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Selling Design Systems An "adoption-first" strategy for selling a design system at EA Ethos - Austin August 30, 2017 Ryan Rumsey @ryanrumsey

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Strategic design, then, is the application of professionally practiced design expertise to strategy, policy, governance and culture. - Dan Hill; Dark Matter and Trojan Horses: A Strategic Design Vocabulary

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Design systems are all the rage

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This is not one of those talks

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Mike Langman,;

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Murmuration of starlings in Utrecht, The Netherlands,

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EX CX The perceived value customers have in interactions with EA. The perceived value employees have in interactions while working at EA.

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Hi. I’m Mary.

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Hi. I’m Mary. Inherent expertise

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Knowledge Management Learning Management Workforce Management Performance Management Travel Management Facilities Management Support Customer Relationship Management Resource Management Career Development World of systems

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Accidental complexity

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Design whole experiences

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Workforce Management Knowledge Management Learning Management Resource Management Facilities Management Customer Relationship Management Travel Management Career Development Performance Management Support Expense Management Intranet Dashboards File Management Desktop Applications Mobile Applications Websites Tools Frameworks Guidelines

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Workforce Management Knowledge Management Learning Management Resource Management Facilities Management Customer Relationship Management Travel Management Career Development Performance Management Support Expense Management Intranet Dashboards File Management Desktop Applications Mobile Applications Websites Tools Frameworks Guidelines SORRY, I CAN’T SHOW YOU

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Workforce Management Knowledge Management Learning Management Resource Management Facilities Management Customer Relationship Management Travel Management Career Development Performance Management Support Expense Management Intranet Dashboards File Management Desktop Applications Mobile Applications Websites Tools Frameworks Guidelines CHALLENGES WITH SCALE, REUSABILITY, & CRAFT

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A collection of resources for individuals and teams at EA to design, develop, & write applications, websites, communications, & products.

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JOYSTICK D E S I G N S Y S T E M Product Documentation Download Get Started Dashboard Time Line Social Overview Badges Boxes Breadcrumbs Button Groups Buttons Colors Forms Grid System Icons Media Objects Navbar Page Headers Popovers Spinner Tables Tabs Themes Typography UI Framework 0.2.1 Whether you use Angular, .NET or PHP, Console's CSS-only UI framework plays nicely with any workflow. There are several ways to get started: Popular Layouts & Components Give your product a head start with our awesome layouts and components. We've got your back If you need any help, have feedback or would like to suggest a component, drop the EA IT Experience Design team a line at Andy McFee or Ryan Rumsey. Zip Download Bower Install You can install the Joystick UI Framework using Bower Package Manager. Download the Console UI Framework straight into your project. Check out the release notes for details of the latest updates. We’ve got you covered! Download our Sketch file and head over to our Getting Started guidelines. Getting Started JOYSTICK D E S I G N S Y S T E M DOWNLOAD SKETCH UI KIT Broswe all articles Broswe all articles From the basics to the advanced, get to know your tools with these helpful tips. • Resetting your password • Editing your profile • Uploading and sharing files • Requesting new equipment • Email distros and groups • VPN access • Onboarding a new hire • Setting up voicemail at your desk • Purchasing software Want to learn more about setting up or maintaining your account? Look no further! Your Tools Accounts and Access Featured Articles Popular help topics: password reset, equipment request, file sharing Find anything (like password reset or new equipment) | SERVICE DESK EA World Submit a Request Hi. How can we help? ADD A NEW MACHINE EA’s managed, secure service to provision IT machines and storage on- demand. Get the most out of your cloud. The Managed On-Demand Infrastructure (MODI) tool will set you up and the EAIT team will support you. Launch your next campaign on a high-performance, auto-scaling platform. Engineers Game Teams Content Creators Developers Cut your infrastructure costs by to pay for what you actually use. Expand your audience with a fully capable, fast-loading, fully managed website. Spend your valuable time working on your app, and let us deal with the Ops. Who is MODI for? | MODI Product Pricing FAQs Support Add New Machine Ryan

