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Secrets to a Successful Dealer Network 2022 Shed Builder Expo September 28, 2022 Brandon Schmidt Director of Digital Strategy, YDOP

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Digital marketing agency for outdoor living manufacturers & dealers.

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Your Thoughts on Dealer Networks? What are your experiences with dealer networks? What is working? What are the downsides?

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76% of manufacturers view dealer rela5onships as key to delivering on revenue goals Source: Forrester Research 2019

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Companies with mature dealer partnership programs grow company revenue 2x as fast as companies with less mature programs. Source: Forrester Research 2019

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Benefits of a Dealer Network How can a dealer network help you grow? • Protect your brand • Expanded sales staff • Lower overhead • Larger geographic footprint

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Location 1 Loca*on 2 Location 3

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Combined Network

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Barriers to Dealer Network What will keep your dealers from growing? • Lack of resources • Lack of sales support • Poor communication • Unmotivated dealers

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7 Tips for Growing & Cultivating Your Network Advice on how you can get more from your existing network, or introduce a new dealer network

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Learning from Other Industries Take what works for dealer/distributor programs in other industries.

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The Game Plan for a Successful Dealer Network YDOP’s thoughts on geBng more from your dealer network.

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1. Establish Rules & Guidelines for Dealers

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Tighten Up Rules for Dealers

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Potential Rules & Guidelines How can you ensure quality & consistency across the dealer network? • Control over using brand, logos, images • Pricing structure • Inventory on sales lot • Financing/RTO • AdverLsing investment

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2. Introduce Dealer Tiers

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Dealer Tiers Different levels of sales, support, and commitment. Level 1 Most sales Larger territory Greatest commitment Most training Level 2 Some sales Small territory Medium commitment Some training Level 3 New or upstart No territory Smallest commitment Basic training

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3. Ask for a Yearly Investment

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Commitment by Dealers • EsLmated Investment: $500,000 • Elite Dealers: $1.2 million

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Why Charge for a Dealer Network? Here’s why free isn’t worth it. • Stronger commitment from dealers • Enhanced relationship between you and dealers • Greater dealer retention • Generate funds for co-op marketing

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4. Increase Online Visibility

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Dealer Locator How will someone find your dealers on your website? When done right, a dealer locator on the manufacturer’s website can improve performance on Google, traffic, and sales – for both the manufacturer and each dealer.

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Dealer Locator by ZIP Code

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Dealer Locator by List

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Dealer Locator by Map

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Individual Pages

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Digital Resources for Dealers How can you help dealers grow online? • Ready-to-use social posts • Access to digital files • Free marketing content for website • Access to online builder/configuration tool

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5. Provide Training & Resources

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Resources to Provide Dealers What tools do dealers need to succeed? • Updated catalog • Color swatches • Engineering plans • Pricing matrix • Sales lot inventory • Financing/RTO

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Next Level Resources What can you provide that no one else can? • Photography • Coaching • Support community • Free/heavily discounted soUware (CRM/sales) • Co-op funding

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6. Establish Co-Op Marketing

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Co-Op Marketing Align your dealers’ marketing efforts together. Manufacturer Dealer Advertising

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Tips for Co-Op MarkeKng How can you create a valuable co-op program? • Establish brand guidelines • Make it clear what is – and isn’t – covered by co-op funding • Create system for submitting invoices for reimbursements

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Create Guidelines for Co-Op Funding

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All Received Co-Op Funding

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7. Consider a Dealer MarkeRng System

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Dealer Marketing System Invest in campaigns that can be used across the dealer network Manufacturer Dealer Advertising

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Dealer Marketing System Can you help your dealers outsource their marketing? • Manage their social media accounts • Manage their Google Business profile • Done-for-you ad campaigns • Done-for-you integrated campaigns (print + digital) • AnalyLcs & a_ribuLon data • Help with paying for a website

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Want the Full Game Plan? Connect with us at Booth 10 during the Shed Builder Expo

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Digital markeKng agency for outdoor living manufacturers & dealers. Stop By Booth #10