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Prosper Otemuyiwa Developer Advocate, Sourcegraph

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Meet Prosper Otemuyiwa - OSS Contributor - Co-founder, forloop Africa - Co-founder, Eden Life - Angel Investor in 20+ startups @unicodeveloper

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THE GOLDEN TICKET: Becoming a Superstar & Impactful OSS Contributor

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Open Source Festival 2022 Building, shipping & scaling great software is hard.

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Open Source Festival 2022 Building great & impactful software in the public & for free is incredibly hard.

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Open Source Festival 2022 We need more impactful open source contributors today. Why?

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Open Source Festival 2022 We’re at a breaking point where the sustainability of open source is at stake.

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Open Source Festival 2022 Software at large globally is heavily dependent on open source.

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Open Source Festival 2022 Open Source maintainers are burned out & need all the help they can get.

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So - - - - - - - - - -

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“What if you were handed a golden ticket that could magically start your tech life afresh? What will you do? What actions will you take?” - Prosper Otemuyiwa

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What? 🤔 - - - - - - - - - -

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Becoming a Superstar & Impactful OSS Contributor

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How? - - - - - - - - - -

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4 Ways You Can Leverage…

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- Finding & fixing vulnerabilities - Boost code health - Be faster at code onboarding - Code Reuse

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Start with making impact, being a superstar will follow

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Code Reuse

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- Contribute to libraries… - Contribute to SDKs… - Contribute to Components…

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- Contribute to the Laravel community - Built the Laravel Cloudinary SDK - Built the Laravel Paystack lib.

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Look for APIs that deserve their own libraries / SDKs & make or even better contribute to them.

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Finding & Fixing Security Vulnerabilities

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E.g log4j, Wordpress HeartBleed, Laravel Ignition etc

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Boost Code Health

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- Integrate tools that keeps bundle size in check, e.g bundle size, IDE extensions. Etc - Setting up linters - Setting up tools that facilitate great code standards.

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Faster Developer Onboarding…

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- Set up documentation for better onboarding to OSS projects. - Set up demos to help new contributors grok the projects faster. - Make finding code easier on platforms & projects.

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“You don’t have to know everything, but you should learn how and where to find the things you need and want to know” - Albert Einstein

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Mind-blowing opportunities exist for impactful OSS Contributors. …I’ll mention a few.

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Interested in Open Source Contributions & Want to learn more? 2-community-space

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Acknowledgement! - Vanesa Ortiz (for helping me with ideas & proofreading this talk)

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Thank you! Become an Impactful Contributor today! Twitter & GitHub: @unicodeveloper