ViewModel() { private val cityBikesRepository: CityBikesRepository by inject() @NativeCoroutinesState val countryList = { ... }.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), emptyList()) } BikeShare KMP-ObservableViewModel

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@joreilly struct ContentView : View { @StateViewModel var viewModel = CountriesViewModelShared() var body: some View { List { ForEach(viewModel.countryList) { country in CountryView(country: country) } } } } BikeShare KMP-ObservableViewModel - SwiftUI

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@joreilly struct ContentView : View { @StateViewModel var viewModel = CountriesViewModelShared() var body: some View { List { ForEach(viewModel.countryList) { country in CountryView(country: country) } } } } BikeShare KMP-ObservableViewModel - SwiftUI

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@joreilly @Composable fun CountryListScreen(countrySelected: (country: Country) -> Unit) { val viewModel = koinViewModel() val countryList by viewModel.countryList.collectAsState() LazyColumn { items(countryList) { country -> CountryView(country, countrySelected) } } } BikeShare KMP-ObservableViewModel - Compose

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@joreilly Multiplatform Swift Package “Gradle plugin that generates a Swift Package Manager manifest and an XCFramework to distribute a Kotlin Multiplatform library for Apple platforms” BikeShare

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@joreilly Multiplatform Swift Package BikeShare // build.gradle.kts multiplatformSwiftPackage { packageName("BikeShareKit") swiftToolsVersion("5.9") targetPlatforms { iOS { v("14") } macOS { v("12")} } }

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@joreilly Multiplatform Swift Package BikeShare

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@joreilly BikeShare

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@joreilly KMMBridge

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Confetti BikeShare ClimateTrace FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly ClimateTraceKMP

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@joreilly ClimateTraceKMP

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@joreilly ClimateTraceKMP Shared KMPCode SwiftUI/Compose Client Compose Clients Repository Server KMP-ObservableViewModel (Molecule) Shared Compose UI KStore DB RemoteAPI (Ktor)

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@joreilly Covering in this section: • Voyager • Molecule • Window Size Class • Compose on iOS • Jetpack Navigation ClimateTraceKMP Shared KMPCode SwiftUI/Compose Client Compose Clients Repository Server Shared Compose UI KStore DB RemoteAPI (Ktor) KMP-ObservableViewModel (Molecule)

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@joreilly Voyager “Compose on Warp Speed! A multiplatform navigation library built for, and seamlessly integrated with, Jetpack Compose” ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Voyager class CountryListScreen : Screen { @Composable override fun Content() { val navigator = LocalNavigator.currentOrThrow CountryListView( .. . ) { country - > navigator.push(CountryEmissionsScreen(country)) } } } ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Voyager ClimateTrace class CountryListScreen : Screen { @Composable override fun Content() { val navigator = LocalNavigator.currentOrThrow CountryListView( .. . ) { country - > navigator.push(CountryEmissionsScreen(country)) } } }

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@joreilly Voyager @Composable override fun Content() { val navigator = LocalNavigator.currentOrThrow Scaffold( topBar = { CenterAlignedTopAppBar( title = { ... }, navigationIcon = { IconButton(onClick = { navigator.pop() }) { Icon(ArrowBack, contentDescription = "Back") } } ) } ) { ... } } ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Voyager ClimateTrace @Composable override fun Content() { val navigator = LocalNavigator.currentOrThrow Scaffold( topBar = { CenterAlignedTopAppBar( title = { ... }, navigationIcon = { IconButton(onClick = { navigator.pop() }) { Icon(ArrowBack, contentDescription = "Back") } } ) } ) { ... } }

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@joreilly Molecule “Build a StateFlow or Flow stream using Compose” ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Molecule private val events = MutableSharedFlow(capacity) val viewState: StateFlow = scope.launchMolecule( .. ) { CountryDetailsPresenter(events) } fun setYear(year: String) { events.tryEmit(CountryDetailsEvents.SetYear(year)) } fun setCountry(country: Country) { events.tryEmit(CountryDetailsEvents.SetCountry(country)) } ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Molecule @Composable fun CountryDetailsPresenter(events: Flow): CountryDetailsUIState { var uiState by remember { mutableStateOf(NoCountrySelected) } var selectedCountry by remember { mutableStateOf(null) } var selectedYear by remember { mutableStateOf("2022") } LaunchedEffect(Unit) { events.collect { event - > when (event) { is CountryDetailsEvents.SetCountry - > selectedCountry = is CountryDetailsEvents.SetYear - > selectedYear = event.year } } } .. ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Molecule .. LaunchedEffect(selectedCountry, selectedYear) { selectedCountry ?. let { country -> uiState = CountryDetailsUIState.Loading try { val countryEmissionInfo = repository.fetchCountryEmissionsInfo( .. ) val countryAssetEmissionsList = repository.fetchCountryAssetEmissionsInfo( .. ) uiState = CountryDetailsUIState.Success(country, selectedYear, countryEmissionInfo, countryAssetEmissionsList) } catch (e: Exception) { uiState = CountryDetailsUIState.Error("Error retrieving data from backend") } } } return uiState } ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Material 3 Window Size Class “set of opinionated breakpoints, the window size at which a layout needs to change to match available space, device conventions, and ergonomics” ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Material 3 Window Size Class ClimateTrace

