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A designer’s response to the digital age #FGis10

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2 hell

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3 Ben Holliday
 Design Director @benholliday #FGis10

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4 10 years of creating better public services
 fit for the 21st century, together. Design Tech Change

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5 An integrated (re)design approach in the public sector Services Products Organisations

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6 Services in local government and beyond Transport Housing Health & Adult 
 Social Care Children’s 
 services Community
 safety Charities/
 3rd Sector

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7 Design is a 
 good idea

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It’s important that we start by imagining something better than what already exists. 8

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A new vision for what could be possible. Ideas are how you get started. 9

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Slide 10 text It’s arrogant to think you can change the world. But it’s also necessary. 10

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Boldness and scale of civic architecture. There’s a positivity and optimism to it. 11

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How can we be ambitious and bold for a digital age? 12

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13 What it means
 to be digital

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Digital is
 not only technology, 
 but a mindset
 & ways of working. 14

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DIGITAL: Applying the culture, practices & processes of the internet- era to respond to people’s raised expectations 15 Tom Loosemore @tomskitomski

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16 Internet-era services have changed our lives

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17 Internet-era companies Have a useful and usable vision
 With a compelling emotional component and clear picture of the future. Ambition to re-think fundamentally
 Products, services and business models. Focus on outcomes
 Learning what works and responding to feedback. Adaptable
 Making it faster to change direction.

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Public services 
 are beginning 
 to look more 
 like this. 18

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19 The Internet of Things (IoT)

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20 Transparent
 Built on trust and consent. Faster
 Moving towards instantaneous. Automated
 Efficient. Connected People, data and experiences. Things of
 the internet Accessible
 Usable and reliable. Responsive
 Adaptable and highly tailored. Open
 Anywhere, anytime and 
 always on.

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21 Convenience 
 isn’t digital

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22 In accepting convenience we fail to question why we’re not managing our time and priorities.

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23 Solving the problem of having to find great recipes and then shop for ingredients.

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24 Something that’s being sold to you as more convenient may well be a lost social interaction that you’ll never get back.

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25 Faced with unlimited and immediate choice we find ourselves making bad decisions.

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26 The challenge is redistributing 
 the impact of technology

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27 Attention-driven design

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28 Connection-driven design

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We can use emerging technology to create social value 29

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30 A designer’s response

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31 GOAL: Services and products capable of increasing social cohesion and individual connection, with a hyper-local and highly tailored individual focus.

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32 How will you respond to the challenge?

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 you #FGis10

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Q&A #FGis10