The Long-Tail Sale
Making Lots Of Cash By Building Trust & Reducing Friction
@brennandunn •
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The Happy Path of Sales...
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The Happy Path of Sales...
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The Happy Path of Sales...
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Slide 5 text High Friction!
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No content
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$2 per click
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$2 per click
3% conversion rate
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$2 per click
3% conversion rate
= $67 a trial
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$2 per click
3% conversion rate
= $67 a trial
10% convert to paid
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$2 per click
3% conversion rate
= $67 a trial
10% convert to paid
= $670 for a new customer
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“Who are you, and
why do you want my
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“How hard will it be
to start using this?”
Slide 18
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✓ Sign up
✓ Setup my account
✓ Get familiar with
the product
✓ Invite my team
✓ Explain why I
signed up for this
to my team
✓ Decide whether I
should invite my
✓ Invite my clients
✓ OMG throw a real
project at this and
pray I don’t
embarrass myself
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Very few people want to
buy software...
People want to
buy outcomes.
Slide 20
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Project management for freelancers
How to raise your rates? How do I fire my client? When
should I be invoicing?
Send traffic to your marketing site
Send traffic to a free e-course squeeze page that promises
to help someone find bigger & better clients
Convince someone to ditch their PM software and buy yours
Sell a book (with worksheets) that teaches consultants to
double their rates, cross-sell your PM software later
Slide 21
Slide 21 text
Project management for freelancers
How to raise your rates? How do I fire my client? When
should I be invoicing?
Send traffic to your marketing site
Send traffic to a free e-course squeeze page that promises
to help someone find bigger & better clients
Convince someone to ditch their PM software and buy yours
Sell a book (with worksheets) that teaches consultants to
double their rates, cross-sell your PM software later
Slide 22
Slide 22 text
Project management for freelancers
How to raise your rates? How do I fire my client? When
should I be invoicing?
Send traffic to your marketing site
Send traffic to a free e-course squeeze page that promises
to help someone find bigger & better clients
Convince someone to ditch their PM software and buy yours
Sell a book (with worksheets) that teaches consultants to
double their rates, cross-sell your PM software later
Slide 23
Slide 23 text
Project management for freelancers
How to raise your rates? How do I fire my client? When
should I be invoicing?
Send traffic to your marketing site
Send traffic to a free e-course squeeze page that promises
to help someone find bigger & better clients
Convince someone to ditch their PM software and buy yours
Sell a book (with worksheets) that teaches consultants to
double their rates, cross-sell your PM software later
Slide 24
Slide 24 text
Project management for freelancers
How to raise your rates? How do I fire my client? When
should I be invoicing?
Send traffic to your marketing site
Send traffic to a free e-course squeeze page that promises
to help someone find bigger & better clients
Convince someone to ditch their PM software and buy yours
Sell a book (with worksheets) that teaches consultants to
double their rates, cross-sell your PM software later
Slide 25
Slide 25 text
Project management for freelancers
How to raise your rates? How do I fire my client? When
should I be invoicing?
Send traffic to your marketing site
Send traffic to a free e-course squeeze page that promises
to help someone find bigger & better clients
Convince someone to ditch their PM software and buy yours
Sell a book (with worksheets) that teaches consultants to
double their rates, cross-sell your PM software later
Slide 26
Slide 26 text
April June August October January March
I paid $2.10 for a
sold them on DYFR
Signed up for
Bought my
Planscope, Planscope,