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JOYSTICK D E S I G N S Y S T E M Product Documentation Download Get Started Dashboard Time Line Social Overview Badges Boxes Breadcrumbs Button Groups Buttons Colors Forms Grid System Icons Media Objects Navbar Page Headers Popovers Spinner Tables Tabs Themes Typography UI Framework 0.2.1 Whether you use Angular, .NET or PHP, Console's CSS-only UI framework plays nicely with any workflow. There are several ways to get started: Popular Layouts & Components Give your product a head start with our awesome layouts and components. We've got your back If you need any help, have feedback or would like to suggest a component, drop the EA IT Experience Design team a line at Andy McFee or Ryan Rumsey. Zip Download Bower Install You can install the Joystick UI Framework using Bower Package Manager. Download the Console UI Framework straight into your project. Check out the release notes for details of the latest updates. We’ve got you covered! Download our Sketch file and head over to our Getting Started guidelines. Getting Started JOYSTICK D E S I G N S Y S T E M DOWNLOAD SKETCH UI KIT Broswe all articles Broswe all articles From the basics to the advanced, get to know your tools with these helpful tips. • Resetting your password • Editing your profile • Uploading and sharing files • Requesting new equipment • Email distros and groups • VPN access • Onboarding a new hire • Setting up voicemail at your desk • Purchasing software Want to learn more about setting up or maintaining your account? Look no further! Your Tools Accounts and Access Featured Articles Popular help topics: password reset, equipment request, file sharing Find anything (like password reset or new equipment) | SERVICE DESK EA World Submit a Request Hi. How can we help? ADD A NEW MACHINE EA’s managed, secure service to provision IT machines and storage on- demand. Get the most out of your cloud. The Managed On-Demand Infrastructure (MODI) tool will set you up and the EAIT team will support you. Launch your next campaign on a high-performance, auto-scaling platform. Engineers Game Teams Content Creators Developers Cut your infrastructure costs by to pay for what you actually use. Expand your audience with a fully capable, fast-loading, fully managed website. Spend your valuable time working on your app, and let us deal with the Ops. Who is MODI for? | MODI Product Pricing FAQs Support Add New Machine Ryan ITEM THREE ITEM TWO Callie Conner 459 Cremin Throughway Suite 643 New Crawfordberg Aruba Increasing Prosperity With Positive Thinking Lloyd White 74 Amanda Underpass Apt. 116 East Llewellynchester French Polynesia Hypnosis 12 Steps To Acquire Mind Power Eula Bass 377 Ted Glens Suite 106 South Imogene Georgia Kindness And Motivation Tips Challenge Groups To Make A Difference Jerome Silva 248 Damian Garden Port Annette Myanmar Dream Interpretation Common Symbols And Their Meanings Rosetta Ross 7317 Bartell Court Port Rickey Liechtenstein Do Dreams Serve As A Premonition ITEM ONE SEND BADGE BADGE BADGE SEND CANCEL Checkbox Checkbox Checked CHECKBOX LABEL Choice #1 Choice #3 Choice #4 Choice #2 CHOICES LABEL Placeholder text REQUIRED LABEL * Placeholder text REQUIRED LABEL * Placeholder text REQUIRED LABEL * Placeholder text NEWS FEED News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item News item Sit nulla est ex deserunt exercitation anim occaecat. Nostrud ullamco deserunt aute id consequat veniam incididunt duis in sint irure nisi. Placeholder text Category Name | APPLICATION NAME Nav #1 Nav #2 Nav #3 Nav #4 Account Search KPI METRIC 4 2013 2014 2015 2016 CSAT AHT OHT TTR FCR Tabular data Tabular data Tabular data Tabular data Tabular data Tabular data TITLE TWO TITLE THREE TITLE FOUR Tabular data Tabular data Tabular data KPI METRIC 3 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST -6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST KPI METRIC 2 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST -6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST KPI METRIC 1 73% Complete +6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST -6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST +6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST -6.5% vs. LAST WEEK FORECAST Dashboard Name Placeholder text | ORGANIZATION NAME Nav #1 Nav #2 Nav #3 Nav #4 Account Search

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“I’ve been pitching our services for 23 years and I’ve never once successfully convinced an executive of anything.” - Jared Spool

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Lead with empathy to drive understanding of the perspectives of the humans who: USE PRODUCTS

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Lead with empathy to drive understanding of the perspectives of the humans who: BUY SERVICES

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Design Systems should deliver and live Projects should deliver and die

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Design Systems should deliver and live Projects should deliver and die FUND WITH A PROJECT?

