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I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…

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Node.js running in browsers, powered by WebAssembly…

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I watched bug reproductions, quick experiments, live documentation examples…

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All those moments, available for JavaScript, but missing to Ruby…

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like tears in rain…

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But it’s not time to die. It’s time to change.

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Assembling the Future: crafting the missing pieces of the Ruby on Wasm puzzle Svyatoslav Kryukov, Evil Martians EuRuKo, 2024

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Early in the 21st Century…

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the Ruby Association advanced programming evolution into the Wasm phase—a runtime virtually identical to native code —known as ruby.wasm

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Agenda Wasm & WASI What ruby.wasm is and why it has it’s limitations How to run ruby.wasm in the Browser How to overcome some of those limitations

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WebAssembly (Wasm) A crimson nothingness began to compile. Runtime. What does it feel like to be part of the runtime? Runtime. > ...

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WebAssembly (Wasm) Binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine Portable, Fast, Sandboxed Still in development

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Wasm as LLVM Target

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Wasm Runtimes Browsers Wasmtime Wasmer and more…

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Wasm module

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Wasm in the Browser let memory = null; const print = (ptr) => { const view = new Uint8Array(memory.buffer); console.log( new TextDecoder().decode(view.subarray(ptr, view.indexOf(0, ptr))) ); } WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming( fetch("hello.wasm"), {sys: {print}} ).then((mod) => { memory = mod.instance.exports.memory; mod.instance.exports.main(); });

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WASI Feel that in your runtime. WASI. What does it feel like to be part of the sandbox? WASI. > ...

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WASI Platform independent, secure, portable interface WASI defines a limited list of standard syscalls Still in development Other ABIs: Emscripten, GoJS

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WASI Preview 1 Example: fd_write(fd: fd, iovs: ciovec_array) -> Result Write to a file descriptor. Note: This is similar to writev in POSIX. Like POSIX, any calls of write (and other functions to read or write) for a regular file by other threads in the WASI process should not be interleaved while write is executed.

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WASI Architecture module-side: wasi-sdk injects WASI functions into the wasm module host-side: native implementation or shims

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WASI Shims fd_write(data: Uint8Array): { ret: number; nwritten: number } { if (this.file.readonly) return { ret: wasi.ERRNO_BADF, nwritten: 0 }; if (this.file_pos + BigInt(data.byteLength) > this.file.size) { const old =; = new Uint8Array( Number(this.file_pos + BigInt(data.byteLength)), );; }, Number(this.file_pos)); this.file_pos += BigInt(data.byteLength); return { ret: 0, nwritten: data.byteLength }; }

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WASI Shims let args = ["bin", "arg1", "arg2"]; let env = ["FOO=bar"]; let fds = [stdin, stdout, stderr, new PreopenDirectory(".", [ ["main.rb", mainRb], ])]; let wasi = new WASI(args, env, fds); let wasm = await WebAssembly.compile(fetch("bin.wasm")); let inst = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wasm, { "wasi_snapshot_preview1": wasi.wasiImport, }); wasi.start(inst);

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WASI Preview 2 wasi-io wasi-clocks wasi-random wasi-filesystem wasi-sockets wasi-cli wasi-http Shim: WASI Preview 2 contains the following APIs:

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I can fix that

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What is ruby.wasm? CRuby compiled to WebAssembly Number of patches in the CRuby sourcecode GC, Fibers, Exceptions catch them all: #if defined(__wasm__) WASI: no threads, networking, dynamic linking, etc RubyKaigi 2022 talk by Yuta Saito

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ruby.wasm & dependencies Buildtime: Packaging system (see EuRuKo 2024 talk by Yuta Saito) Runtime: dependencies installation via network

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But how to do it without networking?

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ruby.wasm & JS interop Export Ruby functions to JavaScript ( @ruby/wasm-wasi npm package) Import JavaScript functions into Ruby (gem js ) Bidirectional data conversion between Ruby and JavaScript (ABI via wit-bindgen )

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ruby.wasm & JS interop window.MyValue = "🐐" const value = window.rubyVM.eval(` require "js" name =["window"]["MyValue"] "Hello #{name}" `); console.log(value.toString()) // => "Hello 🐐"

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Playground implementation Within modules interlinked. Do you dream of JavaScript and Ruby coexisting? Interlinked. > ...

