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A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital Zend Expressive An Introduction For API Building

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Industry veteran: architect, engineer, leader, manager, mentor F/OSS contributor since 1994 Talking and writing about PHP since 2004 Chief Software Archaeologist Building Quality @GanbaroDigital About Stuart

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Follow me I do tweet a lot about non-tech stuff though :) @stuherbert

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? What framework(s) do you currently use for building APIs?

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@GanbaroDigital Zend Expressive is my framework of choice for building JSON API services.

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@GanbaroDigital I'm here to show you how I currently use Zend Expressive for building API services.

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@GanbaroDigital This is just how I go about it. I'm here to learn from you too.

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@GanbaroDigital In This Talk 1. Why Zend Expressive 2. Getting Started 3. Organising Your Code 4. Essential Elements 5. Testing Your API

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@GanbaroDigital I won't be comparing Zend Expressive against other frameworks.

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@GanbaroDigital Why Zend Expressive?

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@GanbaroDigital ?? ?? How can a framework help you build your API?

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@GanbaroDigital 1. Framework Isolation

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@GanbaroDigital To explain what this is, let's look at what happens when your API gets called.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital I want to be able to upgrade / replace the framework without touching anything else.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework v.Next Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital “Framework upgrades are very expensive. By isolating the framework, I can keep that cost under control.

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@GanbaroDigital This means that the "glue code" can't depend on the framework.

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@GanbaroDigital Neither can anything in the business model or data model.

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@GanbaroDigital This has other benefits.

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@GanbaroDigital 2. Glue Re-use

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@GanbaroDigital “ The more time I can spend on features, the more productive I am.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital PSR-7 / PSR-15 give me middleware and framework isolation.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Each piece of middleware is a standalone piece of logic.

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@GanbaroDigital It knows nothing about any other middleware. It knows nothing about the controller / action at the end of the pipeline.

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@GanbaroDigital 3. Change Isolation

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@GanbaroDigital “ The #1 cause of new defects in working code is change.

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@GanbaroDigital By isolating code, I can isolate the impact of code changes.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital I would rather repeat isolated code than have brittle DRY code.

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@GanbaroDigital “ Today's repeated code isn't always tomorrow's repeated code.

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@GanbaroDigital 4. Ability To Reason

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@GanbaroDigital PHP's core strength is just how damned deterministic its execution model is.

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@GanbaroDigital Anything that obfuscates it, or introduces non-determinism, increases your defect count.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Everything is traceable.

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@GanbaroDigital Everything is testable on its own.

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@GanbaroDigital Motivations Recap 1. Framework Isolation 2. Glue Re-use 3. Change Isolation 4. Ability To Reason

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@GanbaroDigital Zend Expressive satisfies all my motivations.

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@GanbaroDigital Your motivations may be different. Nothing wrong with that!

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@GanbaroDigital Getting Started

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@GanbaroDigital Guided Installation

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@GanbaroDigital composer create-project

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@GanbaroDigital Here's what I use when building JSON APIs.

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@GanbaroDigital The modular structure helps me achieve code isolation.

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@GanbaroDigital I haven't felt the need to try any of the others.

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@GanbaroDigital Coding against PSR-11 means there's no obvious benefit switching between modern DI containers.

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@GanbaroDigital My Zend Expressive API apps spend around 20% in the 'framework' column. Reducing that overhead is important to me.

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@GanbaroDigital I don't use any templating at all (yet) in my API apps.

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@GanbaroDigital I'm interested in creating self-documenting APIs one day. I will use Twig when that happens.

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@GanbaroDigital We'll come back to error handling shortly.

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@GanbaroDigital Organising Your Code

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@GanbaroDigital Zend Expressive uses a different layout than (say) Wordpress.

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@GanbaroDigital Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital config/ Config files - yours & the framework's Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ public/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Static assets (largely unused in APIs) Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital In something like Wordpress, everything lives in the 'public' folder AKA the DocRoot

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ public/ src/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Static assets (largely unused in APIs) Your glue code and business logic Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ public/ src/ test/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Static assets (largely unused in APIs) Your glue code and business logic Unit tests for what's in src/ Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ public/ src/ test/ vendor/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Static assets (largely unused in APIs) Your glue code and business logic Unit tests for what's in src/ Packages installed via composer Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital Zend Expressive uses PSR-4 autoloading to load each module in your app.

