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@tyler_treat Cloud-Native Observability Tyler Treat / Cloud Native - Madison / June 6, 2019

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@tyler_treat Monitoring

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH grep

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH grep

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH System Behavior grep

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH System Behavior Actual Customer Impact grep

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@tyler_treat Monitoring

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH grep

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH Testing in Production at Scale, Amit Gud grep

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@tyler_treat APM Debugger Profiler SSH System Behavior Actual Customer Impact ??? grep

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@tyler_treat “Observability”

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@tyler_treat Post Hoc vs. Ad Hoc

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit”

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage”

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Unknown Knowns • Things we understand but are not aware of • “We implemented an orchestrator to ensure the system is always running” Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage”

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Unknown Knowns • Things we understand but are not aware of • “We implemented an orchestrator to ensure the system is always running” Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage”

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Unknown Knowns • Things we understand but are not aware of • “We implemented an orchestrator to ensure the system is always running” Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage” FACTS

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Unknown Knowns • Things we understand but are not aware of • “We implemented an orchestrator to ensure the system is always running” Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage” FACTS HYPOTHESES

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@tyler_treat Data Available Understanding Unknown Knowns • Things we understand but are not aware of • “We implemented an orchestrator to ensure the system is always running” Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage” ASSUMPTIONS FACTS HYPOTHESES

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@tyler_treat Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” DISCOVERIES Data Available Understanding Unknown Knowns • Things we understand but are not aware of • “We implemented an orchestrator to ensure the system is always running” Known Knowns • Things we are aware of and understand • “The system has a 1GB memory limit” Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage” ASSUMPTIONS FACTS HYPOTHESES

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@tyler_treat Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” DISCOVERIES Data Available Understanding Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage” HYPOTHESES Monitoring Observability

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@tyler_treat Unknown Unknowns • Things we are neither aware of nor understand • “Instances churn because the orchestrator restarts the process when it approaches its memory limit, causing
 sporadic failures and slowdowns” DISCOVERIES Data Available Understanding Known Unknowns • Things we are aware of but don’t understand • “The system exceeded its memory limit and crashed, causing an outage” HYPOTHESES Testing Exploring

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 Observability Data application logs system logs audit logs application metrics distributed traces events

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@tyler_treat Some
 Observability Data application logs system logs audit logs application metrics distributed traces events - Locked up inside a single vendor’s solution - Not readily available across the enterprise
 (or in some cases, too readily available) - Many tools and products needed for
 different data and use cases - Tool and data needs vary from team to
 team - Ever-changing landscape of tools, products,
 and services - Sheer volume of data can be overwhelming

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@tyler_treat System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client Amazon Glacier S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent

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System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent System Sp Un For Datad A Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datado A System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent System Splunk Universal Forwarder Datadog APM Agent Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datadog Metrics Agent System Sp Un For Datad A Universal Analytics Client S3 Client … Datado A Splunk Universal Forwarder Universal Analytics Client Splunk Universal Forwarder Universal Analytics Client Splunk Universal Forwarder Universal Analytics Client Sp Un For Universal Analytics Client System System System System

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@tyler_treat How big of a lift is it for your organization to change tools?

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@tyler_treat How easy is it to experiment with new ones?

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@tyler_treat Data Sources • VMs • Containers • Load balancers • Service meshes • Audit logs • VPC flow logs • Firewall logs • … Data Sinks • Centralized logging • SIEM • Monitoring • APM • Alerting • Cold storage • BI • … What data to send? Where to send it? How to send it?

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@tyler_treat A decoupled approach

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@tyler_treat What data to send? Where to send it? How to send it? Data Sources • VMs • Containers • Load balancers • Service meshes • Audit logs • VPC flow logs • Firewall logs • … Data Sinks • Centralized logging • SIEM • Monitoring • APM • Alerting • Cold storage • BI • … Observability Pipeline

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@tyler_treat The Observability Pipeline

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@tyler_treat Structure your damn data. 1. Data Specifications

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@tyler_treat log.error(“User '{}' login failed”.format(user))

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@tyler_treat ERROR 2019-04-05 13:26.42 User ‘tylertreat' login failed

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@tyler_treat log.error(“User login failed”, event=LOGIN_ERROR, user=“tylertreat”, email=“[email protected]”, error=error)

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@tyler_treat { “timestamp”: “2019-04-05 13:26.42”, “level”: “ERROR”, “event”: “user_login_error”, “user”: “tylertreat”, “email”: “[email protected]”, “error”: “Invalid username or password”, “message”: “User login failed” }

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@tyler_treat JSON is fine.

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@tyler_treat Pass a context object to everything.

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@tyler_treat def login(ctx, username, email, password): ctx.set(user=username, email=email) ... log.error(“User login failed”, event=LOGIN_ERROR, context=ctx, error=error) ...

