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Va debugger ton par Stéphane Wirtel PyCon FR 2017 - Toulouse - 23/09/2017 1 / 107

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Salut, je suis Stéphane par ma fille 1 / 107

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Qui aime developper... ? 2 / 107

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Debugger c'est Hard! 3 / 107

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Que fait ce code ? # Example 1 def main(): for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 if i == 4: print('Salut PyConFR 2017') if __name__ == '__main__': main() 4 / 107

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Que fait ce code ? # Example 1 def main(): for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 if i == 4: print('Salut PyConFR 2017') if __name__ == '__main__': main() $ python $ 5 / 107

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La sacro-sainte fonction print() 6 / 107

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La sacro-sainte fonction print() # Example 2 def main(): for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 print(i) if i == 4: print('Salut PyConFR 2017') 7 / 107

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La sacro-sainte fonction print() # Example 2 def main(): for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 print(i) if i == 4: print('Salut PyConFR 2017') $ python 0 0 0 $ 8 / 107

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Le module logging 9 / 107

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Utilisons logging # Example 3 import logging def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'start program') logging.debug("before loop") for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 logging.debug(i) logging.debug("after loop") if i == 4: print("Hello PyConFR 2017") logging.debug("Hello PyConFR 2017")'end program') if __name__ == '__main__': main() 10 / 107

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Utilisons logging # Example 3 import logging def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'start program') logging.debug("before loop") for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 logging.debug(i) logging.debug("after loop") if i == 4: print("Hello PyConFR 2017") logging.debug("Hello PyConFR 2017")'end program') if __name__ == '__main__': main() INFO:root:start program INFO:root:end program 11 / 107

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Utilisons logging # Example 4 import logging def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)'start program') logging.debug("before loop") for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 logging.debug(i) logging.debug("after loop") if i == 4: print("Hello PyConFR 2017") logging.debug("Hello PyConFR 2017")'end program') if __name__ == '__main__': main() 12 / 107

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Utilisons logging INFO:root:start program DEBUG:root:before loop DEBUG:root:0 DEBUG:root:0 DEBUG:root:0 DEBUG:root:after loop INFO:root:end program 13 / 107

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Utilisons logging INFO:root:start program DEBUG:root:before loop DEBUG:root:0 DEBUG:root:0 DEBUG:root:0 DEBUG:root:after loop INFO:root:end program Obligé de modifier le niveau de log pour voir ce qu'il se passe. 14 / 107

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Cool mais Modification du code Execution Oubli de supprimer le print en production... 15 / 107

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que faire, quoi utiliser... 16 / 107

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Un debugger! 17 / 107

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PDB Python Debugger est l'outil natif pour aider les développeurs à trouver et corriger les bugs de leur logiciel fétiche (ou celui que l'on récupère d'un ancien collègue ou prestataire...) 18 / 107

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Eh oui, Python vient avec un debugger! 19 / 107

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Comment faire import pdb; pdb.set_trace() 20 / 107

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Comment faire import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Example 5 import pdb def main(): for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 if i == 4: print("Hello PyConFR 2017") if __name__ == '__main__': pdb.set_trace() main() 21 / 107

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Comment faire import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Example 5 import pdb def main(): for i in range(1, 4): i /= 4 if i == 4: print("Hello PyConFR 2017") if __name__ == '__main__': pdb.set_trace() main() $ python > -> for i in range(1, 4): 22 / 107

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Comment faire Example 6 import pdb def do_something(): raise Exception("bug") def main(): try: do_something() except Exception: pdb.post_mortem() if __name__ == '__main__': main() 23 / 107

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Comment faire Example 6 import pdb def do_something(): raise Exception("bug") def main(): try: do_something() except Exception: pdb.post_mortem() if __name__ == '__main__': main() > -> raise Exception("bug") (Pdb) bt -> do_something() > -> raise Exception("bug") (Pdb) ll 3 def do_something(): 4 -> raise Exception("bug") (Pdb) 24 / 107

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Comment faire On peut aussi charger pdb comme un module à la ligne de commande. $ python -m pdb $ python -m pdb -c "command" 25 / 107

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Prenons un exemple lisant un .csv 26 / 107

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Prenons un exemple lisant un .csv import pendulum import csv class Event: def __init__(self, name, date): = name = pendulum.parse(date) def get_events(stream): for row in csv.reader(stream): yield Event(*row) def main(): with open('events.csv') as stream: for event in get_events(stream): print(, if __name__ == '__main__': main() 27 / 107