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ public/ src/ test/ vendor/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Static assets (largely unused in APIs) Your glue code and business logic Unit tests for what's in src/ Packages installed via composer Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital config/ data/ public/ src/ test/ vendor/ Config files - yours & the framework's Config cache home Static assets (largely unused in APIs) Your glue code and business logic Unit tests for what's in src/ Packages installed via composer Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital src/ Folder Structure Created By Installer

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ Folder Structure Created By Installer Your module

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ src/ PSR-4 Namespace starts here Folder Structure Created By Installer Your module

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@GanbaroDigital { ..., "autoload": "psr-4": { "App\\": "src/App/src" } }, ... }

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ src/ PSR-4 Namespace starts here Folder Structure Created By Installer Your namespaced code Your module

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ src/ ConfigProvider.php PSR-4 Namespace starts here Folder Structure Created By Installer Your namespaced code DI container / template config Your module

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ src/ ConfigProvider.php templates/ PSR-4 Namespace starts here Folder Structure Created By Installer Your namespaced code DI container / template config Your module Your views

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@GanbaroDigital First thing I do is replace 'App' with a sensible namespace, e.g. GanbaroDigital\BillingAPI\Core

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ Modular Folder Structure

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@GanbaroDigital src/ App/ Modular Folder Structure

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@GanbaroDigital src/ Core/ Modular Folder Structure Dumping ground

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@GanbaroDigital Then I add modules to provide functionality to business logic.

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@GanbaroDigital src/ Core/ Storage/ Health/ Datastore abstraction Modular Folder Structure Health check API Dumping ground

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@GanbaroDigital And modules for individual business logic areas.

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@GanbaroDigital src/ Core/ Storage/ Health/ Invoices/ Payments/ Datastore abstraction Modular Folder Structure Health check API Business logic Dumping ground More business logic

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@GanbaroDigital I prefer to have each API path route to its own module. e.g. /u/ganbarodigital/invoices /u/ganbarodigital/payments

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@GanbaroDigital One of the really nice things about Zend Expressive is that you can have whatever structure suits you.

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@GanbaroDigital Essential Elements

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@GanbaroDigital Zend Expressive provides a great platform for building API services.

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@GanbaroDigital Out of the box, it isn't a 100% ready-to-go API framework.

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@GanbaroDigital Most of what we need can be handled by building some middleware.

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital A couple of things need adding as services built by the DI container.

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@GanbaroDigital Logging

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@GanbaroDigital disaster-preparing-your-code-for-emergencies

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@GanbaroDigital Logging Needs ... 1. A logger in the DI container 2. Middleware to log all requests & responses 3. Middleware to add extra metadata

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@GanbaroDigital Use: Psr\Log\LoggerInterface as the request key into the DI container.

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@GanbaroDigital Have the DI container return a Monolog instance. You need Monolog's support for customising the logger after it has been created.

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@GanbaroDigital i.e. an 'immutable' logger is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard here!

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@GanbaroDigital Gradually add metadata fields to help you find relevant logs. Think of them like database indexes.

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@GanbaroDigital Add a 'uid' metadata: unique ID for that API request

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@GanbaroDigital Logging Needs ... 1. A logger in the DI container 2. Middleware to log all requests & responses 3. Middleware to add extra metadata

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@GanbaroDigital LogRequestsAndResponses: middleware to add initial metadata to the logger & capture inputs and outputs

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@GanbaroDigital Add a 'request-id' metadata: trace API calls across your architecture.

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@GanbaroDigital Logging Needs ... 1. A logger in the DI container 2. Middleware to log all requests & responses 3. Middleware to add extra metadata

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@GanbaroDigital In the Authentication middleware, add a 'user-id' to the logger's metadata.

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@GanbaroDigital Error Handling

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@GanbaroDigital Error Handling Needs ... 1. Common code for RFC 7807 responses 2. Common exception for error responses 3. Middleware to handle the common exception 4. Middleware for 404 Not Found handling

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@GanbaroDigital RFC 7807 defines a common format for API responses when an error has occurred.

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@GanbaroDigital Error Handling Needs ... 1. Common code for RFC 7807 responses 2. Common exception for error responses 3. Middleware to handle the common exception 4. Middleware for 404 Not Found handling

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@GanbaroDigital I have my business logic throw an 'ApiError' exception. The business logic creates the appropriate Response and stuffs it inside the exception.

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@GanbaroDigital Error Handling Needs ... 1. Common code for RFC 7807 responses 2. Common exception for error responses 3. Middleware to handle the common exception 4. Middleware for 404 Not Found handling

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@GanbaroDigital To catch (and log!) ApiError exceptions, I add a 'HandleApiErrors' middleware to my app's pipeline.

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@GanbaroDigital Error Handling Needs ... 1. Common code for RFC 7807 responses 2. Common exception for error responses 3. Middleware to handle the common exception 4. Middleware for 404 Not Found handling

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@GanbaroDigital I add a 'NotFoundHandler' to generate RFC 7807 responses for HTTP 404 errors.

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@GanbaroDigital Validation

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@GanbaroDigital Validation Needs ... 1. application/vnd+ Content-Type 2. JSON schema for input payloads 3. Middleware to validate against JSON schema 4. (optional) JSON schema for output payloads

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@GanbaroDigital I don't use application/json as my API Content-Type.