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@joreilly ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Material 3 Window Size Class ClimateTrace val windowSizeClass = calculateWindowSizeClass() if (windowSizeClass.widthSizeClass == WindowWidthSizeClass.Compact) { Column(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) { ... } } else { Row(Modifier.fillMaxHeight()) { ... } }

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@joreilly Compose on iOS - Kotlin iosMain fun CountryListViewController(onCountryClicked: (country: Country) - > Unit) = ComposeUIViewController { val viewModel = koinInject() val countryList by viewModel.countryList.collectAsState() CountryListView(countryLis) { onCountryClicked(it) } } ClimateTrace

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@joreilly Compose on iOS - Kotlin ClimateTrace iosMain fun CountryListViewController(onCountryClicked: (country: Country) - > Unit) = ComposeUIViewController { val viewModel = koinInject() val countryList by viewModel.countryList.collectAsState() CountryListView(countryLis) { onCountryClicked(it) } }

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@joreilly Compose on iOS - SwiftUI struct CountryListViewShared: UIViewControllerRepresentable { let onCountryClicked: (Country) - > Void func makeUIViewController(context: Context) - > UIViewController { MainViewControllerKt.CountryListViewController { country in onCountryClicked(country) } } ... } ClimateTrace

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@joreilly ClimateTrace Jetpack Navigation

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@joreilly Jetpack Navigation ClimateTrace val navController = rememberNavController() ... composable(route = "countryList") { CountryListView(countryList.value) { country -> navController.navigate("details/${}/${country.alpha3}") } } composable("details/{countryName}/{countryCode}",) { backStackEntry -> val countryName = backStackEntry.arguments ?. getString("countryName") val countryCode = backStackEntry.arguments ?. getString("countryCode") ... CountryInfoDetailedView(country, viewModel.year, countryEmissionInfo, countryAssetEmissions) } }

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@joreilly PeopleInSpace Confetti BikeShare ClimateTrace FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly FantasyPremierLeague Shared KMP/CMP Code SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Repository Server Room DB View Models (Jetpack) Shared Compose UI RemoteAPI (Ktor)

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@joreilly Shared KMP/CMP Code SwiftUI Clients Compose Clients Repository Server Room DB View Models (Jetpack) Shared Compose UI Covering in this section: • Jetpack ViewModel • Jetpack Roon • Jetpack DataStore • SKIE • KoalaPlot FantasyPremierLeague RemoteAPI (Ktor)

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@joreilly Jetpack ❤ Kotlin Multiplatform!! FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly Jetpack ❤ Kotlin Multiplatform!! FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly Jetpack ViewModel FantasyPremierLeague “The ViewModel class is a business logic or screen level state holder. It exposes state to the UI and encapsulates related business logic. Its principal advantage is that it caches state and persists it through con fi guration changes.”

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@joreilly open class PlayerListViewModel : ViewModel(), KoinComponent { private val repository: FantasyPremierLeagueRepository by inject() val playerListUIState: StateFlow = { ... }.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, PlayerListUIState.Loading) } Jetpack ViewModel FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly “The Room persistence library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow for more robust database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite.” Jetpack Room FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly Jetpack Room - Entity FantasyPremierLeague @Entity data class Player( @PrimaryKey val id: Int, val name: String, val team: String, val photoUrl: String, val points: Int, val currentPrice: Double, val goalsScored: Int, val assists: Int )

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@joreilly Jetpack Room - Database FantasyPremierLeague @Database(entities = [Team :: class, Player : : class, GameFixture :: class], version = 1) abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() { abstract fun fantasyPremierLeagueDao(): FantasyPremierLeagueDao ... }

