Entertaining testing with
Roman Imankulov / @rdotpy / 21 Apr 2017
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Why developers don’t
like writing tests?
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Testing in Python is a religion
• Original sin
• Absolution through pain and suffering
• Mystical experience
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Original sin
● Original sin — dynamic typing and duck typing
● As a result, a natural inclination of a Python
developer to create little and stupid mistakes
exposed as runtime errors
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Absolution through pain and suffering
Boilerplate Code
class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def testFoo(self):
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Absolution through pain and suffering
Verbose asserts
self.assertEqual(foo, 1,
'foo is not equal to one')
Function returning a function
def set_lang(user):
def func(lang_code):
return func
def test_languages(user, set_lang):
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Crazy things
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Fixtures in a separate thread
def item_gen():
gen = Generator(lambda: .)
return gen
def item(item_gen, item_rel):
item = item_gen.get()
yield item
def item_rel():
rel = Releaser(lambda o: ...)
return rel
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More use cases for fixtures
• warnings: turn MySQL warnings to errors
• mock: initialize mockup objects
• freezegun: time management
• selenium: run a web driver
What else
def pytest_addoption(parser):
action="store_true", default=False)
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def clean_mysql(request):
if not request.config.getoption(‘--clean-mysql'):
# clean MySQL tables heres
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What else
• pytest-sugar: beautiful output
• pytest-django: integration with Django
• pytest-xdist: parallel and distributed testing
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What else
• tox: testing against different versions of
• detox: the same, but in parallel
envlist = py27,py35,py36