C r ea te La nding Pa ges w ith
over 4 % C onver sion R a te
(using Elem entor )
A ndr ea s K a r a va na s
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👨👨 🍳🍳
It’s lik e cook ing the PER FEC T
dish for y our 1st da te
# landingpages
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Her e’s w ha t y ou'r e going
to lea r n toda y
# landingpages
What’s a landing
How to create one
Why use one
Case studies / results
Bonus Tem plates ChatGPT Prom pts
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A ndr ea s K a r a va na s
Founder of WEDOHYPE
Head of Marketing at LUXMII
• Created websites & landing pages for
THEONI, Pharmasept, Novartis and 150+
Ecommerce & B2B brands
• Scaled LUXMII from 0 to $2M/year
• Made €1,2M in 2 years with Landing Pages
in Greece
• BSc in CS at CEID, Patras
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• Launch your MVP
• Scale & sell more
W hy use it 🤔🤔
• B2B Services eg. Agencies, Consultants
• B2C Products eg. Ecommerce, Digital
• Events, Education, Fitness, SaaS Apps,
Travel Agencies
Use ca ses ✨
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The R ecipe 🍳🍳
• What is the product/service ?
• Why does it exist ?
• How does it benefit my life ?
# landingpages
• Why is this product/service going
to improve my life ?
• Why is it the best option in the
market ?
• How soon can I get it/see results if
I order now ?
To make a good one, answer these:
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2 G ood to Must Ha ves
• No room for second-place
• MUST solve a problem
# landingpages
Gr eat Pr oduct/ Ser vice ⚡️
• Huge perceived value
• No-brainer
Ir r esistible O ffer 💰💰
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Ingr edients 🍪🍪
# landingpages
1. Unique A ngle 5. C om pa r ison
2 . S tella r C opy w r iting
3 . S ocia l Pr oof
6 . How it w or k s
7 . C TA
4 . Ta r get A udience 8 . FA Q s
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1. Unique A ngle 🔭🔭
• Positioning
• Audience
• Hero Section
# landingpages
Without an angle: “The best fitness
service in Greece!”
With an angle: “Lose fat and build muscle
without sacrifices”
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# landingpages
The A d The La nding Pa ge
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Act as if you were an expert sales copywriter selling [product/service
description] looking to increase conversions and lower the marketing CPA.
Give me 5 headline ideas for the cover section. I want them to be short (1
sentence) and summarize the benefits and value props for [target audience]
or showcase the results customers can expect from using it. Some examples
which can inspire you: [examples]. For each headline I need a description that
briefly explains what the product/service does and how it can possibly solve
a main problem.
C ha tG PT Pr om pt
# landingpages
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2 . S tella r C opy w r iting
• Compelling Storytelling
• Hit pain points
• Answer their concerns
• Show your expertise
• Focus on benefits, not features
• Write for skimmers
# landingpages
People don’t buy your product.
They buy the OUTCOME of your product.
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“Are you struggling
with [specific pain
point or problem]?”
# landingpages
Pr oblem A gita tion
“You’re [undesirable
impact or consequence
of the problem].”
S olution
“Using [our product],
you can [specific
benefit or result].”
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“Are you losing sleep
and always wake up
with headaches?”
# landingpages
Pr oblem A gita tion
“You’re unproductive
at work and don’t enjoy
time with your family”
S olution
“Use our memory foam
pillow to improve your
sleep posture”
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“Are you struggling
with low website
# landingpages
Pr oblem A gita tion
“You’re working
tirelessly on your
website, only to see
little to no traffic.”
S olution
“With our SEO service
you’ll rank higher and
attract more visitors in
just 60 days”
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a solution
or result
# landingpages
Pictur e
4 Ps
Pr om is
Pr ove Push
problem &
& evidence
prompt to
take action
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A nsw er the W hy > S ell the O utcom e
# landingpages
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A nsw er the W hy > S ell the O utcom e
# landingpages
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• WHAT your product has or is.
• Factual statements about your product or
• Answers the question: “What does it do?”
• Speak to logical reasoning.
# landingpages
Fea tur es 🧠🧠
• WHY someone buys.
• Describe the outcome of your product or
• Answers the question: “What’s in it for me?”
• Speak to emotional reasoning.