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Playground implementation Run ruby.wasm in browser Share FS between JS & Ruby Install gems via Bundler Bonus: Spin up a server

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Running ruby.wasm in the Browser require "js" puts RUBY_VERSION # (Printed to the Web browser console)[:document].write "Hello, world!"

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Enhance 2:16 (browser.script.iife.js) import { DefaultRubyVM } from "@ruby/wasm-wasi/browser" const response = fetch(`<...>/ruby+stdlib.wasm`); const module = await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(response); const { vm } = await DefaultRubyVM(module, {}); vm.eval(` require "js" puts RUBY_VERSION[:document].write "Hello, world!" `)

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Enhance 5:26 (DefaultRubyVM) import { WASI, File, OpenFile } from "@bjorn3/browser_wasi_shim"; import { RubyVM } from "@ruby/wasm-wasi"; // ... const wasi = new WASI(args, env, fds); const imports = { wasi_snapshot_preview1: wasi.wasiImport, }; const vm = new RubyVM(); vm.addToImports(imports); const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, imports); // ...

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Playground implementation Run ruby.wasm in browser Share FS between JS & Ruby Install gems via Bundler Bonus: Spin up a server

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FS sharing // ... const encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8") const mainRb = new File(encoder.encode('puts "Hello"')) const fds = [ new OpenFile(new File([])), // stdin new OpenFile(new File([])), // stdout new OpenFile(new File([])), // stderr new PreopenDirectory("/", new Map( ["main.rb", mainRb], )), ];

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FS sharing // ... vm.eval('puts"/main.rb")') // -> prints the file content

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FS sharing // ... const editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(<...>) editor.on("change", function (event) { encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8") = encoder.encode(event.doc.getValue()); });

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FS sharing // ... runButton.addEventListener("click", () => { vm.evalAsync('eval("/main.rb"))').then( (result) => (resultBlock.innerText += `=> ${result}\n`) ); });

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Files main.rb Run Code => Hello EuRuKo 2024 str = "EuRuKo 2024" "Hello #{str}" 1 2 3

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FS sharing FS is just a in-memory JavaScript map It’s possible to manipulate FS from both JS and Ruby

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Playground implementation Run ruby.wasm in browser Share FS between JS & Ruby Install gems via Bundler Bonus: Spin up a server

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Bundler support bundle install require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" require "bundler/cli/install"{path: "./gems"}).run

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Files main.rb Gemfile Run Code => cannot load such file -- socket :136:in `require' :136:in `require' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/net/protocol.rb:22:i n `' :136:in `require' :136:in `require' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/net/http.rb:23:in `< top (required)>' :136:in `require' :136:in `require' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendored_net _http.rb:9:in `rescue in rescue in ' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendored_net _http.rb:6:in `rescue in ' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendored_net _http.rb:3:in `' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendor/net-h ttp-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:1:in `require_relative' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendor/net-h ttp-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:1:in `' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendored_per sistent.rb:11:in `require_relative' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendored_per sistent.rb:11:in `' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/fetcher.rb:3 require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" require "bundler/cli/install"{path: "./gems"}).run 1 2 3 4 5 6

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ruby.wasm tool #1 Reimplement missing core classes enough `require': cannot load such file -- socket (LoadError)

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class Socket def initialize(...) raise NotImplementedError, "Socket is not supported" end def self.do_not_reverse_lookup=(value) value end end class SocketError < StandardError end

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socketRb = new File(new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(`class Socket<...>`)) fs = [ //... new PreopenDirectory("/stubs", [ ["socket.rb", socketRb], ["io", new Directory([ ["wait.rb", new File([])] ])], // ... ]) ]

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$LOAD_PATH.unshift "/stubs" require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" require "bundler/cli/install"{path: "./gems"}).run

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Files main.rb Gemfile Run Code => Invalid argument @ rb_file_flock - /gems/ru by/3.3.0/bundler.lock /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/process_lock .rb:10:in `flock' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/process_lock .rb:10:in `block in lock' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/process_lock .rb:9:in `open' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/process_lock .rb:9:in `lock' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/installer.rb :71:in `run' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/installer.rb :23:in `install' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/cli/install. rb:63:in `run' (eval at eval_async:3):7:in `' eval_async:3:in `eval' eval_async:3:in `' /bundle/gems/js-2.6.2/lib/js.rb:109:in `eval' /bundle/gems/js-2.6.2/lib/js.rb:109:in `block in __eval_async_rb' /bundle/gems/js-2.6.2/lib/js.rb:120:in `block in __async' $LOAD_PATH.unshift "/stubs" require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" require "bundler/cli/install"{path: "./gems"}).run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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ruby.wasm tool #2 Yes, monkey patch it Invalid argument @ rb_file_flock - /gems/ruby/3.3.0/bundler.lock /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/process_lock.rb:10:in `flock'

