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The Spirit of Testing

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The Spirit of Testing

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Testing? I’m bored already

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Testing should be Appealing

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“Testing is like sex. If it’s not fun, then you’re doing it wrong” – anonymous

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Remember being a kid?,30017&DocId=1,2954

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Kids run tests every moment

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They are the best at it

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They explore the unknowns

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embrace you don’t know either

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Through tests we sense the unknowns

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(re)think Testing

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you are testing already 
 (even if you are not)

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you might just need to formalise

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to, eventually, forget this (almost)

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What is not about Task runner Test Runner Testing Platforms Assertion Frameworks IDEs integration

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What it is about

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I Build So Consistently share Identify what to automate create a 
 build script make it continuous

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“[…] On several occasions I've heard the reply, "Yes, we do CI." 
 Of course, I think, "Great!" and then 
 ask a few questions. 
 How much code coverage do you have with your tests? How long does it take to run your builds? What is your average code complexity? How much code duplication do you have?” – Paul Duvall

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to DTU* or not to DTU*?
 (* Define Tests Upfront: tdd / bdd / acceptance)

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any test is better than no tests, but…

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Confirmation bias

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“it is a byproduct of test-after- development and manifests itself as the tendency for engineers to only write tests that they know pass.” – Paul Bourdeaux

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Code Review vs Pairing

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Error Management

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Feedback loop

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Testing is a way to shape your process, not only your workflow

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what I learned so far

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@cedmax turning blank files to bugs since 2003

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webteam @ Shazam

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When I started testing

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There is actually much more Unit Behaviour Acceptance Usability System Integration Performance UI Security Scalability …

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How I see it now Automatable !Automatable Feature Code Unit Acceptance Usability Code Review Linting Styleguide Integration QA Testing

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Testing code IS appealing (or I have some mom issues, pick one)

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“Egoism is the very essence of a noble soul.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

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Interlude How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the DOM

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The curious case of Javascript unit testing Unit testing is supposed to test a single atomic “unit” of functionality without dependencies on anything else This is where you start to run into serious dependency problems due to the interrelation HTML and CSS What do you test? Usually how the user interface responds to user input.

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standard input/output

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test('htmlEncode', 1, function() {! ! ! var str = '';! ! ! ! equal(! ! ! ! MyApp.htmlEncode(str), ! ! ! ! '<I love working with JS & CSS>'! ! ! );! });

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the DOM

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module('audioPlayer', {! ! ! setup: function(){! ! ! ! ! $('')! ! ! ! ! ! ! .appendTo(document.body);! ! ! },! ! ! teardown: function(){! ! ! ! ! document.body.innerHTML = ';! ! ! }!! ! );! ! test('button state', 2, function() {! ! ! var $elm = $('.audio-play'),! ! ! ! ! player = new MyApp.AudioPlayer($elm);! ! ! ! ! ! ok(!$elm.hasClass(‘audio-playing'));! ! ! ! $elm.trigger('click');! ! ! ok($elm.hasClass('audio-playing'));!! ! });

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 (this is easy)

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test('logout', 1, function() {! ! ! MyApp.subscribe('user:logout', function(){! ! ! ! ! ok(true);! ! ! });! ! ! ! MyApp.setup();! ! ! $('.logout').trigger('click');! });

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Mocking api

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test('windows matchmedia', 2, function() {! ! ! ! ! var spy = sinon.spy(window, 'matchMedia');! ! ! ! MyApp.getDeviceOrientation();! ! ! ! ok(spy.calledOnce);! ! ! ok(spy.calledWith('(orientation:portrait)');! ! ! ! spy.restore();! });

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test('windows matchmedia', 3, function() {! ! ! var stub = sinon.stub(window, 'matchMedia');! ! ! ! window.matchMedia.returns({! ! ! ! ! matches: false! ! ! });! ! ! ! equal(MyApp.getDeviceOrientation(), 'landscape');! ! ! ok(window.matchMedia.calledOnce);! ! ! ok(window.matchMedia! ! ! ! ! .calledWith('(orientation:portrait)');! ! ! stub.restore();! });

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test('ajax call', 2, function() {! ! ! var ajaxStub = sinon.stub($, 'ajax');! ! ! ajaxStub.yieldsTo('success', { results: […] });! ! ! ! ! ! ! equal($('#news li').length, 5);! ! ! ! $('.load-more').trigger('click');! ! ! equal($('#news li').length, 10);! ! ! ! ajaxStub.restore();! });

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Can’t mock? GET CREATIVE!

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asyncTest('redirect', 1, function() {!! ! ! ! $('window').on('beforeunload', function(e){! ! ! ! ! e.preventDefault();! ! ! ! ! ok(true, 'redirect works');! ! ! ! ! start();! ! ! });! ! ! ! window.location.href = 'newLocation';! });

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asyncTest('script onload', 2, function() {! ! ! ! ! var oldIB = HTMLElement.prototype.insertBefore,! ! ! ! ! scripts = [];! ! ! ! ! ! HTMLElement.prototype! ! ! ! ! .insertBefore = function(script){! ! ! ! ! ! ! scripts.push(script);! ! ! ! ! };! ! ! ! ! ! MyApp.loadScript('fake_url', function(){! ! ! ! ! ok(true);! ! ! });! ! ! ! ! var script = scripts[0];! ! ! equal(script.src, 'fake_url');! ! ! ! script.onload();! ! ! ! HTMLElement.prototype.insertBefore = oldIB;!! ! });

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Selenium Hell Automatable !Automatable Feature Code Unit Acceptance Usability Code Review Linting Styleguide Integration Manual Testing

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Back to square one…

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“…then you’re doing it wrong”

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No content

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How to do it right?

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Forget the framework 
 in the short-term

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Don’t automate something just because you can

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Can this be automated? Are there technical reasons why this can’t be automated, or practical reasons why automation isn’t the best candidate ! Does this need to be automated? What is the actual benefit in making this an automated test? How would it benefit the the chain of work? How would it benefit the team? Learn when to automate

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 (business critical vs nice to have)

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A learning process

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Programming is magic

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“Software development is a learning process, working code is a side effect” – Alberto Brandolini

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Remember being a kid?,30017&DocId=1,2954

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“The greatest thing about being a scientist is you never have to grow up” – Neil deGrasse Tyson

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A scientific method is by definition, repeatable. 
 If an experimental result cannot be verified by repetition, it is not scientific.

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Applying this method to programming is…

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Slide 70 text The Spirit of Testing @cedmax

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Slide 71 text The Spirit of Testing @cedmax