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Innovation Norman, D. A., & Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research versus technology and meaning change. Design Issues, 30(1), 78-96.

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Radical Incremental Innovation Norman, D. A., & Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research versus technology and meaning change. Design Issues, 30(1), 78-96.

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Radical Incremental Improvements within a given frame of solutions (i.e., “doing better what we already do”) A change of frame (i.e., “doing what we did not do before”) Innovation Norman, D. A., & Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research versus technology and meaning change. Design Issues, 30(1), 78-96.

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Radical Incremental Improvements within a given frame of solutions (i.e., “doing better what we already do”) A change of frame (i.e., “doing what we did not do before”) Innovation NOVEL UNIQUE ADOPTED Norman, D. A., & Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research versus technology and meaning change. Design Issues, 30(1), 78-96.

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Radical Incremental Improvements within a given frame of solutions (i.e., “doing better what we already do”) A change of frame (i.e., “doing what we did not do before”) Innovation NOVEL UNIQUE ADOPTED Norman, D. A., & Verganti, R. (2014). Incremental and radical innovation: Design research versus technology and meaning change. Design Issues, 30(1), 78-96.

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ASSUMPTIONS 1. We will support multiple platforms & devices 2. We will partner with dozens of engineering teams, hundreds of developers, engineers, and architects, working on tens of products in an environment where teams have choice in technologies they use 3. We will not be resourced to every product/project 4. We will support teams creating, customizing, or configuring digital products 5. We are a small team, so we can’t build completely from scratch 6. We will consider EA culture

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HYPOTHESES 1. Getting up-front buy-in ($$$) would be very difficult. User adoption would be the key to success. Do that first. 2. Developers, Engineers, Designers are more likely to use one if they have a choice in using it & if they could contribute back. 3. We needed one. Developers, Engineers, Designers, & PMs would welcome having one too.

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Stanford Social Innovation Review Email:, 
 By John Kania & Mark Kramer 
 Mike Langman,; Collective Impact, Copyright © 2011 by Leland Stanford Jr. University All Rights Reserved

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Struggles with funders 1. Reluctance to pay for infrastructure 2. Favor short-term solutions 3. Reluctance to give up decision making

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Sustained success with Collective Impact 1. Take responsibility for assembling the elements of a solution 2. Create a movement for change 3. Include solutions from outside the sectors 4. Use actionable knowledge to influence behavior & improve performance 5. Cross-sector coordination over individual intervention

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“What’s taking up most of your time?” — Me

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“What are you struggling with the most?” — Me

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“Are you using any frameworks?” — Me

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“I spent the last week trying to figure out how to make the best button. Ultimately, I just grabbed Bootstrap because I needed to get the work done.” —  Anonymous Developer

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“Hi Ryan. We’re launching an application tomorrow and I’d like to make to get your feedback before we do.” — Anonymous Project Manager

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“I just didn’t have time to incorporate all the style guides because I needed to ship. Sorry.” —  Anonymous Engineer

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Do they need help? Do they know they need help? Sweet spot How did we find early adopters?

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1. Real data beats predictive data 6 teams, ~3 weeks

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2.Nobody puts baby in a corner

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3.Hackathons work

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4.Consumer grade marketing and PR

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5.Evolve the Design System through funded projects

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6.Have dedicated resources for the Design System

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7.Design Systems are tools. We still need design.

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Ellen Lupton,

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How are we doing? 1. 20+ teams using the framework (not just Devs) 2. 15+ projects 3. Community have built extensions and plugins for jQuery, ASP (.NET Helpers!), Angular, etc. 4. Many teams think Joystick = Design 5. Community writing case studies about their usage

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Made for humans at EA, by humans in IT

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Thank you! Ryan Rumsey @ryanrumsey