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Prenons un exemple lisant un .csv import pendulum import csv class Event: def __init__(self, name, date): = name = pendulum.parse(date) def get_events(stream): for row in csv.reader(stream): yield Event(*row) def main(): with open('events.csv') as stream: for event in get_events(stream): print(, if __name__ == '__main__': main() PyCon France,2017-09-21 PyCon Canada,2017-11-18 PyCon US,2017-05-17 Python FOSDEM,2018-02-03 Python TOTO,x 28 / 107

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Prenons un exemple lisant un .csv $ python Non d'un petit Python, CRASH avec deux exceptions :/ PyCon France 2017-09-21T00:00:00+00:00 PyCon Canada 2017-11-18T00:00:00+00:00 PyCon US 2017-05-17T00:00:00+00:00 Python FOSDEM 2018-02-03T00:00:00+00:00 File "/home/stephane/.virtualenvs/flask/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dateutil/par raise ValueError("Unknown string format") ValueError: Unknown string format During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: File "/home/stephane/.virtualenvs/flask/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pendulum/par raise ParserError('Invalid date string: {}'.format(text)) pendulum.parsing.exceptions.ParserError: Invalid date string: x 29 / 107

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Je débugge $ python -m pdb > -> import pendulum (Pdb) 30 / 107

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Je liste mon code avec l ou ll (Pdb) ll 1 -> import pendulum 2 import csv 3 4 class Event: 5 def __init__(self, name, date): 6 = name 7 = pendulum.parse(date) 8 9 def get_events(stream): 10 for row in csv.reader(stream): 11 yield Event(*row) 12 13 def main(): 14 with open('events.csv') as stream: 15 for event in get_events(stream): 16 print(, 17 18 if __name__ == '__main__': 19 main() 31 / 107

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J'avance d'une ligne (Pdb) next > -> import csv 32 / 107

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J'avance d'une ligne (Pdb) next > -> import csv (Pdb) ll 1 import pendulum 2 -> import csv 3 4 class Event: 5 def __init__(self, name, date): 6 = name 7 = pendulum.parse(date) 8 9 def get_events(stream): 10 for row in csv.reader(stream): 11 yield Event(*row) 12 13 def main(): 14 with open('events.csv') as stream: 15 for event in get_events(stream): 16 print(, 17 18 if __name__ == '__main__': 19 main() 33 / 107

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On saute dans le code -> def main(): (Pdb) ll 15 -> def main(): 16 with open('events.csv') as stream: 17 for event in get_events(stream): 18 print(, 19 print( (Pdb) step > -> with open('events.csv') as stream: (Pdb) ll 15 def main(): 16 -> with open('events.csv') as stream: 17 for event in get_events(stream): 18 print(, 19 print( 34 / 107

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On saute dans le code (Pdb) next > -> for event in get_events(stream): (Pdb) ll 15 def main(): 16 with open('events.csv') as stream: 17 -> for event in get_events(stream): 18 print(, 19 print( (Pdb) step --Call-- > -> def get_events(stream): (Pdb) ll 11 -> def get_events(stream): 12 for row in csv.reader(stream): 13 yield Event(*row) (Pdb) next > -> for row in csv.reader(stream): (Pdb) ll 11 def get_events(stream): 12 -> for row in csv.reader(stream): 13 yield Event(*row) (Pdb) 35 / 107

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Breakpoints Je reprends le code de base 36 / 107

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Breakpoints (Pdb) ll 1 import pendulum 2 import csv 3 4 class Event: 5 def __init__(self, name, date): 6 = name 7 = pendulum.parse(date) 8 9 def get_events(stream): 10 for row in csv.reader(stream): 11 yield Event(*row) 12 13 def main(): 14 with open('events.csv') as stream: 15 for event in get_events(stream): 16 print(, 17 18 if __name__ == '__main__': 19 main() 37 / 107

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Breakpoints Lister > -> import pendulum (Pdb) break (Pdb) 38 / 107

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Breakpoints Ajouter > -> import pendulum (Pdb) break 9 Breakpoint 1 at (Pdb) l 4 class Event: 5 id = 0 6 def __init__(self, name, date): 7 += 1 8 = name 9 B-> = pendulum.parse(date) 10 11 def get_events(stream): 12 for row in csv.reader(stream): 13 yield Event(*row) 39 / 107

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Breakpoints Ajouter > -> import pendulum (Pdb) break 9 Breakpoint 1 at (Pdb) l 4 class Event: 5 id = 0 6 def __init__(self, name, date): 7 += 1 8 = name 9 B-> = pendulum.parse(date) 10 11 def get_events(stream): 12 for row in csv.reader(stream): 13 yield Event(*row) (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep yes at 40 / 107

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Breakpoints Désactiver un breakpoint (Pdb) disable 1 Disabled breakpoint 1 at 41 / 107

