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Noah Kantrowitz – @kantrn – What Do All Of These Words Mean? A DevOps Glossary

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Noah Ridecell Moving On

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Virtual Machine A server but running on "simulated" hardware

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VM Image The content of the hard disk for a future VM

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Vagrant A tool for making VMs on your laptop

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Cloud Someone else maintains the physical hardware

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AWS Amazon Web Services, 
 a cloud provider

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EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud, AWS makes you VMs

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S3 Simple Storage Service, AWS stores your files

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CloudFormation Create and manage AWS stuff using YAML files instead of clicking in the web UI

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Terraform Create and manage things on lots of clouds without clicking in the web UI

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GCE Google Cloud Engine, AWS but by Google

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Azure AWS but by Microsoft (yes, you can run Linux)

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OpenStack AWS except you also run the physical hardware too

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Container A process running with a bunch of security options

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Container Image A tarball containing the files a container will see (and some metadata)

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Docker A tool for creating container images and starting containers

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Dockerfile A file containing instructions for creating a container image

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Kubernetes Big, complex, awesome thing for managing lots of containers

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Docker Swarm Big, complex, less awesome thing for managing lots of containers

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Docker Compose Small, complex thing for managing a few containers

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Orchestration Coordinating multiple containers together along with storage and networking they need

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Resource Scheduling Working out which server to run a container on given multiple options

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Serverless Tool(s) for making web apps/APIs with less boilerplate

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CI Continuous Integration, except not that. Running tests automatically on every commit

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CI Pipeline Dividing tests up into multiple groups and then chaining them together

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Jenkins Popular (and often infuriating) CI tool

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Travis Also a popular CI too, but you don't have to run it yourself and free for open source

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CD Continuous Delivery or Deployment, if the tests pass then it gets deployed

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Big Data Running queries against more data than will fit on one server (~>= 10TB)

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Hadoop Popular suite of 
 tools for Big Data

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Spark Hadoop component used for running the fancy queries

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ETL Extract Transform Load, a common Big Data query pattern

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InfoSec Information Security, keeping your data safe

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Black Hat Using InfoSec for evil

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White Hat Using InfoSec for good

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Red Team White hat that 
 attacks systems 
 (with permission)

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Blue Team White hat that 
 defends systems

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Purple Team Both!

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Hash One-way function, given the output you can't get the input

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Encryption Reversible, but only 
 with the right key

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Thank You Noah Kantrowitz @kantrn