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Thomas Vitale JBCNConf Jul 18th, 2022 Developer Experience With Java on Kubernetes @vitalethomas

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Systematic • Software Architect at Systematic, Denmark. • Author of “Cloud Native Spring in Action” (Manning). • Spring Security and Spring Cloud contributor. Thomas Vitale @vitalethomas

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Developer Experience #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Developer Experience “Top of mind for everyone”

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Developer Experience “Fast feedback loops” "Easiness of doing one’s job” “How quick I can be productive with a tool” “Happy developers create exceptional software in the log term” “It’s reduced time to find things, tools downtime” “Means to be flexible for new paradigms and be able to integrate many frameworks and tools” Your answers

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Developer Experience “…developer experience could be defined as a means for capturing how developers think and feel about their activities within their working environments, #jbcn22 @vitalethomas with the assumption that an improvement of the developer experience has positive impacts on characteristics such as sustained team and project performance.” (F. Fagerholm, J. Münch) Developer Experience: Concept and De fi nition (F. Fagerholm, J. Münch)

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Developer Experience: Concept and De fi nition (F. Fagerholm, J. Münch) Developer Experience Conceptual Framework

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Value #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Developer Experience Tools are not enough ORGANIZATION PROCESSES TECHNOLOGY CULTURE

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Technologies Developer experience with Java on Kubernetes

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Team Topologies Organisational design for software

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Continuous Delivery Better software faster

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Development Workflow #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Development Workflow Inner Loop and Outer Loop Inner Loop ‣Code ‣Build ‣Deploy ‣Debug Outer Loop ‣CI/CD ‣Compliance, security ‣Con fi guration, monitoring ‣Production deployment git push

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Inner Development Loop Code, build, test E ffi cient Inner Development Loops for Cloud Native Applications

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Goals #jbcn22 @vitalethomas 2 Reduced cognitive load 3 Clear path to production 1 Rapid and continuous feedback loop

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Cloud Native #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas From Traditional to Cloud Native Application Server, Embedded Server Runtime (JVM) Middleware (Application Server) Application (WAR/EAR) Runtime (JVM) Application (JAR)

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Containers #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Moving to Containers Application Server, Embedded Server, Container Runtime (JVM) Middleware (Application Server) Application (WAR/EAR) Runtime (JVM) Application (JAR) Runtime (OCI) Application (Container)

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Cloud Native Buildpacks #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Image #jbcn22 @vitalethomas pack build Cloud Native Buildpacks From source code to container image

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Kubernetes #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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#jbcn22 @vitalethomas Moving to Kubernetes Application Server, Embedded Server, Container, Kubernetes Runtime (JVM) Middleware (Application Server) Application (WAR/EAR) Runtime (JVM) Application (JAR) Runtime (OCI) Application (Container) Runtime (OCI) Middleware (Kubernetes) Application (Container)

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Tilt #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Tilt Continuous development on Kubernetes #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Tilt Continuous development on Kubernetes #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Skaffold #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Skaffold Continuous development on Kubernetes #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Telepresence #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Telepresence Local-to-remote bridges for fast iterations #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Knative #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Knative Serverless experience on Kubernetes #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Serverless Architectures Developers focus on code Focus on business logic Developer Platform Infrastructure Provisioning Workload Management Dynamic Scaling #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Knative Serving Serverless Experience on Kubernetes Developer-friendly abstractions From image to URL Autoscaling Scaling to zero Progressive Rollouts Request-driven Event-driven Cloud agnostic #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Argo CD #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Argo CD Continuous Deployment with GitOps #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Cartographer #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Cartographer Golden paths to production #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Example: Minimal Path Source -> Image -> URL Deploy to Kubernetes Package as container image Checkout source code

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Delivering Value From code to production Developer App Repo Production Application Operator Security Expert Platform Engineer

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Resources #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Resources Source code • Presentation source code • The developer experience and the inner dev loop • Docker fi les vs. Cloud Native Buildpacks • Knative and Spring: Bringing back the func • Developer Work fl ow • Software Supply Chain Choreography #jbcn22 @vitalethomas

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Enlightning Learn cloud concepts with Whitney and her lightboard #jbcn22 @vitalethomas Tomorrow, 16:55

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Discount codes Manning • 35% discount code, valid for all products in all format • ctwjbcn22 • @vitalethomas

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Thomas Vitale JBCNConf Jul 18th, 2022 Developer Experience With Java on Kubernetes @vitalethomas