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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Lecture 24. Logging to the Cloud

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Announcements 2 * Final Exam December 6 (a review will be run before) * Final Project Due by December 11

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Maven File and Directories 4

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Jsoup | Parser for HTML 5

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JavaParser | Parser for Java Source Code 6

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JFreeChart | Appealing charts 7

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Weka | Machine Learning 8

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Problem 10

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Problem 11

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Bad Idea System.out.println 12 Messages

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We want this 13 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 13

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Logger 14 Use Loggers into your Final Project At least to Console!

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SLF4J Logback | Add the dependency 15

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 16

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 17

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Maven File and Directories 18

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ConsoleAppender 19 message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 trace() debug() info () warn () error() Logger 19 Appender

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src/main/resources/logback.xml 20

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 21

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Next 22 trace() debug() info () warn () error() message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 Logger Appender Appender

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src/main/resources/logback.xml 23

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SLF4J Logback | Logging 24

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Cloud-Based Log Management

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Next 26 trace() debug() info () warn () error() message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 Logger Appender

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Cloud-Base Log Management • Cloud-b a sed log m a n a gement refers to the pr a ctice of collecting, storing, a n a lyzing, a nd m a n a ging log d a t a using cloud services. • This a ppro a ch lever a ges cloud computing to h a ndle the v a st a mounts of log d a t a 27

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We need keys 29 String key = "XYZabc123259#$%#$Fcaskjhdux_2342445Calp";

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Slide 31 text 31 WE6x9ya1dfMwRTouP9DEBmg

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HttpAppender Our very own creation Just for fun

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SLF4J Logback | Add the dependency 33 Just for JSON Support

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src/main/resources/logback.xml 34 WE6x9ya1dfMwRTouP9DEB

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javiergs.HttpAppender (Part 1/4) 35

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javiergs.HttpAppender (Part 2/4) 36

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javiergs.HttpAppender (Part 3/4) 37

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javiergs.HttpAppender (Part 4/4) 38

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Full Solution 40 trace() debug() info () warn () error() message 01 message 02 message 03 message 04 message 05 Logger Appender Appender Appender

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Questions 41

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Logger 43 a) Create an account b) Geet my Code from GitHub c) Play and Learn Nothing to submit today. Work on your Final Project Happy Thanksgiving 🍂🎃🦃

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CSC 305 Individual Software Design and Development Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.