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# flock is not implemented File.prepend( do def flock(*);end end) # shim marks all dirs/files as readonly File.singleton_class.prepend( do def writable?(*) = true end)

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Files main.rb Gemfile Run Code => uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY _PEER /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendor/net-h ttp-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:516: in `initialize' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/fetcher.rb:2 56:in `new' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/fetcher.rb:2 56:in `connection' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/fetcher.rb:1 02:in `initialize' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:262:in `new' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:262:in `block in remote_fetchers' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:260:in `to_h' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:260:in `remote_fetchers' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:267:in `fetchers' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:396:in `block in remote_specs' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/index.rb:9:i n `build' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:395:in `remote_specs' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/source/rubyg ems.rb:136:in `specs' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/resolver.rb: 41:in `block in setup_solver' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/resolver.rb: 246:in `all_versions_for' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/resolver.rb: 54:in `block in setup solver' $LOAD_PATH.unshift "/stubs" require "bundler_patches" require "bundler" require "bundler/cli" require "bundler/cli/install"{path: "./gems"}).run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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ruby.wasm tool #3 Use JS to overcome limitations uninitialized constant OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:516:in `initial /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/fetcher.rb:256:in `new' /usr/local/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundler/fetcher.rb:256:in `connection'

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def request(uri, req) js_response = JS.eval(<<~JS).await return fetch('#{uri}', { method: '#{req.method}', headers: #{req.to_hash.transform_values { _1.join(';') }.to_json}, body: #{req.body ? req.body.to_json : 'undefined'} }) .then(response => { return response.text().then(text => ( {status: response.status, headers: response.headers, text} )) } }) JS serialize_js_response(js_response) end

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require "js_connection" require "rubygems" require "rubygems/commands/install_command" Gem::Request.prepend( do def perform_request(request), request) end end) Bundler::Fetcher.prepend( do def connection end end)

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Files main.rb Gemfile Run Code Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.or g/ Resolving dependencies... Fetching uri-idna 0.2.2 Installing uri-idna 0.2.2 Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed. Bundled gems are installed into `./gems` => $LOAD_PATH.unshift "/stubs" require "bundler_patches" require "bundler_http_patches"{path: "./gems"}).run require "uri-idna" URI::IDNA.whatwg_to_ascii("ハロー・ワールド.jp") # Should return: # => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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ruby.wasm tool #4 Be creative CORS issues: CORS extension or a lambda-proxy Slow startup times: Resolve gems in cloud, use localStorage and counting…

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Playground implementation Run ruby.wasm in browser Share FS between JS & Ruby Install gems via Bundler Bonus: Spin up a server

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# app.rb require "sinatra/base" class App < Sinatra::Base get "/goat" do "I don't know how I goat here 🐐 Baaa-ack" end get "/" do "Hello, take a look at
another page" end end # require_relative 'app' run App

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Enabling web server

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Prepare data for Rack in JS const headers = { method: request.method }; request.headers.entries().forEach(([key, value]) => { headers[`HTTP_${key.toUpperCase().replaceAll("-", "_")}`] = value; }) const command = ` request = Rack::MockRequest.env_for( "${request.url}", JSON.parse(%q[${JSON.stringify(headers)}]) ) # ... `;

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request = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(<...>) app = Rack::Builder.load_file('') response = Rack::Response[*] status, headers, body_chunks = *response.finish body = body_chunks.reduce(:+) { status:, headers:, body: }

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Making requests in the browser ServiceWorker addEventListener("fetch", ...) WebRTC sinclairzx81/smoke Custom networking layer

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ServiceWorker // sw.js self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith((async () => { if (!self.RubyVM) { await installRubyWasm(); } command = prepareCommand(event.request); const res = await self.RubyVM.evalAsync(command) const { code, headers, body } = res.toJS(); return new Response(body, { headers, status: code }); })()) });

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iframe Hello, take a look at another page

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Can we run Rails? Nokogiri, SQLite3, etc. Database adapter and more… Yes, but that requires even more hacks

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Thank you!