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@GanbaroDigital application/vnd+billingapi.invoice.v1

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@GanbaroDigital Validation Needs ... 1. application/vnd+ Content-Type 2. JSON schema for input payloads 3. Middleware to validate against JSON schema 4. (optional) JSON schema for output payloads

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@GanbaroDigital Validation Needs ... 1. application/vnd+ Content-Type 2. JSON schema for input payloads 3. Middleware to validate against JSON schema 4. (optional) JSON schema for output payloads

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@GanbaroDigital Add middleware to look at the incoming Content-Type and validate the payload against the matching JSON schema.

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@GanbaroDigital Validation Needs ... 1. application/vnd+ Content-Type 2. JSON schema for input payloads 3. Middleware to validate against JSON schema 4. (optional) JSON schema for output payloads

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@GanbaroDigital The same middleware can also validate all of your API responses.

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@GanbaroDigital Authentication

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@GanbaroDigital Authentication Needs ... 1. An identity provider 2. Middleware to handle CORS requests 3. Middleware to authenticate a user 4. Middleware to authorise a user

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@GanbaroDigital An identity provider is a user database + UI all in one.

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@GanbaroDigital A commercial one like might be easier than building your own.

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@GanbaroDigital Authentication Needs ... 1. An identity provider 2. Middleware to handle CORS requests 3. Middleware to authenticate a user 4. Middleware to authorise a user

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@GanbaroDigital The CORS spec mandates that some CORS-requests are always unauthenticated.

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@GanbaroDigital If your API can be called directly from JavaScript running in browsers, you must handle authentication inside your API app.

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@GanbaroDigital The world is moving to JavaScript consuming APIs. And better data privacy laws. Add support upfront.

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@GanbaroDigital Authentication Needs ... 1. An identity provider 2. Middleware to handle CORS requests 3. Middleware to authenticate a user 4. Middleware to authorise a user

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@GanbaroDigital Use separate middleware items for authentication and authorisation.

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@GanbaroDigital Authentication Needs ... 1. An identity provider 2. Middleware to handle CORS requests 3. Middleware to authenticate a user 4. Middleware to authorise a user

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@GanbaroDigital Keep authorisation simple. Use OAuth2 scopes, not RBAC.

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@GanbaroDigital In practice, RBAC schemes perform very poorly.

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@GanbaroDigital Metrics

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@GanbaroDigital Metrics Need ... 1. Metrics infrastructure (e.g. Prometheus) 2. A statsd client

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@GanbaroDigital disaster-preparing-your-code-for-emergencies

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@GanbaroDigital There's no PSR for a metrics client today.

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@GanbaroDigital Add your preferred metrics client to the DI container.

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@GanbaroDigital Call the client throughout your code to report timings and counters.

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@GanbaroDigital Don't use middleware to track your API response times. Get these timings from your Nginx logs.

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@GanbaroDigital Rate Limiting

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@GanbaroDigital Most APIs need to protect themselves from their heaviest users.

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@GanbaroDigital A common approach is to limit the number of requests per user, per time period.

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@GanbaroDigital Rate Limiting Needs ... 1. Identity provider to provide user IDs 2. Redis to track API usage 3. Middleware to update API usage 4. Cron job to reset API usage 5. Auto-scaling infrastructure

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@GanbaroDigital Rate Limiting Needs ... 1. Identity provider to provide user IDs 2. Redis to track API usage 3. Middleware to update API usage 4. Cron job to reset API usage 5. Auto-scaling infrastructure

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@GanbaroDigital Redis gives us atomic increment / decrement.

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@GanbaroDigital Using an external store like Redis makes auto-scaling possible.

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@GanbaroDigital Rate Limiting Needs ... 1. Identity provider to provide user IDs 2. Redis to track API usage 3. Middleware to update API usage 4. Cron job to reset API usage 5. Auto-scaling infrastructure

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@GanbaroDigital Add middleware to decrement per-user rate allowance and return errors when the allowance is used up.

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@GanbaroDigital The middleware can also add headers to responses to tell end-users what their remaining allowance is.

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@GanbaroDigital Rate Limiting Needs ... 1. Identity provider to provide user IDs 2. Redis to track API usage 3. Middleware to update API usage 4. Cron job to reset API usage 5. Auto-scaling infrastructure

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@GanbaroDigital Easiest way to give the end-user their next allowance is from a cron job or equivalent.

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@GanbaroDigital Don't build cron features into your API service. Use the real thing.

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@GanbaroDigital Rate Limiting Needs ... 1. Identity provider to provide user IDs 2. Redis to track API usage 3. Middleware to update API usage 4. Cron job to reset API usage 5. Auto-scaling infrastructure

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@GanbaroDigital In practice, per-user rate limits don't protect you when everyone wants to use the API at the same time.

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@GanbaroDigital Auto-scaling infrastructure is your friend there.

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@GanbaroDigital Testing APIs

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@GanbaroDigital Bootstrap Routing Dispatch Response Framework Glue Code Business Logic Controller Features Middleware Middleware Middleware Features

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@GanbaroDigital Write unit tests for individual components.

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@GanbaroDigital Write end-to-end tests for the API as a whole.

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Thank You Can We Help You? A presentation by @stuherbert
 for @GanbaroDigital