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Breakpoints Désactiver un breakpoint (Pdb) disable 1 Disabled breakpoint 1 at (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep no at 42 / 107

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Breakpoints Activer un breakpoint (Pdb) enable 1 Enabled breakpoint 1 at 43 / 107

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Breakpoints Activer un breakpoint (Pdb) enable 1 Enabled breakpoint 1 at (Pdb) break Num Type Disp Enb Where 1 breakpoint keep yes at 44 / 107

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Je continue (Pdb) continue > -> = pendulum.parse(date) 45 / 107

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J'examine (Pdb) args self = <__main__.Event object at 0x7f23cf8cc908> name = 'PyCon France' date = '2017-09-21' 46 / 107

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J'examine (Pdb) args self = <__main__.Event object at 0x7f23cf8cc908> name = 'PyCon France' date = '2017-09-21' (Pdb) whatis name (Pdb) whatis self 47 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias d pp dir(%1) 48 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias d pp dir(%1) (Pdb) b 9 Breakpoint 1 at (Pdb) c > -> = pendulum.parse(date) 49 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias d pp dir(%1) (Pdb) b 9 Breakpoint 1 at (Pdb) c > -> = pendulum.parse(date) (Pdb) d self.__dict__ ['__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', ... ] 50 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias loc !list(locals().keys()) 51 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias loc !list(locals().keys()) (Pdb) loc dict_keys(['date', 'name', 'self']) 52 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias printdict for key, value in %1.items(): print(f"{key}:{value}") 53 / 107

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Nouvelles commandes avec alias alias printdict for key, value in %1.items(): print(f"{key}:{value}") (Pdb) printdict self.__dict__ id:1 name:PyCon France date:2017-09-21T00:00:00+00:00 54 / 107

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Réutilisation d'alias alias pd printdict %1 55 / 107

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Réutilisation d'alias alias pd printdict %1 (Pdb) pd self.__dict__ id:1 name:PyCon France date:2017-09-21T00:00:00+00:00 56 / 107

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Breakpoint et une action Possibilité de définir une action lors d'un breakpoint commands [bpnumber] p self.__dict__ printdict self.__dict__ end 57 / 107

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Démonstration 58 / 107

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PDB Récapitulatif des commandes 59 / 107

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Les importantes Commande Description h(elp) Affiche l'aide h(elp) command Affiche l'aide d'une commande q(uit) Quitte le debuggeur 60 / 107

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Examiner Commande Description p(rint) expr Affiche la valeur de l'expression pp expr Pretty-print de la valeur de l'expression l(ist) Affiche une partie du code ll Affiche toute le code de la fonction a(rgs) Affiche la liste des arguments de la fonction whatis arg Affiche le type de l'argument where Mais ou se trouve l'exception source Affiche la source d'une fonction 61 / 107

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Naviguer Commande Description n(ext) Exécute l'instruction s(tep) Exécute et rentre dans la fonction/méthode r(eturn) Continue l'exécution jusqu'au return c(ontinue) Continue l'exécution jusqu'à un breakpoint u(p) Remonte d'un niveau dans la stack trace d(own) Descend d'un niveau dans la stack trace j(ump) lineno Saute a la ligne 62 / 107

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Breakpoints Commande Description b(reak) Montre tous les breakpoints 63 / 107

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Breakpoints Commande Description b(reak) lineno Place un breakpoint à lineno b(reak) lineno, cond Place un breakpoint à lineo si cond est True b(reak) file:lineno Place un breakpoint dans le fichier file à la ligne lineno b(reak) func Place un breakpoint à la première ligne de la fonction func tbreak lineno Place un breakpoint et l'enleve dès que l'on y est 64 / 107

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Breakpoints Commande Description clear bpnumber Supprime un breakpoint disable bpnumber Désactive un breakpoint enable bpnumber Active un breakpoint ignore bpnumber count Ignore le breakpoint X fois condition bpnumber condition Permet de modifer le breakpoint 65 / 107

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Celles que vous ne connaissez pas ;-) Commande Description !expr Execute une expression dans l'interpreteur Python alias Créer une nouvelle commande PDB unalias Supprime un alias commands [bpnumber] Assigne des commandes à un breakpoint restart or run Redémarre le script 66 / 107

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Fichier de con guration alias d pp dir(%1) alias ps d self.__dict__ alias loc !list(locals().keys()) alias printdict for key, value in %1.items(): print(f"{key}:{value}") Voir $HOME/.pdbrc ou ./.pdbrc 67 / 107

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Il y a un truc amusant 68 / 107

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Ça fonctionne avec ipdb 69 / 107

