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@almadcz, @apiaryio Lukas Linhart CLIENT-CENTRIC API DEVELOPMENT Hi, I am Lukas @almadcz and I work for

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We want API providers to stop inflicting pain on API consumers

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Fancy way of exposing your database table. This is *not* a good design !

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let me tell you why we do things, what keeps us up at night

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You shouldn’t be egoistic and only look at your model of the world

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CLIENT-CENTRIC Good API starts with good questions. How is your api going to be used?

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It’s same as building business: find users/customers, validate & iterate.

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You are going to find out about their culture.

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You may find a quicky clients, but you should know what they want before saying no.

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EXPRESSING INTENT Just write it as you would ask them in an e-mail, only with small markdown annotations (actually API Blueprint,

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USER TESTING This blueprint (via gives you mock server, so you can foce your client to start developing.

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Now you both can make prorotype—not only of API, but of the client application. That’s where the dragons lie: in user interaction. That’s where you going to find out about missing fields, bad resources…

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…and you can iterate. Independently, having versioned text-file to talk in, and playing with the design (every client may even have multiple mock versions, sending pull-request after their idea is verified).

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TDD/BDD DONE RIGHT • Usage of the (web) API first • intent - test (serving as documentation) - implement - watch for regressions • …documentation (serving as a test) The point of TDD is not to have test. The point is to think about what the given method should do and how it’s best invoked / used. ! This is the same on API level.

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DREDD As for the last phase, dredd is a tool to verify blueprint is in sync with your implementation. Put this into your CI!

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Start today and do baby steps. You don’t introduce tests into big project by big 100% coverage testing project— you start by covering the things you develop and refactor. ! Start doing this to your API now.

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E-MAIL [email protected] TWITTER @apiaryio @apiblueprint Q&A

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