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How to get career credit for software Arfon Smith

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Software is important How Do Scientists Develop and Use Scientific Software?, Hannay et al, 2009

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Software is important becoming increasingly ^

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deep intellectual contributions (Are) now encoded in software. Victoria Stodden

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the skills required to be a successful scientific researcher are increasingly indistinguishable from the skills required to be successful in industry. Jake VanderPlas

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We must find a way to legitimize software as a form of scholarship. Phil Bourne, Director for Data Science, NIH

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Until relatively recently, publishing software generally required (novel) scientific results Still true in many disciplines

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Many barriers to software being a first-class citizen

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Challenge Technical Cultural How do you cite software? ✔ ❌ Software Citations aren’t allowed ❌ ✔ software isn’t citable ✔ ❌ Software citations aren’t indexed ✔ ✔ Software isn’t peer reviewed ❌ ✔ Software can’t cite other software ✔ ❌

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(ii) Many of our journals are society led/operated (i) ADS is a benevolent indexer

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Two things…

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Make something citable 1

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Slide 17 text Olsen, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard. PyFraME: Python tools for Fragment-based Multiscale Embedding. (2018). doi:10.5281/ zenodo.1168860

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* Full disclosure: I’m EIC of JOSS

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Make it easy to be cited 2

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R > citation(‘ggplot2') To cite ggplot2 in publications, please use: H. Wickham. ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis. Springer New York, 2009. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Book{, author = {Hadley Wickham}, title = {ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis}, publisher = {Springer New York}, year = {2009}, isbn = {978-0-387-98140-6}, url = {}, }

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Python > import astroML as aml > aml.__citation__ @INPROCEEDINGS{astroML, author={{Vanderplas}, J.T. and {Connolly}, A.J.and {Ivezi{\'c}}, {\v Z}. and {Gray}, A.}, booktitle={Conference on Intelligent Data Understanding (CIDU)}, title={Introduction to astroML: Machine learning for astrophysics}, month={Oct.}, pages={47 -54}, doi={10.1109/CIDU.2012.6382200}, year={2012} }

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AAS Journals welcome papers which describe the design and function of software of relevance to research in astronomy and astrophysics. Such papers should contain a description of the software, its novel features and its intended use. Such papers need not include research results produced using the software, although including examples of applications can be helpful. There is no minimum length requirement for software papers. ” “

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Tell me exactly what to do: Publish your code (and put a license on it) Make your code ‘citable’ by archiving in Zenodo or figshare Encourage people to cite you Write a short paper in e.g. RNAAS or JOSS Write a full paper for ApJ (or other venue)

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[WIP]: How to GIVE career credit for software Arfon Smith

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When do you have power and influence as an academic?

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(i) In your research group/team (ii) As a reviewer (peer review, grant review panels) (iii) As a member of a search committee (iv) On a tenure review committee (v) When influencing policy (group, department, professional society, funding agency)

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