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WP Chattanooga 2/6/2017 Securing your SELF (Basics)

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How do they work? - User inputs password - Website “hashes” the password with complex mathematical formula - Website compares the hashed password with the stored hash - If they match, the site will log you in

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Yours are bad and you should feel bad.

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The Math of a 6 Character Password Character Types Equation Possibilities Brute Forced In: Numeric 10^6 1,111,110 1 second Lowercase 26^6 321,272,406 5m 21s Mixed Case 52^6 20,158,268,676 5h 35m 58s Mixed Case Numeric 62^6 57,731,386,986 16h 2m 11s MCN w/ Symbols 76^6 195,269,260,956 2d 6h 14m 29s

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AVERAGE Math of a 6 Character Password Character Types Equation Possibilities Brute Forced In: Numeric 10^6 1,111,110 1 second Lowercase 26^6 321,272,406 2m 50s Mixed Case 52^6 20,158,268,676 2h 45m Mixed Case Numeric 62^6 57,731,386,986 8h MCN w/ Symbols 76^6 195,269,260,956 1d 3h

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“Real” Math of an AVG 8 Character Password Character Types Equation Possibilities Brute Forced In: Numeric 10^6 1,111,110 <1 second Lowercase 26^6 321,272,406 <1 second Mixed Case 52^6 20,158,268,676 <1 hr Mixed Case Numeric 62^6 57,731,386,986 <3 hr MCN w/ Symbols 76^6 195,269,260,956 <9 hr

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Solutions for Brute Force

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Plugins to Detect Brute Force - Jetpack’s “Protect” feature - iThemes Security - WP Limit Login Attempts - Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall - SiteGuard WP Plugin - Shield WordPress Security

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But none of that even matters.

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YOU are the weakest link, even with the best brute force plugin.

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You likely have been or will be pwned.

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Solutions for Being Pwned

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Password Manager Options - LastPass - Password Manager (I use this one and like it) - Dashlane 4 - Zoho Vault - LogMeOnce - RoboForm

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Password Manager - Generates a (truly) random password for every site you visit - Stores all password in an encrypted manner - One master password, protected locally, by 2FA, and brute force detection

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What is 2FA?

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How do you identify yourself? Three vectors: - Something you are (Likeness, DNA, fingerprint) - Something you have (ID Card, Phone Number) - Something you know (Password, username)

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Two Factor Authentication

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WordPress 2FA Methods - Clef - Duo - Authy - Google Authenticator - Rublon - WordFence

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But none of that even matters.

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YOU are the weakest link, even with the strongest password manager

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Encryption (SSL / VPN)

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WITH Encryption (SSL / VPN)

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PWNED Username / Password / Credit Cards

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WITHOUT Encryption (SSL / VPN)

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AWW :( 8a34ee6f0378bc4637635f771e966af1

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WordPress Plugins for SSL (HTTPS redirect) - Really Simple SSL - SSL Insecure Content Fixer - WP Force SSL

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Easy VPN Services - PrivateTunnel - PIA (Private Internet Access - Tor OR, set up your own on: - Linode - Digital Ocean - AWS

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