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unsuck your backbone

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who am i just super quick

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@ammeep aint he handsome?

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we have evolved from static html

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jQuery soup

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we n d structure

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then came the re olution

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{❴ mv✯ }❵

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view model controller

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view model Presenter

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view model View model

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view model arse banana oh dear!

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data concerns view concerns SEPARATE

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{❴ mv✯ libraries }❵ {❴ mv✯ frameworks }❵

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whats the difference?

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{❴ frameworks }❵ are generally prescriptive and sometimes restrictive :

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{❴ libraries }❵ are generally focused and specific :

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backbone (13,619) knockout (3,532) meteor (8,144) angular (8,449) ember (6,610) batman (1,321) spine (2,336) according to frameworks libraries canJS (569) ⤻ star count

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backbone.js is SJEJDVMPVTMZ unopinionated

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Models Views Events Router data & associated functions

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Models Views Events Router data & associated functions ui backed by a model

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Models Views Events Router data & associated functions ui backed by a model bind & trigger custom events

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Models Views Events Router data & associated functions ui backed by a model bind & trigger custom events linkable URLs

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refactoring 1st step

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everywhere state stored

The Grinch.

meanest grinch of all.

function sayHello(){ var name = $('.name').text(); var desc = $('.desc').text(); return'Hello I’m '+ name +'The ' + desc; } sayHello();

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backbone.js var Animal = Backbone.Model.extend({ sayHello: function () { var name = this.get('name'); return 'Hello, I am ' + name; } }); var animal = new Animal({name:'cat'}); animal.sayHello(); refactored to

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Backbone Views var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({ template:_.template($('#animal_template').html()), initialize: function() { this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render); } render: function() { $(this.el).html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this } });

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focused Backbone keeps it small encapsulated Backbone keeps it Backbone keeps it

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No content

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No Strength Instructions

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No Weakne Instructions

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all it gives you is a base to help you into the world of well structured javascript

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one thousand models impossible to extend one thousand views what the hell is going on

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backbone soup

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wait... shouldn’t mv prevent the soup? ✯ WHAT

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Presentation Pa ern ONLY mv stars are

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{❴ mv✯ can’t save us now }❵

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unsuck my backbone Do I how

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can we build scalable backbone applications

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how do people build desktop applications can we learn anything

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composite applications

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The secret to building large apps is never build large apps. Break your application into small pieces. Then, assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application ” “ Justin Meyer, author JavaScriptMVC

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Round u Views Models into Modules Round u

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How do you spot modules in a crowded room?

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No content

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Module a small piece of functionality

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Module are decoupled from each other

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Module ask never take

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Module don't pollute the global scope

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A change to this module: Doesn't impact other modules

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Put this module on a new page: and it still works!

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still play a part ... presentation pa ern

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⬌ How do these modules work together?

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self organise ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ ⬌ they could

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⬌ ⬌ ⬌ BUGs! I’m taking you all down with me!

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planes don't rule the runway

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does air traffic control no flips!

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air traffic ⬌ control

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication fire up the engines

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication initial global setup

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication do we have permission to land? go ahead

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication publish & subscribe to events

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication time to take off? Not yet!

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication when is it safe for a module to start

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication which runway? that runway

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication places modules inside the application shell

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Placement Eventing Start Up Lifecycle A lication

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focused modules round up your features into

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pub & sub fire and forget

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compose yourself regain control

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built this way are flexible enough to applications accept change

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can we build backbone.js this way? applications

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No content

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into two parts can be split marionette

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to backbone.js mv✯ extensions

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ItemView CollectionView Layout mv✯ extensions 1

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ItemView CollectionView Layout mv✯ extensions 1

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mv✯ extensions 1 ItemView MyView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: "#some-template" }); var view = new MyView({model: new FakeModel()}); view.render();

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ItemView CollectionView Layout mv✯ extensions 1

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mv✯ extensions 1 CollectionView MyItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({}); MyColView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ itemView: MyItemView });

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mv✯ extensions 1 CollectionView MyItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({}); MyColView = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({ itemView: MyItemView }); var view = new MyColView({collection: stuff}); view.render();

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ItemView CollectionView Layout mv✯ extensions 1

