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Imperative vs Declarative

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Code is for humans, not computers

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Code must first be read before it can be written

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As soon as you write some code, you can no longer accurately judge its readability…

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…unless you wait awhile until you’ve forgotten writing it.

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IMPERATIVE: instructions, flow control DECLARATIVE: non-conditional intent

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IMPERATIVE: explicit DECLARATIVE: implicit

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Hiding Implementation Details Hiding Implementation Details Abstractions? Separating Concerns Creating Mental Models

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let age = 43 console.log(`I am ${age} years old`) #include int main() { int age = 43; printf("I am %d years old\n", age); return 0; }

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.model small .stack 100h .data age db 43 ; Byte-sized variable named "age" initialized with 43 msg db "I am %d years old", 0 ; Null-terminated string for printf .code mov ax, @data ; Load the data segment address into AX mov ds, ax ; Set DS to the data segment mov al, age ; Move the value of "age" into AL register mov ah, 0 ; Clear AH to prepare AX for printing lea dx, msg ; Load effective address of the message into DX mov ah, 09h ; Function 09h - Display string int 21h ; Call DOS interrupt mov ax, 4C00h ; DOS function to exit the program int 21h ; Call DOS interrupt end DISCLAIMER: CHATGPT

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DECLARATIVITY: establishes a “grammar” for describing intended outcomes

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printAmount(x + y) const total = x + y printAmount(total)

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const total = x + y const addTwoNums = (x, y) => x + y // .. const total = addTwoNums(x, y)

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DECLARATIVITY: not absolute

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Prompt Engineering

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Good design of DECLARATIVITY resists leaking implementation details.

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But, good design of DECLARATIVITY admits the need for IMPERATIVITY to refine outcomes.

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DECLARATIVITY requires discipline

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DECLARATIVITY requires balance

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SELECT id, (CASE WHEN firstName ISNULL THEN 'Customer' ELSE firstName END) AS 'customerName' FROM Customers WHERE enabled = 1

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cats eating cake Sorry this content is missing. This page works best with the new JScript 3.0 in IE4.

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Cancel Save > htmx Do It! (alt-shift-D)

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{ ?? 'Customer' }

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FatalErrorBoundary( { page: FatalErrorPage }, RedwoodProvider( Routes() ) ) // vs compose( partial(FatalErrorBoundary, { page: FatalErrorPage }), RedwoodProvider, Routes )() // vs Routes() |> RedwoodProvider(%) |> FatalErrorBoundary({ page: FatalErrorPage }, %)

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@media (orientation: portrait) and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .my-list { --base-font-size: min(max(3vw, 1.3rem), 2.2rem); font-size: var(--base-font-size); } } @supports (display: grid) { section h1 { background-color: green; color: white; } } input[type=radio]:checked { margin-left: 20px; }

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.bar { --value-abs: max( -1 * var(--cfg-value), var(--cfg-value) ); --value-sign: calc( var(--cfg-value) / max(0.001, var(--value-abs)) ); --bar-width: max( 1px, var(--bar-scale-factor) * var(--value-abs) ); --bar-translate-x: min( 0px, var(--value-sign) * var(--bar-width) ); --bar-left-rounding: calc( -1 * min( 0px, var(--value-sign) * var(--bar-rounding) ) ); --bar-right-rounding: max( 0px, var(--value-sign) * var(--bar-rounding) ); /* .. */ }

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x == 3 // vs x === 3 || x === '3' // vs Number(x) === 3 // vs +x === 3

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switch (customer.type) { case 'guest': printCustomer('Guest'); break case 'subscriber': printSubscriber(; break case 'vendor': printVendor( } // vs const actions = { guest: () => printCustomer('Guest'), subscriber: customer => printSubscriber(, vendor: customer => printVendor( } actions[customer.type]?.(customer)

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let names = '' for (const record of records) { if (!!record.enabled) { const upperName = names = ( (names == '') ? upperName : `${names}, ${upperName }` ) } } // vs const names = ( records .filter(record => !!record.enabled) .map(record => .join(', ') )

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function HomePage() { const [ locState, updateLocState ] = useState({ reset: false, canceled: false }) const locCanceled = locState.canceled const [ searchText, setSearchText ] = useState(null) const [ weatherCanceled, setWeatherCanceled ] = useState(false) const [ loc, locFound ] = useGetLocation({ searchText, ...locState }) const [ selectedLoc, setSelectedLoc ] = useState(null) const searchInputRef = useRef() locState.reset = locState.canceled = false return // .. }

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function resetLocState() { setLocState({ reset: false, canceled: false }) } function setLocState({ reset = false, canceled = false } = {}) { // hack: new object inserted to change the // state-slot value and force a re-render updateLocState({ reset, canceled }) }

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