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All I wish I knew before running Istio in Production KCD Porto - Portugal Sep/24 by: Daniel Requena

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Agenda ➔ Whoami ➔ Our environment ➔ What I wish I knew ➔ Questions? ➔ References

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Dad, Husband, Nerd Bachelor in Computer Science Master Computer Engineering +20 years of XP in Sysadmin/DevOps/SRE…etc. Staff Engineer at iFood @traffic team Daniel Requena $Whoami

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Special Thanks Jhonn Frazão Eduardo Baitello Débora Berte Fagner Luz Jhonatan Morais Edson Almeida Fernando Junior Kelvin Lopes

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Our environment iFood? Big numbers ● Brazilian Food Delivery Company ● +100 millions orders per month ● ~5500 employees / ~2k engineers ● ~250K/600k RPS ● +8k Deploy per month ● ~3k microservices ● +54 Kubernetes Cluster

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Why this talk?

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Our environment Mesh ● Istio based ○ sidecar model ● Kubernetes only (no VMs) ● Running since Q1-2022 ● Current workload adoption: +70% ● Current traffic flow: +75%

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● Features ○ mTLS ○ Authn/Authz ○ Traffic management ■ Canary ■ Retry policy ■ Circuit Break ■ Rate Limit ○ Telemetry ○ Traces ○ Service Map (?) ○ + some custom extensions ● Important role in our multi-region strategy Our environment Mesh

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What I wish I knew Let's divide in topics ● Concepts and mental model ● Setup/Upgrades ● Scalability ● Monitoring ● Sidecar/Proxy stuff ● Cost ● Misc

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● Istio is an "Envoy configurator", at least in sidecar-mode (please, don't be mad)

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model Api Server Istio CRDs services endpoints … xDS Protocol Istiod Remote Api Server services endpoints

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● What else does it do it? ○ Adds its own rules and validations ○ It can choose different Envoy features ○ Has a mechanism for precedence and merge of objects ■ local ns ■ external ns ■ root ns (istio-system) ■ This rule can be affected by "ExportTo" configurations ■ some CRDs have different merge rules

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● What else does it do it? ○ Adds its own rules and validations ○ It can choose different Envoy features ○ Has a mechanism for precedence and merge of objects ■ local ns ■ external ns ■ root ns ■ This rule can be affected by "ExportTo" configurations ■ some CRDs have different merge rules

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● Most of the features are enforced in Client Side (sidecar mode) ○ Load Balancing ○ Retry ○ Locality ○ Timeout ○ etc… service-b.namespace.svc.cluster.local service-b

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model service-b.namespace.svc.cluster.local service-b

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model service-b.namespace.svc.cluster.local service-b service-d service-e

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● Envoy request workflow and "structures" Endpoint list: - - - - …

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● Envoy request workflow and "structures" ○ istioctl proxy-config [structure] args… ○ istioctl proxy-config logs ○ istioctl proxy-status

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What I wish I knew Concepts and mental model ● Envoy request workflow and "structures" ○ istioctl proxy-config [structure] args… ○ istioctl proxy-status

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What I wish I knew Setup ● Choose WISELY ○ Mesh type ■ Single Mesh ■ Isolated Meshes ○ Network Model ■ Single ■ Multi ○ Control plane setup ■ Centralized ■ Decentralized Our Setup ● Single Mesh ○ Per environment ● Multi-Cluster ○ Business units ● Multi-primary ○ Each cluster has its Istiod ● Multi-Network ○ Aws setup ○ k8s network setup

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What I wish I knew Setup

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What I wish I knew Setup

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What I wish I knew ● Downsides ○ N:N K8S Istio ratio (scalability) ○ Multiple upgrades processes ○ Namespace + Service "uniqueness" ○ Istio Service Discovery scope ○ East-West L4 is "problematic" ● Setup/maintenance processes ○ istioctl + istiooperator.yaml file (GitOps) Setup

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What I wish I knew Upgrades The mesh is a platform on its on… ● CRDs ● APIs ● Internal structures ● Proxy behaviour

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What I wish I knew Upgrades The Istio upgrade monster 👻 ● Benchmarks scared us ○ Difficult ○ Error prune ○ "We are far behind from supported version" ● Sandbox for the win! ● began 1.12 ● today 1.22 Revision based FROM DAY 1

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What I wish I knew Upgrades The Istio upgrade monster 👻 ● Benchmarks scared us ○ Difficult ○ Error prune ○ "We are far behind from supported version" ● Sandbox for the win! ● began 1.12 ● today 1.22 Revision based FROM DAY 1

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What I wish I knew Upgrades

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What I wish I knew Upgrades

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What I wish I knew Scalability ● Istio, by default, is greedy ○ All namespaces and services are "consumed" ○ Proxy configs are one of the biggest reasons for ■ adding latency ■ resources consumptions

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What I wish I knew Scalability ● Let's "fix" that. ○ discoverySelectors meshConfig: discoverySelectors: - matchExpressions: - key: istio-discovery operator: NotIn values: - disabled ○ All kubernetes and "machinery" namespaces

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What I wish I knew Scalability ● Let's "fix" that. ○ Default service "ExportTo" meshConfig: defaultServiceExportTo: - "~" services: labels: '*' ○ Only Mesh services will be recognized

