Understand when and how to use Vector drawables and how to use them
to their fullest.
Learn how to deal with common pain points.
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First, there were rasters
Raster : bitmap / png / jpg / webp / …
• An asset that describes it’s content as an array of pixels
• Works great for images
• Can be very heavy
• Need to be duplicated for each density
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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First, there were rasters
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Then, came SVGs
Scalable Vector Graphics
• Describes curves that can be rendered in any size
• Infinitely scalable
• Very nimble and don’t have to be duplicated
• Some bonus features you can’t achieve with rasters
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Then, came SVGs
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Then, came SVGs
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What’s in there ?
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• viewBox : size of the canvas where you describe the curves of this vector
• height/width : size in pixel of this svg when rendered, ≠ viewBox
• fill : color fill for this vector/path
• path : curve to draw on the screen
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A path you said ?
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A path you said ?
Let’s define a viewbox :
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
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A path you said ?
First instruction : Move
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A path you said ?
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A path you said ?
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A path you said ?
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l vs L
• Upper case : absolute coordinates
• lower case : relative coordinates
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A path you said ?
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A path you said ?
closes the current curve with
a straight line to its starting
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A path you said ?
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A path you said ?
horizontal and vertical lines
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A path you said ?
horizontal and vertical lines
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A path you said ?
you can also control how
your curves are drawn
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you get the idea
many more commands are
available :
elliptical arc
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Up to powerful instructions
such as Bezier curves
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I thought this was about Android ?
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I thought this was about Android ?
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I thought this was about Android ?
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Vector Drawable
• That’s an Android resource !
-> can be used just as any other drawable
-> can use @color for fills, @string for paths, @dimen for dimensions
• It’s NOT an SVG !!!
-> only a subset of the SVG norm is supported
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No content
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How to convert ?
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Is it that easy ?
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Most common issue :
even-odd path
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Most common issue :
even-odd path