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@joreilly Jetpack Room - DAO FantasyPremierLeague @Dao interface FantasyPremierLeagueDao { @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE) suspend fun insertPlayerList(playerList: List) @Query("SELECT * FROM Player") fun getPlayerListAsFlow(): Flow> @Query("SELECT * FROM Player WHERE id = :id") suspend fun getPlayer(id: Int): Player // other queries }

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@joreilly Jetpack Room - Repository FantasyPremierLeague class FantasyPremierLeagueRepository { private val database: AppDatabase by inject() suspend fun writeDataToDb( ... database.fantasyPremierLeagueDao().insertFixtureList(fixtureList) } fun getPlayers(): Flow> { return database.fantasyPremierLeagueDao().getPlayerListAsFlow() } suspend fun getPlayer(id: Int): Player { return database.fantasyPremierLeagueDao().getPlayer(id) } }

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@joreilly “Jetpack DataStore is a data storage solution that allows you to store key-value pairs or typed objects with protocol bu ff ers. DataStore uses Kotlin coroutines and Flow to store data asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally.” Jetpack DataStore FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly Jetpack DataStore FantasyPremierLeague class AppSettings(private val dataStore: DataStore) { val LEAGUES_SETTING = stringPreferencesKey("leagues") val leagues: Flow> = { preferences - > getLeaguesSettingFromString(preferences[LEAGUES_SETTING]) } suspend fun updatesLeaguesSetting(leagues: List) { dataStore.edit { preferences - > preferences[LEAGUES_SETTING] = leagues.joinToString(separator = ",") } } }

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@joreilly Jetpack DataStore FantasyPremierLeague androidMain actual fun platformModule() = module { ... single { dataStore(get())} } fun dataStore(context: Context): DataStore = createDataStore( producePath = { context.filesDir.resolve("fpl.preferences_pb").absolutePath } )

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@joreilly Jetpack DataStore FantasyPremierLeague iOSMain actual fun platformModule() = module { .. single { dataStore()} } fun dataStore(): DataStore = createDataStore( producePath = { val documentDirectory: NSURL? = NSFileManager.defaultManager.URLForDirectory( directory = NSDocumentDirectory, inDomain = NSUserDomainMask, ... ) requireNotNull(documentDirectory).path + "/fpl.preferences_pb" }

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@joreilly “SKIE is a tool for Kotlin Multiplatform development that enhances the Swift API published from Kotlin.” SKIE FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly SKIE FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly SKIE - Suspend Functions Kotlin - LeaguesViewModel suspend fun getEventStatus(): List { return repository.getEventStatus().status } SwiftUI try await eventStatusList = viewModel.getEventStatus() FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly SKIE - Flows Kotlin - PlayerListViewModel val playerListUIState: StateFlow SwiftUI .task { for await playerListUIState in viewModel.playerListUIState { self.playerListUIState = playerListUIState } } FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly SKIE - Sealed Classes (Kotlin) sealed class PlayerListUIState { object Loading : PlayerListUIState() data class Error(val message: String) : PlayerListUIState() data class Success(val result: List) : PlayerListUIState() } FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly SKIE - Sealed Classes (Swift) switch onEnum(of: playerListUIState) { case .loading: ProgressView() .progressViewStyle(CircularProgressViewStyle()) case .error(let error): Text("Error: \(error)") case .success(let success): List(success.result) { player in PlayerView(player: player) } } FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly SKIE - Sealed Classes (Swift) FantasyPremierLeague

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@joreilly KoalaPlot FantasyPremierLeague “Koala Plot is a Compose Multiplatform based charting and plotting library allowing you to build great looking interactive charts for Android, desktop, ios, and web using a single API and code base.”

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@joreilly KoalaPlot FantasyPremierLeague ChartLayout( title = { ChartTitle(title) }) { XYChart( . .. ) { VerticalBarChart( series = listOf(barChartEntries.value), bar = { _, _, value -> DefaultVerticalBar( brush = SolidColor(Color.Blue), modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(barWidth), ) { HoverSurface { Text(value.yMax.toString()) } } } ) } }

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@joreilly Summary - Persistence SQLDelight, Realm, Apollo Kotlin, Jetpack Room, Multiplatform Settings, Jetpack DataStore - Remote API requests Ktor, Apollo Kotlin - Dependency Injection Koin - ViewModel/Component sharing KMP-ObservableViewModel, Jetpack ViewModel, Decompose,Molecule - Navigation Voyager, Jetpack Navigation - Swift/Kotlin interop KMP-NativeCoroutines, SKIE - Packaging Multiplatform Swift Package, KMMBridge - Compose UI Multiplatform Window Size Class, Coil, KoalaPlot, Compose on iOS

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@joreilly Questions