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GCPでコンテナをデプロイす る、一歩手前の話 #gcpug #okinawa #6 #LT @sakajunquality

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- Google Developers Experts (最近) - Software Engineer, SRE @ Ubie株式会社 (最近) - 初沖縄! - 最近やってること #docker #kubernetes - 好きなこと #coffee #beer - 好きなGCPサービス #BigQuery #GKE #Cloud Build @sakajunquality

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Next’18 SF

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Next’18 Tokyo @sakajunquality

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番宣: 11/1 GKEハンズオンやります

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Today’s Topic

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Today’s Topic - Steps to Deploy Container - Google Container Registry - Google Cloud Build

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- GCP 123 - Container ABC - Docker hoge hoge - Kubernetes foo bar Not Today’s Topic

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Steps to Deploy Container

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Steps to Deploy Container Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment

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Steps to Deploy Container Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment Today’s topic

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Steps to Deploy Container in GCP Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment Cloud Source Repositories Github Container Registry Compute Engine App Engine Kubernetes Engine

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Steps to Deploy Container in GCP Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment Cloud Source Repositories Github Container Registry Compute Engine App Engine Kubernetes Engine

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Steps to Deploy Container in GCP Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment Cloud Source Repositories Github Container Registry Compute Engine App Engine Kubernetes Engine Cloud Build

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Steps to Deploy Container in GCP Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment Cloud Source Repositories Github Container Registry Compute Engine App Engine Kubernetes Engine Cloud Build

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Steps to Deploy Container in GCP Application Source Code Container Image Container Running Environment Cloud Source Repositories Github Container Registry Compute Engine App Engine Kubernetes Engine Cloud Build Cloud Build

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Google Container Registry

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Google Container Registry (GCR) - Private Container Registry - - Native Docker Support - Vulnerabilities Analysis

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Google Container Registry (GCR) - Private Container Registry - - Native Docker Support - Vulnerabilities Analysis beta (Next’18 Tokyo)

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Vulnerabilities Analysis: Config 1 gcloud services enable

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Vulnerabilities Analysis: Config 2

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Vulnerabilities Analysis: Example みんな大好きglibc...

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Vulnerabilities Analysis: Integration - Analysis events are published to Cloud Pub/Sub Topic - container-analysis-occurrences-v1beta1 - Usage example - Slack Notification - JIRA ticket - etc.

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GCR for Multi Project - Common Private Repository for Multiple Clusters GCR (Project A) Dev GKE (Project B) Prod GKE (Project C)

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GCR for Multi Project - Push Application Container to GCR GCR (Project A) Dev GKE (Project B) Prod GKE (Project C) my-app:v1

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GCR for Multi Project - Use the image in Dev Cluster GCR (Project A) Dev GKE (Project B) Prod GKE (Project C) my-app:v1 my-app:v1

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GCR for Multi Project - Use the same image in Prod GCR (Project A) Dev GKE (Project B) Prod GKE (Project C) my-app:v1 my-app:v1 my-app:v1

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GCR for Multi Project - Allow roles/storage.objectViewer to Compute SA of each project GCR (Project A) Dev GKE (Project B) Prod GKE (Project C)

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GCR for Multi Project

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Google Cloud Build

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Google Cloud Build - Full-managed CI - - Formanly Container Builder in GCR - Configuration - Dockerfile - cloudbuild.yaml

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Configuration: cloudbuild.yaml Building Docker Image and Push to GCR // cloudbuild.yaml steps: # build - name: '' args: [ 'build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$REVISION_ID', '.' ] # push images: ["push", "$PROJECT_ID/my-app:$REVISION_ID"]

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Configuration: Adding Test Building Docker Image and Push to GCR // cloudbuild.yaml steps: # build - name: '' args: [ 'build', '-t', '$PROJECT_ID/my-nginx:$REVISION_ID', '.' ] # test - name: '' args: [ 'run', '--rm', '$PROJECT_ID/my-nginx:$REVISION_ID', 'nginx', '-t' ] # push images: ["push", "$PROJECT_ID/my-nginx:$REVISION_ID"]

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Build Images - - Images Provided by Google - e.g. - - -

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Images for Deployment -

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- Community Images - Build on you own - Kubernetes Tools like kustomize, helm etc. - e.g. - - Community Image

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Start Build - Create Triggered by Git tag or branch - Manually Submit Submit

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Start Build: Trigger by Git tag or branch

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Manually Submit Build gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --project my-supper-project .

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Notification / Integration - Build steps events are published to Cloud Pub/Sub Topic - cloud-builds - e.g. Slack Notification via Cloud Functions

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Conclusion - GCRとCloudBuildの組み合わせよい!

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Thank you