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Les alternatives - ipdb Auto-completion Coloration syntaxique Meilleurs tracebacks Meilleur introspection Commandes supplémentaires 70 / 107

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Les alternatives - pudb 71 / 107

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Les alternatives - rdb import pdb, socket, sys # noqa --> Pas PEP8 class Rdb(pdb.Pdb): def __init__(self, port=4444): self.old_stdout = sys.stdout self.old_stdin = sys.stdin self.skt = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.skt.bind(('localhost', port)) self.skt.listen(1) (clientsocket, address) = self.skt.accept() handle = clientsocket.makefile('rw') pdb.Pdb.__init__(self, completekey='tab', stdin=handle, stdout=handle) sys.stdout = sys.stdin = handle def do_continue(self, arg): sys.stdout = self.old_stdout sys.stdin = self.old_stdin self.skt.close() self.set_continue() return 1 do_c = do_cont = do_continue 72 / 107

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Les alternatives - rdb (2) # Example usage - connect with 'telnet 4444' if __name__=='__main__': def buggy_method(): x = 3 remote_debug = Rdb() remote_debug.set_trace() print(x) buggy_method() 73 / 107

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Les alternatives - rdb (3) telnet localhost 4444 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. > -> print(x) (Pdb) ll 28 def buggy_method(): 29 x = 3 30 remote_debug = Rdb() 31 remote_debug.set_trace() 32 -> print(x) (Pdb) p x 3 (Pdb) quit Connection closed by foreign host. Meilleure implémentation dans 74 / 107

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Les alternatives - wdb 75 / 107

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Les alternatives - pdbpp 76 / 107

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pdb ou ipdb avec du dev Web Par exemple, Django django-pdb avec --ipdb ou --pdb ou simplement python -m pdb ./ test python -m ipdb ./ test python -m pudb ./ test 77 / 107

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GNU Debugger Également nommé gdb, GNU Debugger, est le débuggeur standard du projet GNU, portable et fonctionne pour plusieurs langages, comme le C, le C++ et aussi le Python ;-) 78 / 107

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GNU Debugger gdb >= 7 , support natif de Python 79 / 107

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GNU Debugger Avoir les symboles de debug de Python $ dnf install python3-debug 80 / 107

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GNU Debugger Avoir les symboles de debug de Python $ dnf install python3-debug ou $ ./configure --prefix=$PWD-build --with-pydebug $ make $ make install 81 / 107

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GNU Debugger Python + gdb = ? 82 / 107

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GNU Debugger Python + gdb = ? 1. il y a une librairie pour debugger votre script Python depuis gdb 83 / 107

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GNU Debugger Python + gdb = ? 1. il y a une librairie pour debugger votre script Python depuis gdb 2. gdb est extensible via Python 84 / 107

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Que faire avec gdb ? Commande Description py-bt Montre la stack trace Python py-bt-full py-bt mais en plus verbeux py-list Liste le code Python py-print Affiche le contenu d'une variable Python py-locals Affiche les locals py-up Remonte d'une frame py-down Descend d'une frame 85 / 107

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Le code import time import os def next(i): print(f"{os.getpid()} {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}") time.sleep(10) i = 1 - i i = 1 while True: next(i) 86 / 107

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Le code import time import os def next(i): print(f"{os.getpid()} {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}") time.sleep(10) i = 1 - i i = 1 while True: next(i) $ python 10619 06:14:24 10619 06:14:34 10619 06:14:44 10619 06:14:54 10619 06:15:04 10619 06:15:14 PID 10619 87 / 107

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Comment faire ? $ gdb -p 10619 GNU gdb (GDB) Fedora 8.0.1-26.fc26 ... For help, type "help". Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word". Attaching to process 10619 Reading symbols from /usr/bin/python3.6dm...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/us Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/d Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/ [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/". Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/li Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/li Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/debug/usr/li Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from /usr/lib/de 0x00007f40dc696ce3 in __select_nocancel () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84 84 T_PSEUDO (SYSCALL_SYMBOL, SYSCALL_NAME, SYSCALL_NARGS) (gdb) 88 / 107

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A cher le code (gdb) py-list 1 import time 2 import os 3 4 def next(i): 5 print(f"{os.getpid()} {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}") >6 time.sleep(10) 7 i = 1 - i 8 9 i = 1 10 while True: 11 next(i) (gdb) 89 / 107

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A cher la traceback (gdb) py-bt Traceback (most recent call first): File "", line 6, in next time.sleep(10) File "", line 11, in next(i) 90 / 107

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A cher la traceback avec plus d'infos (gdb) py-bt-full #3 #7 Frame 0x55c890804748, for file, line 6, in next (i=1) time.sleep(10) #12 Frame 0x55c890804458, for file, line 11, in () next(i) 91 / 107

