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Terraform Provider Development Ringo De Smet Maintainer of terraform-provider-xenserver

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Agenda • Runtime Model • Bootstrapping a plugin • Datasources & Resources • Code structuring • Testing • Distribution • Some pointers … and one more thing!

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Runtime Model All v0.10 and up!

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Runtime Model: tf init terraform terraform-provider-xenserver terraform-provider-mysql Download Download

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Runtime Model: tf plan terraform terraform-provider-xenserver terraform-provider-mysql RPC RPC

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Bootstrapping a plugin

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Exposing all config options for the provider block supported datasources supported resources callback function to configure the provider, e.g. connection

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Provider Initialisation

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Provider Initialisation

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Provider Initialisation

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Datasources & Resources

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Code structuring Split client SDK from Terraform provider sources, e.g. AWS XenServer

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Testing • No unit testing • Terraform core is unit tested • Your client SDK is (or should be) tested • Acceptance Testing • Starts the provider under test • Real resources in use, possibly cost involved (AWS, …) • System Testing • kitchen-terraform • test full Terraform setups with tools like serverspec

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Acceptance Testing

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Acceptance Testing

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Acceptance Testing

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Distribution • Supported providers are automatically downloaded • Not yet so for third-party providers • Download manually • Put in ~/.terraform.d/plugins • Versioning: terraform-provider-vX.Y.Z • Support discussed in hashicorp/terraform#15252

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Information Pointers • Terraform Internals • Terraform Providers • Terraform Provider Versioning • Chat:

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How to keep 3rd party providers well maintained?

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Slide 24 text Community to maintain Puppet modules

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Slide 25 text Community to maintain Chef cookbooks

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Where is the Terraform community?

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Slide 27 text New community to maintain
 Terraform providers & modules

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Slide 28 text Join us! Reach out via the issues on