Benefits ❤️
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# landingpages
Buy our 200W
Charge your
phone in 10'
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[ Fea tur e] so y ou ca n [ Benefit]
# landingpages
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Give me 6 reasons why would someone use this product/service. In these 6
reasons you have to explain the benefits and value proposition of it. I need a title
and description for each one. Please follow the “[feature] so you can [benefit]”
copywriting model. I will give you examples of how I want the end result to look
like: [example]
C ha tG PT Pr om pt
# landingpages
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3 . S ocia l Pr oof 🗣🗣 ️
# landingpages
Make it REAL
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Do you really need one?
C ha tG PT Pr om pt
# landingpages
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4 . Ta r get A udience 👀👀
# landingpages
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Addressing [target audience] I want you to come up with the most
ideal people that are interested in the service.
I want you to create copies using the below structure:
"Target audience" + who + "wants to achieve X/loves X/etc".
Example of the deliverable: "Fitness enthusiasts who want to achieve
weight loss".
C ha tG PT Pr om pt
# landingpages
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5. C om pa r ison 🥇🥇
# landingpages
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I would like to create a competition matrix table that would compare
this product/service features to others.
This is the data I have for competitors: [features of competitors]
Please create a table with up to 5-6 different points (rows) and 2
columns (We, others). These points should have a yes/no/maybe
answer on the respective cells.
C ha tG PT Pr om pt: Pr oduct
# landingpages
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6 . How it w or k s 👀👀
# landingpages
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Please provide me 3-5 steps of "How it works" of the [product/service]
based on the information I gave you. I need a headline and a
description for each step.
C ha tG PT Pr om pt
# landingpages
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7 . C TA 🎯🎯
# landingpages
• Explain benefits
• Show social proof
• Highlight offer
• Include visuals
• Remove doubts
Pr oduct 🛍🛍 ️
• Highlight offer
• Remind the outcome
• Make it easy to fill a form
• Include form in popup
S er vice 🤓🤓
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# landingpages
Pr oduct La nding Pa ge
HQ Photo
Social Proof
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# landingpages
S er vice La nding Pa ge
Short Form
CTA button
Sell outcome
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Get Started
# landingpages
Improve your sleep
Register Today Improve your confidence
Join Now Join 4.000+ Students
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I need the copies for the buy box section where users will be able to
buy [product]. More specifically I need copies for:
1. The Description: a small paragraph consisted of 1-2 sentences which
briefly explain how the product is used and benefits the user. For
example: [example]
2. The Benefits: a list of 3-4 bullet points to showcase the reasons why
someone needs the product.
3. The Policies: a list of 3 guarantees and/or policies that would re-
assure the buyer
C ha tG PT Pr om pt: Pr oduct
# landingpages
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I need the copies for the CTA section that would call the customer to
take action. Please make it relevant to [a service benefit].
It should look like this:
- An enticing short and bold title that invites prospects to take action
- A short description selling the dream outcome.
- A CTA copy. Suggest 2 more variations consisted of 2-3 words to
turn this into a CTV(Call-to-Value)
C ha tG PT Pr om pt: S er vice
# landingpages
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8 . FA Q s 🤨🤨
• Answer pre-sell questions
• Explain policies
• Offer guarantee
• Remove any anxiety
# landingpages
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Please provide me with 5 unique FAQs that users might have about
[product/service]. It must answer on any pre-sell question and remove
C ha tG PT Pr om pt
# landingpages
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O ur Pr ocess
• Brief using a form
• Zapier to ChatGPT
• Human optimizes
# landingpages
Step 1 ✍️
• Wireframe with Relume
• Design with Figma
S tep 2 🎨🎨
• Development on WordPress
• Use of Elementor
S tep 3 🛠🛠 ️
• Pixels integration
• Conversions setup
• Use of UTMs
• Optimizing with Heatmaps
S tep 4 🚀🚀
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O ur Tech-S ta ck
# landingpages
S tep 1 ✍️ S tep 2 🎨🎨
S tep 3 🛠🛠 ️ S tep 4 🚀🚀
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C a se S tudies & Ex a m ples
# landingpages
6.86% Conversion Rate
€6.674 Total Spent
€7,2 Cost / Lead
927 Total Leads
16.1% Conversion Rate
€2.000 Total Spent
€3,47 Cost / Lead
575 Total Leads
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R em em ber :
If your mum can’t understand your
product, offer and how to checkout,
it’s too complicated
Make it load in under 1"
Design for mobile first
Remove distractions
# landingpages
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N ex t S teps
Step-by-step process, ChatGPT
prompts and Landing Page templates
# landingpages
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S a y hello!
# landingpages
A ndr ea s K a r a va na s
Marketing Consultant
Find me on LinkedIn