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Kuiperbelt Asynchronous protocol proxy for prefork backend.

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Who am I ? • twitter: @mackee_w • PAUSE ID: MACOPY • github: • Co-mainterner(?)

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What’s kuiperbelt? • Asynchronous protocol =WebSocket • Other protocols(not implement): • HTTP2 MQTT memd(!?) etc…

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What’s kuiperbelt? • kuiperbelt is… • WebSocket to HTTP1.x converter • proxy, authentication mechanism and connection pooling

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Motivation • Prefork(or blocking/synchronous) server has a problem of about using websocket protocol. • Problems: • C10k • AnyEvent(Perl)/Eventmachine(Ruby) -> RDB Transaction • shared connection -> sticky session(?)

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Conventional solution • Switch to a language that support concurrent • code to trash!!! oh!!!! • pray and close eyes • C10k???? my code is not graceful but working now.

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OTOH, Realtime application age • Server-side push • realtime paging???? huh????? • Planner’s imagination is infinite.

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kuiperbelt flow: connection

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend GET /connect
 with Upgrade

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend proxy to endpoint

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend authentication proxy query string and header

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend response
 with session key header

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend register session key

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Kuiperbelt flow: connection client kuipetbelt backend upgrade to websocket

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Kuiperbelt flow: server-side push

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Kuiperbelt flow: server-side push client kuipetbelt backend POST /send with session key header

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Kuiperbelt flow: server-side push client kuipetbelt backend search session by key

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Kuiperbelt flow: server-side push client kuipetbelt backend write body to connection

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other features • server-side closing with message • close callback to backend by client- side normally closing • switch binary/text frame

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clusters • kuiperbelt is support single host application only. • But does not mean there is no way. • Kuiperbelt server host name in header of /connect callback. • If you want to connection mapping to some kuiperbelt host, store this hostname in datastore.

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implementation plan • (really) cluster support • Redis Pub/Sub or MQTT backbone • DHT and sticky session? • documentation (oh…

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Please try it!!!

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Thank you!