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History of a Thriving Codebase VT Code Camp 2013

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into the great wide open

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my inspiration

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Why version control?

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collaborate • Work asynchronously • Reduce friction in teams • Github was built around collaboration

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Communicate • Poor communication causes project failure • Git helps reduce effort to share ideas and build features

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experiment • Experimentation is part of developer happiness • Git encourages us to experiment via branches

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gain Confidence • We need to be confident that things will work far into the future • Git allows us to adapt to changing requirements

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safety net • We make lots of mistakes • Git allows us to gracefully recover

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What is code history?

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code History • A series of changes • Story about how the code evolved • Lasts forever • Searchable • Never outdated

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a series of Changes

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a series of commits Last Commit

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a series of commits

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• SHA (unique identifier) • Snapshot / Set of changes • Description • Date and time • Author • Other details (parents, etc) What is a commit

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fixing typos

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refactoring code

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a new feature

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Clean history

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recording history

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recording history

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why record history? Learn from the past Adapt to the future

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but first a story...

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What is clean history? • Production commits • Every commit has meaning • Every commit adds value • Most commits are complete features, bug fixes, or refactors

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reducing complexity KISS YAGNI DRY

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why clean history? • Easier to track down why changes were made • Easier to track down bugs and revert changes • Required in some OSS projects • Easier to backport changes

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three types of commits • Progress commits • Merge commits • Production commits

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three types of commits • Progress commits • Merge commits • Production commits History Not History

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Progress commits • Used to develop a feature • Always in a new branch • Track progress • Short-term safety net • Mutable and not permanent • Ok if tests are failing

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Merge commits • Represent when a branch is merged • Can be useful • Not required (fast forward merges)

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Production Commits • Master branch • Tagged (sometimes) • “Immutable” and “permanent” • These are your history • Tests should not be failing

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crafting a commit message • git commit -v (verbose) • Start with a short summary • Follow with a description of why the commit exists

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short summary (<= 50 chars) describe “why” (72 column wrap)

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tools for a clean history

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“we need a feature”

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“Let’s branch first!”

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“pick a descriptive name”

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git branch git branch my_branch git checkout my_branch or... git checkout -b my_branch

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“now what?”

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merge, delete, repeat git checkout master git merge my_branch git branch -d my_branch (delete)

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Branching protips • Always Be Branching • Use a descriptive name • Reduce longevity of branches • Clean up when you’re done • Keep changes to a minimum

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how do i maintain clean history with branches?

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Rewriting history

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ways to rewrite history • Amending commits • Rebasing • Interactive Rebasing • Resetting

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types of rebasing • git rebase master my_branch • git rebase --onto master br1 br2 • git pull --rebase origin master • git rebase -i origin/master

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rebasing Master Feature Branch

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rebasing Master Feature Branch

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rebasing Feature Branch Master

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Squashing Commits Master Squashed Commits

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squashing commits • Understand why you are squashing the commits (is it a single feature, bug fix, etc?) • git fetch (to get master from origin) • git rebase -i origin/master

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git log --oneline master..convert-hashes

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git rebase -i origin/master

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reword & fixup

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No content

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No content

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After Before git log --oneline master..convert-hashes

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rebasing protips • Always fetch before rebasing • Never rebase a branch someone has based work off • Prolong squashing as long as possible • Don’t be discouraged

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isn’t that dangerous?

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how does it all fit together?

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My workflows • Years of changing workflows • Started centralized (subversion style) • Evolved to feature and release focus

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general workflow • Create branch • Write code and commit it • Open pull request (code review) • Squash commits (if needed) • Merge & tag • Ship it™

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two types of workflows • Feature branch centric • Release centric

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feature workflow • Focused on branches for development • Master == Production • Ideal for small projects, early development • Easy to introduce to new teams

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feature workflow cont. •Branch from master • Write code • Open pull request (code review) •Merge to master • Test in staging environment • Ship it™

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feature workflow cont. Master

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feature workflow cont. Master Feature Branch

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feature workflow cont. Master Feature Branch

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feature workflow cont. Master

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release workflow • Also called “gitflow” • Centralized around tagged releases • Ideal for larger projects, enterprise development • More complicated than feature branch workflow

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release workflow Cont. • Introduces “development” and “release” branches • Branch from development branch • Merge into development branch • Merge development into release • Tag it

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release workflow cont. courtesy

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clean history workflow • Every merge/tag has meaning • Every merge/tag adds value • All merges/tags are complete features, bug fixes, or refactors

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what can we do with a clean history?

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Search commits

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Search by message git log -p --grep "wtf"

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Search by message

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search by content git log -p -S 'wtf'

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search by author git log -p --author='beerlington'

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search by author

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Search by date git log -p --since=2013-01-01 git log -p --until=2013-09-01 or... Combine them!

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track down bugs

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git bisect Broken X

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git bisect Bad Good ✓ X

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git bisect Bad Good ? X ✓

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git bisect Bad Good X ✓

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git bisect Bad Good X ✓ ?

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git bisect Bad Good X ✓ X

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git bisect X X ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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git bisect • Determine how to verify the bug • Find commit before bug was introduced • Find commit after bug was introduced • git bisect

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git bisect

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git bisect

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git bisect

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git bisect

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git bisect protips • Automate with “run” option • The cleaner the history, the easier and faster it is to bisect • git bisect visualize can show where you are in the process

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who broke the build?

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who broke the build?

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How can I fix the code?

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git blame git blame path/to/file git blame -L start,stop path/to/file

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git blame

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github blame

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Gitk gitk path/to/file

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git blame protips • Focus on why, not who • Blame doesn’t fix bugs or ship code

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what if something goes wrong?

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amending commits

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a wild typo appears :(

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git commit --amend

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reverting commits

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which commit?

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git revert xxxxx

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git revert protips • Always write a good commit message describing why the commit is being reverted. • Better for public commits than rebasing

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restoring commits

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git reflog • Records when tip of branches are updated • Reset to, checkout or cherry-pick a commit to recover it

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git reflog --date=relative Rebase began here

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my commits! git cherry-pick acb1ffc (individual commits) or git reset --hard af12217 (full recovery)

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reflog protips • Git periodically purges the reflog • Only available on local system (not distributed) • Commit early and often

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"Clean history always looks like it was written by someone who cares."

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Thanks! @beerlington