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mv✯ extensions 1 Layouts AppLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: "#layout-template", regions: { menu: "#menu", // template elements content: "#content" // template elements } });

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mv✯ extensions 1 Layouts AppLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({ template: "#layout-template", regions: { menu: "#menu", // template elements content: "#content" // template elements } }); var layout = new AppLayout(); layout.render(); MenuView()); MainContentView());

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N more Boilerplate code

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architecture composite event driven

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Application Eventing Modules Composite Apps 2

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Application Eventing Modules Composite Apps 2

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing Backbone.Wreqr

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing Backbone.Wreqr Event Aggregator Requests Commands

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing Backbone.Wreqr Event Aggregator Requests Commands

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing var vent = new Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator(); vent.on("foo", function(){ console.log("foo event"); }); //elsewhere in your app vent.trigger("foo");

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing Backbone.Wreqr Event Aggregator Requests Commands

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing var reqres = new Backbone.Wreqr.RequestResponse(); reqres.setHandler("foo", function(){ return "foo requested. this is the response"; }); //elsewhere in your app var result = reqres.request("foo"); console.log(result);

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing Backbone.Wreqr Event Aggregator Requests Commands

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing var commands = new Backbone.Wreqr.Commands(); commands.setHandler("foo", function(){ console.log("the foo command was executed"); }); //elsewhere in your app commands.execute("foo");

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing Backbone.Wreqr Event Aggregator Requests Commands

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Application Eventing Modules Composite Apps 2

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Composite apps 2

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StartUp Eventing Lifecycle composite apps 2 Placement

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StartUp Eventing Lifecycle composite apps 2 Placement

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Composite Apps 2 Start Up MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.start();

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Composite Apps 2 Start Up MyApp.onInitializeBefore = function(options){ //stuff }); MyApp.onInitializeAfter = function(options){ if (Backbone.history){ Backbone.history.start(); } }); MyApp.start();

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StartUp Eventing Lifecycle Composite Apps 2 Placement

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Composite Apps 2 Eventing MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.vent.on("foo", function(){ alert("bar"); }); MyApp.vent.trigger("foo"); // => alert box "bar"

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StartUp Eventing Lifecycle composite apps 2 Placement

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Composite Apps 2 Lifecycle // start the app MyApp.start(); // later, start the module MyApp.FooModule.start();

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StartUp Eventing Lifecycle composite apps 2 Placement

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Composite Apps 2 Placement var MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.addRegions({ navigation : '#navigation_container', content : '#content_container', rightSidebar : '#right_sidebar_container', footer : '#footer_container' });

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Composite Apps 2 Placement MyApp.start(); View()); var MyApp = new Backbone.Marionette.Application(); MyApp.addRegions({ navigation : '#navigation_container', content : '#content_container', rightSidebar : '#right_sidebar_container', footer : '#footer_container' });

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Application Eventing Modules Composite Apps 2

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Composite Apps 2 Modules ap lica ion hang off the p t

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Composite Apps 2 Modules MyApp.module("MyModule", function(MyModule, MyApp, Backbone) { /// insert module functionality here });

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Composite Apps 2 Modules MyApp.module("MyModule", function(MyModule, MyApp, Backbone){ ...define models... ImageItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ template: "#image-template" }); = function (region) { ImageItemView({model: new MyModel()})); }; });

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Composite Apps 2 Modules MyApp.module('ImageCatalog',function(ImageCatalog, App...){ .... module initialisation code... App.commands.addHandler('catalog:add', function(image){ allImages.add(image); }); App.reqres.addHandler('catalog:get', function(){ return allImages; }); });

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Application Eventing Modules Composite Apps 2

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plumbing code say goodbye to crappy

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to your events add semantic meaning

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composite design accept the winds of change with

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marionette.js unsuck our backbone using

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only scratched the Surface

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tl;dr backbone.js is awesome

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tl;dr but scaling it is ridiculouslyhard

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tl;dr mv help us create structure ✯

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tl;dr they don’t help us write scaleable JavaScript a lication

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tl;dr we need to think beyond mv✯

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tl;dr large JavaScript applications composed from smaller parts

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tl;dr make your application dance marionette.js

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That it! @ammeep internet related activities: