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When a project leaves the nest Community driven development and OpenZipkin @adrianfcole

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@adrianfcole • spring cloud at pivotal • focus on distributed tracing • helped open zipkin

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zipkin • so.. like Chrome DevTool’s network panel • .. except it is for your whole architecture

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It started with community focus

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Answers to the problem evolved

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commit 92c941890c2009a401b777093342dc4f28955640 Author: Johan Oskarsson Date: Tue Nov 15 10:09:47 2011 -0800 [split] Enable B3 tracing for TFE. Filter out finagle-http headers from incoming requests BigBrotherBird is silently born

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Zipkin is less silently born commit 2b7acead044e71c744f39804abe564383eb5f846 Author: Johan Oskarsson Date: Wed Jun 6 11:28:34 2012 -0700 Initial commit

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And it all seemed to be working!

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And engineering at Twitter continued

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And engineering outside Twitter continued

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Turns out, internal and external communities behave differently

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zipkin says “we are a community”

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So what happened? • Zipkin development at Twitter was in short bursts, centered on other work • Many experienced Zipkin engineers don’t work at Twitter (nor live in the Bay Area) • Platform diversity is a reality for many • Having the same goals was our opportunity

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(open)zipkin left the nest

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and, I did too.. this deck is that blog.. yeah..

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we have small whales • Not everyone came back • Some change needed to be reversed • Stabilizing one’s today while progressing another’s tomorrow is a difficult balance

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yet, the community has never been so strong • Change in zipkin comes from more people across most timezones, for various systems • The zipkin community routinely collaborates with others like OpenTracing • We are learning, but make choices as we go

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Thank you! gitter openzipkin/zipkin @adrianfcole So.. it’s all worth it