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What I wish I knew Scalability ● Sidecar Object ○ Limits the "knowledge" of a sidecar about mesh ■ reduces configs/cost ○ How we solved this ■ Pipeline code scan (meh) ■ Consul Service Discovery 👍 ○ Sidecar Objects DON'T WORK for Gateways ■ see costs slides spec: egress: - hosts: - ./* - istio-system/* - '*/consumed.workload.svc.cluster.local' workloadSelector : labels: : my-app

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What I wish I knew Scalability

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What I wish I knew Scalability

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What I wish I knew Scalability ● Ingress Gateways ○ cpu, memory, connections, requests ● Some components just can't scale by itself (istiod) ○ 30 min connection ○ Flip-flop (unless big spike) ○ Just create a warm up routine

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What I wish I knew Monitoring ● 3 components ○ Istiod ○ Gateways (N/S - E/W) ○ Sidecars ● But, there are A LOT of Metrics

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What I wish I knew Monitoring ● Istiod ○ Convergence Time ○ Config erros (stall) ○ Certificate validation and emission ● Gateways (N/S - E/W) ○ Basic Resources ○ Envoy Open connections ● Sidecars (basic) ○ Resources (avoid overload or restarts)

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What I wish I knew Monitoring

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Configuration convergence time: ● pilot_proxy_convergence_time ● pilot_proxy_queue_time ● pilot_xds_push_time API XDS and sidecar injection errors: ● pilot_total_xds_internal_errors ● pilot_total_xds_rejects ● envoy.cluster_manager.cds.update_failure.count ● sidecar_injection_failure_total Configuration consistency: ● controller_sync_errors_total ● pilot_duplicate_envoy_clusters ● pilot_conflict_inbound_listener ● pilot_no_ip ● pilot_endpoint_not_ready Citadel certificate expire, emission and authentication errors: ● citadel_server_root_cert_expiry_timestamp ● citadel_server_cert_chain_expiry_timestamp ● citadel_server_authentication_failure_count ● citadel_server_csr_parsing_err_count What I wish I knew Galley configs validations: ● galley_validation_config_update_error ● galley_validation_config_load_error ● galley_validation_http_error ● galley_validation_failed Extra troubleshootings metrics (dashboards and stuff): ● pilot_inbound_updates ● pilot_push_triggers ● pilot_xds_pushes ● pilot_k8s_cfg_events ● pilot_xds ● pilot_virt_services ● pilot_services ● envoy_cluster_upstream_cx_active{cluster_name="xds-gr pc"} ● envoy_cluster_upstream_cx_rx_bytes{cluster_name="xds- grpc"} ● envoy_cluster_upstream_cx_tx_bytes{cluster_name="xds- grpc"}

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What I wish I knew Sidecar/Proxy stuff ● Start/Stop ● HPA ● Flags ○ UH/UF/UO/NR ● Connection "imbalance"

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What I wish I knew ● Port/protocol/Network exclusions ○ ○ ● Connections drains meshConfig: defaultConfig: proxyMetadata: MINIMUM_DRAIN_DURATION: "5s" EXIT_ON_ZERO_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS: "true" Sidecar

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What I wish I knew Sidecar/Proxy stuff ● HPA Main APP Sidecar HPA CPU: 80% Mem: 70% resources: request: memory: 512MB cpu: 500 resources: request: memory: 200MB cpu: 200

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What I wish I knew ● Two major cost factors ○ Sidecar resources (already "solved") ■ CPU ■ Memory ■ Ambient Mesh? ○ Data Transfer ■ Gateways receives ALL configs ■ Huge Mesh ■ Lots of workloads ■ Lots of Gateways Replicas Cost

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What I wish I knew Cost ● Data Transfer ○ Not a solved problem in production yet ■ Total TX: ~160G per day ■ Az isolated ASGs (gateways + istiod?) ■ Maybe Topology Aware Routing feature? ○ In sandbox - Pilot env: - name: PILOT_FILTER_GATEWAY_CLUSTER_CONFIG value: "true"

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What I wish I knew Misc ● Envoy filters ○ No compatibility guarantee during upgrades ○ We had problems ■ Internal structure problem (lua code) ■ Rate limit ● Default Retry 2! ○ Highly elastic apps (↑↓) ○ Endpoints update process can fail (503 increase) Warning: EnvoyFilter exposes internal implementation details that may change at any time. Prefer other APIs if possible, and exercise extreme caution, especially around upgrades.

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What I wish I knew Misc ● Guardrails ○ Block direct access and validate: ■ Gateway ■ Peerauthentication ■ VirtualServices ■ DestinationRules

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What I wish I knew

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References ● [Envoy request path] ● [Deployment Models] ● [CRDs Merge Policy] ● [Discovery Selectors] ● [Istio Ratelimit in iFood] ● [Istio in Action - Book] ● [Envoy Lv 2] ● [Envoy Edge] ● [LB gRPC with Service Mesh] ● [Kubernetes native sidecar] ● [Istio sidecar k8s support] ● [PILOT_FILTER_GATEWAY_CLUSTER_CONFIG discussion]