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A Journey to Type-safe Vectors in F# 2020/04/17 @ Kata-System Matsuri Online cannorin

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$ whoami cannorin Member of F# Software Foundation Member of Ionide Maintainer of / Contributing to: - fsprojects/FSharpPlus - ionide/Ionide-vim - ocaml/ocaml-lsp, etc Visit for more details

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SPOILER ALERT! ● Type-level naturals and booleans ● Efficient and type-safe vectors (fixed-length array) ● Clean and intuitive syntax to use them ● As a vanilla F# library (not as a language extension!)

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Type-level Naturals, at the very beginning Naturals as Peano numbers

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Type-level Naturals, at the very beginning Defining addition for Peano naturals

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Type-level Naturals, at the very beginning Now we must bring it to the type-level, but how to define addition for this?

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Exploiting overload resolution “Inline” functions can use ad-hoc polymorphism

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This allows us to write overloaded functions Overload resolution = Matching against types Exploiting overload resolution

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We can define addition (and other operations) with recursive overload resolution Exploiting overload resolution

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We need type-level Booleans, too

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We need type-level Booleans, too So that we can have type-level assertions

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Vector implementation, the first try And now we can implement vectors!

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We can also implement type-safe index access thanks to type-level naturals, but... Vector implementation, the first try

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The Cons (definitely not about the list constructor ) ● Type naturals are tedious to write by hand (1) ● Vector creation is not really type-safe (2)

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The solution (also definitely not about that thing in Visual Studio) ➔ Create type naturals from compile-time constants ➔ Use tuples and count their arity to create vectors

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Creating type naturals from compile-time constants We can use Type Providers for this

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Creating type naturals from compile-time constants Type Providers: • Compile-time type generator, basically • Can take constant values (such as JSON schemas) as input and generate types based on them • Fully integrated into the language = Nice IDE support • No deep dive today, would deserves a separate talk

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Here TypeNat<_> and Vector.Get<_> are type providers, which takes an integer and generates a specialized type to work with the corresponding type-level natural Creating type naturals from compile-time constants

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n-tuples (n > 7) have nested representations under the hood Using tuples for vector creation

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Being nested means we can effectively match against them Using tuples for vector creation

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• Count the arity of a given tuple with type naturals • Extract elements from the tuple and store them in an array • All done with overload resolution, with no reflection involved Using tuples for vector creation

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Finally, we get this... • Clean, intuitive, and type-safe • Very small run-time overhead (no reflection/boxing)

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Looks awesome? You can use them soon™! Included as part of upcoming FSharpPlus[1] v2.0 release with a lot of familiar and useful functions such as: [1]:

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One more thing...