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A cher la traceback avec plus d'infos (gdb) py-bt-full #3 #7 Frame 0x55c890804748, for file, line 6, in next (i=1) time.sleep(10) #12 Frame 0x55c890804458, for file, line 11, in () next(i) (gdb) select-frame 7 (gdb) info locals tstate = 0x55c8907a3cf0 (gdb) select-frame 3 (gdb) info locals func = 0x7f40d5974418 meth = 0x7f40dd57c6c6 self = result = 'sleep' flags = 8 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_PyCFunction_FastCallDict" 92 / 107

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Examiner une frame (gdb) py-bt-full #3 #7 Frame 0x55706036f748, for file, line 6, in next (i=1) time.sleep(10) #12 Frame 0x55706036f458, for file, line 11, in () next(i) (gdb) select-frame 7 (gdb) py-list 1 import time 2 import os 3 4 def next(i): 5 print(f"{os.getpid()} {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}") >6 time.sleep(10) 7 i = 1 - i 8 9 i = 1 10 while True: 11 next(i) (gdb) py-print i local 'i' = 1 (gdb) py-locals i = 1 93 / 107

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Navigation (gdb) py-down Unable to find a newer python frame (gdb) py-up #7 Frame 0x55c890804748, for file, line 6, in next (i=1) time.sleep(10) (gdb) py-down #3 94 / 107

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Backtrace de CPython (gdb) bt #0 0x00007f40dc696ce3 in __select_nocancel () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template #1 0x00007f40dd57e7f8 in pysleep (secs=10000000000) at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Modules/timemodule.c:1438 #2 0x00007f40dd57c73d in time_sleep (self=, obj= at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Modules/timemodule.c:235 #3 0x00007f40dd39a9af in _PyCFunction_FastCallDict ( func_obj=, args=0x55c8908048e0, nargs=1, kwargs=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Objects/methodobject.c:209 #4 0x00007f40dd39ada6 in _PyCFunction_FastCallKeywords ( func=, stack=0x55c8908048e0, nargs=1, kwnames=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Objects/methodobject.c:294 #5 0x00007f40dd4b046e in call_function (pp_stack=0x7ffd7bcab7b8, oparg=1, kwnames= at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Python/ceval.c:4809 #6 0x00007f40dd4a8046 in _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault ( f=Frame 0x55c890804748, for file, line 6, in next (i=1), throwflag= at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Python/ceval.c:3295 #7 0x00007f40dd494118 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx ( f=Frame 0x55c890804748, for file, line 6, in next (i=1), throwflag= at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Python/ceval.c:718 95 / 107

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Threads (gdb) info threads Id Target Id Frame 1 Thread 0x7f40ddaef700 (LWP 10619) "python3-debug" 0x00007f40dd39a9af in _PyC args=0x55c8908048e0, nargs=1, kwargs=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/Python-3.6.2/Objects/methodobject.c:209 96 / 107

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Dumper les stack traces des threads (gdb) thread apply all py-bt Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f40ddaef700 (LWP 10619)): Traceback (most recent call first): File "", line 6, in next time.sleep(10) File "", line 11, in next(i) (gdb) 97 / 107

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Débugger à distance 98 / 107

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Mode Remote - gdbserver $ gdbserver --multi host:2345 # # ou ces modes-ci # $ gdbserver host:2345 process_name $ gdbserver host:2345 --attach PID 99 / 107

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Mode Remote - gdbserver $ gdbserver --multi host:2345 # # ou ces modes-ci # $ gdbserver host:2345 process_name $ gdbserver host:2345 --attach PID $ gdb (gdb) target extended-remote host:2345 (gdb) attach PID 100 / 107

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Mode Remote - gdbserver $ gdbserver --multi host:2345 # # ou ces modes-ci # $ gdbserver host:2345 process_name $ gdbserver host:2345 --attach PID $ gdb (gdb) target extended-remote host:2345 (gdb) attach PID (gdb) py-list 1 import time 2 import os 3 4 def next(i): 5 print(f"{os.getpid()} {time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}") >6 time.sleep(10) 7 i = 1 - i 8 9 i = 1 10 while True: 11 next(i) (gdb) 101 / 107

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Extensible ? 102 / 107

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Extensible ? - Oui 103 / 107

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Alternatives 104 / 107

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gdbgui pip install gdbgui 105 / 107

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Prochaines talks pour 2018 SystemTap et DTrace pour mon Python Que fait mon débuggeur Python? GDB en profondeur 106 / 107

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Questions ? 107 / 107