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@tyler_treat { “timestamp”: “2019-04-05 13:26.42”, “level”: “ERROR”, “event”: “user_login_error”, “context”: { “id”: “accfbb8315c44a52ad893ca6772e1caf”, “http_method”: “POST”, “http_path”: “/login”, “user”: “tylertreat”, “email”: “[email protected]”, }, “error”: “Invalid username or password”, “message”: “User login failed” }

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@tyler_treat { “timestamp”: “2019-04-05 13:26.42”, “level”: “ERROR”, “event”: “user_login_error”, “context”: { “id”: “accfbb8315c44a52ad893ca6772e1caf”, “http_method”: “POST”, “http_path”: “/login”, “user”: “tylertreat”, “email”: “[email protected]”, }, “error”: “Invalid username or password”, “message”: “User login failed” }

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@tyler_treat Create standard specs for each data type collected (logs, metrics, traces).

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@tyler_treat Specs can enforce required fields (e.g. user id, license, trace id) and data types.

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@tyler_treat { “timestamp”: “2019-04-05 13:26.42”, “level”: “INFO”, “event”: “user_login”, “context”: { “id”: “accfbb8315c44a52ad893ca6772e1caf”, “http_method”: “POST”, “http_path”: “/login”, “user”: “tylertreat”,
 “user_id”: “3bb12f6c63274abe87fd1ee4ee37f3d2”,
 “license”: “942e6543f0844be680e72003d5e060fd”, “email”: “[email protected]”, } }

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@tyler_treat Specs alone aren’t enough! 2. Specification Libraries

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@tyler_treat We need libraries.

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@tyler_treat • Java: log4j • Go: logrus • Python: structlog • Ruby: ruby-cabin • .NET: serilog • JS: structured-log • etc. There are many existing libraries for structured logging.

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@tyler_treat For tracing and metrics, there are vendor-neutral APIs like OpenTracing and OpenCensus.

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@tyler_treat We need a lightweight agent that can collect data from hosts/containers. 3. Data Collector

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@tyler_treat Collect data, perform transformations/ filters, and write it to the data pipeline.

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@tyler_treat Typically runs as an agent on the host (DaemonSet in Kubernetes).

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@tyler_treat Data is written to stdout/stderr or a Unix domain socket.

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@tyler_treat Just use Fluentd or Logstash (+Beats).

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@tyler_treat We need a scalable, fault-tolerant data stream to handle the firehose of observability data generated. 4. Data Pipeline

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@tyler_treat This also provides a buffer that decouples producers from consumers.

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@tyler_treat Lots of options…

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@tyler_treat We need a component to consume data from the pipeline, perform filtering, and write it to the appropriate backends. 5. Data Router

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@tyler_treat This is where the data spec comes into play.

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@tyler_treat The data shape determines how incoming data is handled.

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@tyler_treat Data Pipeline Amazon Glacier Data Router logs traces metrics

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@tyler_treat Data Pipeline Amazon Glacier Data Router logs traces metrics

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@tyler_treat Data Pipeline Amazon Glacier Data Router logs traces metrics

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@tyler_treat This is primarily a stateless component writing to APIs.

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@tyler_treat Good fit for “serverless” solutions.

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@tyler_treat Piecing It All Together

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@tyler_treat You don’t need to build it out all in one go.

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@tyler_treat There are quick wins along the way!

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@tyler_treat Evolving to an Observability Pipeline • Adopt structured logging • Move log/data collection out of process • Use a centralized logging system • Introduce a streaming data solution • Start adding data consumers

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@tyler_treat Dev/Ops/SRE Systems Production

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@tyler_treat Dev/Ops/SRE Systems Production

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@tyler_treat Dev/Ops/SRE Systems Production

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@tyler_treat Dev/Ops/SRE Systems Production

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@tyler_treat Dev/Ops/SRE Systems Production

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@tyler_treat Dev/Ops/SRE Systems Production

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@tyler_treat CI/CD Pre- Production
 (theorizing about known unknowns) Post- Production
 (learning from unknown unknowns) Observability

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@tyler_treat Part 2: Demo

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@tyler_treat Trip Service Flight Service Hotel Service Car Rental Service DynamoDB DynamoDB DynamoDB DynamoDB Book Trip

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@tyler_treat Structured logging + context

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@tyler_treat Kubernetes

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@tyler_treat And now here’s some YAML…

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@tyler_treat Kubernetes

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@tyler_treat +

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@tyler_treat Kubernetes Kinesis

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@tyler_treat AWS Lambda

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@tyler_treat Kubernetes Kinesis Lambda

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@tyler_treat Kubernetes Kinesis Lambda CloudWatch Jaeger Stackdriver

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@tyler_treat Code:

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@tyler_treat Thank You