Social Proofing
Presented by:
Brandon Schmidt
5,328 other marketers are doing it,
and so should you
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General message about water
75% of guests in this hotel use
their towels more than once
75% of guests in this room use
their towels more than once
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Social Validation
Pack Mentality
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Social Proof
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Social Proof
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“…one means we use to
determine what is correct is to
find out what other people
think is correct.” (p.116)
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Professional Clappers in
1820s France
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Uncertainty Similarity Numbers Expertise
Levers of Social Proof
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Types of Social Proof
Individual Crowd Expert
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Individual Proof
• Curated Review
• User Generated Review
• User Generated Content
• Case Study
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Individual Proof / Curated Review
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Individual Proof / Curated Review
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Individual Proof / User Generated Review
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Individual Proof / User Generated Review
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Individual Proof / User Generated Content
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Individual Proof / Case Study
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Individual Proof / Case Study
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Individual Proof / Case Study
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Wisdom of the Crowd
• Aggregated Review
• Visual Display
• Brag Worthy Numbers
• Name Dropping
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Crowd Proof / Aggregated Review
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Crowd Proof / Aggregated Review
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Crowd Proof / Visual Display
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Crowd Proof / Visual Display
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Crowd Proof / Brag Worthy Numbers
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Crowd Proof / Brag Worthy Numbers
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Crowd Proof / Brag Worthy Numbers
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Crowd Proof / Name Dropping
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Expert Proof
• Critic Review
• Award
• Certification
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Expert Proof / Critic Review
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Expert Proof / Award
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Expert Proof / Award
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Expert Proof / Local Awards
Guide to Winning Local Business Awards:
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Expert Proof / Certification
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Negative Effects
of Social Proofing
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“weapon of influence”
Ripe for manipulation
Negative Effects / Unethical Means
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Negative Effects / Reverse Response
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Negative Effects / Fake
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Negative Effects / Fake
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Negative Effects / Fake
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Negative Effects / Block Out
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Case Study:
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Week 1
Week 2
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Before & After Page
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Thank You!
Brandon Schmidt
Director of Digital Strategy
YDOP Internet Marketing