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2019 DevDay Now Supporting Dark Mode on LINE Messenger > Hitomi Komata (S_Shimotori) > LINE LINE iOS Team Software Engineer

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Dark Mode feature is coming soon!

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Agenda > What is Dark Mode for “LINE”? > Way to support Dark Mode > Future tasks

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What is Dark Mode
 for “LINE”?

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> Saving battery on OLED display > Less eye strain Dark Mode on iOS13

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LINE Theme “ண͔ͤ͑” “Black” & “Cony”

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What is Dark Mode for “LINE”? > A feature to change light or dark as you like > A burden on LINE’s multiple projects and technical debt CONFLICT: Merge conflict in Theme system.

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Way to support Dark Mode

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Legacy colors in “LINE”

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LDS semantic colors by LINE DESIGN SYSTEM primaryText #111111 / #FFFFFF secondaryText #555555 / #B7B7B7

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 static UIColor dynamic UIColor Color flow in “LINE” Theme
 setting file static UIColor LINE
 semantic color Force light mode temporarily

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iOS view hierarchy UINavigationController + modal transition UIWindow UITransitionView UINavigation
 Controller UIView
 Controller UITransitionView UIView
 Controller UINavigation

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Fix for new methods in iOS 13 > There is overlap between withTintColor(_:) and our tint method. > and so on. > UISearchBar’s specification is modified in iOS 13.

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Future tasks

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Future tasks of LINE Theme > Update LINE Theme system and assets for LINE DESIGN SYSTEM > Remove hardcoded colors and enable LINE Theme

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Summary > “LINE” supports Dark Mode feature,
 however some views are still forced in light mode in the first release. > LINE Theme continues to be updated! > Dark Mode feature is a part of Theme system in “LINE”.

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Thank You