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what is it?

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grunt. awesome sidekick automating the mundane stuff for you. you. awesome crime fighting node.js developer.

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for realz, dude. what is it?

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grunt: a utility to automate common, tedious development tasks, with a rich ecosystem of plug-ins to support it.

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For example, Grunt can... ● restart your node.js server upon saving ● automatically concatenate + minify your js/css upon saving ● automatically compile your sass/less/stylus to css upon saving ● refresh your web browser for you upon saving ● automatically run jslint on your code ● automatically run tests

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...and just about any other task you might want something else to do for you (except write your unit tests for you... yet)

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let’s grunt! grunt express demo

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● Configure it ○ Gruntfile.js ■ Tasks ■ Plugins ■ Configuration ● Run it ○ grunt ○ grunt task ○ grunt task:target The Grunt Way

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● Single Gruntfile.js file ● Resides in base directory ○ along side your package.json, Gemfile, etc. ● File defines the behavior of Grunt for you project through tasks Configuring Grunt

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● Written as a Node Module (CommonJS) ● Exports one function that accepts a single “grunt” parameter ● Three main components ○ Configuration: grunt.initConfig(config) ○ Plugins: grunt.loadNpmTasks(pluginName) ○ Tasks: grunt.registerTask(name, def) Gruntfile.js Architecture

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Tasks ● Defines what type of things grunt can do ● Normally maps to one specific job ○ e.g. Compile stylus to css upon saving ● You can write up a custom task yourself ● More commonly, you can use a pre-built tasks from the grunt ecosystem ● Most tasks (especially pre-built ones) have options that can be configured ○ e.g. Compile all .styl files in /stylus to *.css in /public/assets/css

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Loading Pre-Built Tasks ● Pre-built tasks ship as NPM modules ● Install a pre-built task (via NPM) ○ e.g. npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev ● Loading it in Gruntfile.js ○ grunt.loadNpmTasks(‘grunt-contrib-uglify’); ● Once loaded, its available for “registering”

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● grunt.registerTask(‘name’, [‘task’, ...]) ● “name” allows user to name task(s) ● “name” used to reference task/group of tasks ● Special “default” name ○ When registering under “default” these tasks will be called when calling “grunt” without params ○ grunt.registerTask(‘default’, [‘uglify’]) Registering Tasks

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Registering Multi Tasks ● Grunt support “Multi Tasks” ● Multi Tasks are like normal tasks except they can have multiple “targets” ● E.g. “concat” used to concat css and js files ○ Wouldn’t want concat them together though ○ We set up separate targets: one js and one css ● Registered via registerMultiTask with the same syntax of registerTask

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Custom Tasks ● Grunt supports registering custom tasks ● Defined using same registerTask syntax ● Replace the “tasks” array with a callback ● After defining, can be used just the same as a NPM loaded task

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demo-tasks custom task demo

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Configuring Tasks ● Most tasks require configurations ● Configuration for all tasks happens in one place – grunt.initConfig(config) ● Config is an Object literal ● Config is broken up into ○ Regular Tasks {“task”: { … } ○ Multi Tasks {“task”: “targets”: { … }}

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● Within tasks/targets, common patterns: ○ options – define any custom options available to the task... will change from task to task ○ src, dest, files – ways to specify files the task will work with... supports globbing and filtering ○ filter – filter out source files based on callback ● Config support template strings ○ e.g. option: { name: “<%= %>” }} Configuring Tasks

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grunt.initConfig({ concat: { // task sample: { // target options: { // options banner: '/* <%= baz %> */\n', }, filter: 'isFile', // filter out non-files src: ['<%= qux %>', 'baz/*.js'], // ['foo/*.js', 'baz/*.js'] dest: 'build/<%= baz %>.js', // 'build/abcde.js' }, }, // Arbitrary properties foo: 'c', bar: 'b<%= foo %>d', // 'bcd' baz: 'a<%= bar %>e', // 'abcde' qux: 'foo/*.js', });

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demo-tasks custom task + config demo

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Gruntfile.js Custom Task Definition (registerTask) Custom Task Definition (registerTask) Load Prebuilt Task (loadNpmTasks) Load Prebuilt Task (loadNpmTasks) Load Prebuilt Task (loadNpmTasks) Load Prebuilt Task (loadNpmTasks) Grunt Task Configuration (initConfig)

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Running Grunt ● Grunt comes with the grunt cli tool ● From within our project directory can run ○ grunt ■ Will run any tasks we’ve registered under “default” ○ grunt task ■ Will run only tasks registered under “task” ■ Will run all targets underneath “task” ○ grunt task:target ■ Will only run “target” underneath “task”

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Helpful Grunt Stuff ● grunt.log.* ○ grunt.log.ok(“Write a pretty message”) ○ grunt.log.error(“Write a scary error message”) ● grunt.file.* ○ Clean support for stuff like file name globbing ● grunt.event.* ○ EventEmitter like interface ● grunt.util.* ○ Handy utility helpers ● See

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The Plugin Ecosystem ● Grunt has rich ecosystem of plugins ● Some provided by core team ● Many contributed by 3rd parties ● See

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But wait! There’s more!

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Doesn’t stop with Node ● No reason you can’t use Grunt with other languages, frameworks, non-code projects ○ Auto compile restart a Go web server on save ○ Have it convert your markdown files to pretty HTML or PDF on save and deploy it to a static web server ○ Rebuild a visualization automatically when CSV file containing data is updated

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The Yeoman Family ● Grunt is part of a larger “Yeoman” family ○ yo – project scaffolding (think rails generate) ○ grunt – we just met ○ bower – client side pkg mgmt (think front-end NPM) ● Beyond scope of this talk ● Definitely worth checking out ●

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Thanks ● Nate Good ● Twithub: @nategood ● Web: