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Declarative Sliding-Window Aggregations For Computations at the Edge Christopher Meiklejohn, Machine Zone, Inc. Peter Van Roy, Seyed H. Haeri (Hossein), Université catholique de Louvain EdgeCom 2016, January 9th, 2016 1

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What is Edge Computation? 2

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Edge Computation • Logical extremes of the network
 Applications, data, and computation 3

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Edge Computation • Logical extremes of the network
 Applications, data, and computation • Especially challenging where synchronization is hard 3

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Edge Computation • Logical extremes of the network
 Applications, data, and computation • Especially challenging where synchronization is hard • “Internet of Things”
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity 3

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Edge Computation • Logical extremes of the network
 Applications, data, and computation • Especially challenging where synchronization is hard • “Internet of Things”
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity • Mobile Applications
 Offline operation with replicated, shared state 3

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Edge Computation • Logical extremes of the network
 Applications, data, and computation • Especially challenging where synchronization is hard • “Internet of Things”
 Low power, limited memory and connectivity • Mobile Applications
 Offline operation with replicated, shared state • How should we manage events generated at the device? 3

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Traditional Approaches • Centralized computation (D-Streams, Storm, Summingbird)
 Stream all events to a centralized location for processing 4

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Traditional Approaches • Centralized computation (D-Streams, Storm, Summingbird)
 Stream all events to a centralized location for processing • Most general approach, however expensive
 Events must be buffered while devices are offline; power requirements for operating the antenna 4

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Traditional Approaches • Centralized computation (D-Streams, Storm, Summingbird)
 Stream all events to a centralized location for processing • Most general approach, however expensive
 Events must be buffered while devices are offline; power requirements for operating the antenna • Design a distributed algorithm (Directed/Digest Diffusion, TAG)
 Design an algorithm optimized for program dissemination and collection of results 4

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Traditional Approaches • Centralized computation (D-Streams, Storm, Summingbird)
 Stream all events to a centralized location for processing • Most general approach, however expensive
 Events must be buffered while devices are offline; power requirements for operating the antenna • Design a distributed algorithm (Directed/Digest Diffusion, TAG)
 Design an algorithm optimized for program dissemination and collection of results • Least general, however efficient
 Algorithm can be designed specifically to address unordered delivery, and optimized for minimal state transmission 4

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Can we design a general programming model for efficient distributed computation that can tolerate message delays, reordering, and duplication? 5

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Contributions • Extend previous work on “Lattice Processing” (Lasp)
 Declarative, functional programming model over distributed data structures (CRDTs) 6

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Contributions • Extend previous work on “Lattice Processing” (Lasp)
 Declarative, functional programming model over distributed data structures (CRDTs) • Extend our model with new data structures
 Two new data structures: Pair and Bounded-LWW-Set 6

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Contributions • Extend previous work on “Lattice Processing” (Lasp)
 Declarative, functional programming model over distributed data structures (CRDTs) • Extend our model with new data structures
 Two new data structures: Pair and Bounded-LWW-Set • Extend our model with dynamic scope
 “Dynamic” variables, where each node contains a unique value for a given variable which can be aggregated with a “dynamic” fold operation 6

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Background Conflict-Free 
 Replicated Data Types 7 SSS 2011

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 Replicated Data Types • Collection of types
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps 8

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 Replicated Data Types • Collection of types
 Sets, counters, registers, flags, maps • Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC)
 Objects that receive the same updates, regardless of order, will reach equivalent state 8

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {c}, {}) add(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {c}, {}) add(1) {} (1, {c}, {c}) remove(1)

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RA RB RC {1} (1, {a}, {}) add(1) {1} (1, {c}, {}) add(1) {} (1, {c}, {c}) remove(1) {1} {1} {1} (1, {a, c}, {c}) (1, {a, c}, {c}) (1, {a, c}, {c})

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Background Lattice Processing 14

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Distributed, deterministic dataflow
 Distributed, deterministic dataflow programming model for “eventually consistent” computations 15

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Distributed, deterministic dataflow
 Distributed, deterministic dataflow programming model for “eventually consistent” computations • Convergent data structures
 Primary data abstraction is the CRDT 15

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Distributed, deterministic dataflow
 Distributed, deterministic dataflow programming model for “eventually consistent” computations • Convergent data structures
 Primary data abstraction is the CRDT • Enables composition
 Provides functional composition of CRDTs that preserves the SEC property 15

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16 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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17 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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18 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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19 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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20 %% Create initial set. S1 = declare(set), %% Add elements to initial set and update. update(S1, {add, [1,2,3]}), %% Create second set. S2 = declare(set), %% Apply map operation between S1 and S2. map(S1, fun(X) -> X * 2 end, S2).

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Functional and set-theoretic operations on sets
 Product, intersection, union, filter, map, fold 21

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Lattice Processing (Lasp) • Functional and set-theoretic operations on sets
 Product, intersection, union, filter, map, fold • Metadata computation
 Performs transformation on the internal metadata of CRDTs allowing creation of “composed” CRDTs 21

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Example Application Computing Averages 22

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Computing Aggregates • Sensors generate events
 Fold a rolling set of events into a local device average 23

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Computing Aggregates • Sensors generate events
 Fold a rolling set of events into a local device average • Merge local averages per device
 Fold local averages across devices into a global average replicated at each device 23

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Sensor1 Samples Local Avg Fold Global Avg SensorN Samples Local Avg Fold Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT … Global Avg Fold Fold 24

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Sensor1 Samples Local Avg Fold Global Avg SensorN Samples Local Avg Fold Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT … Global Avg Fold Fold 25

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Sensor1 Samples Local Avg Fold Global Avg SensorN Samples Local Avg Fold Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT … Global Avg Fold Fold 26

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Sensor1 Samples Local Avg Fold Global Avg SensorN Samples Local Avg Fold Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT … Global Avg Fold Fold 27

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Sensor1 Samples Local Avg Fold Global Avg SensorN Samples Local Avg Fold Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT … Global Avg Fold Fold 28

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Sensor1 Samples Local Avg Fold Global Avg SensorN Samples Local Avg Fold Lasp Operation Input User-Maintained CRDT Output Lasp-Maintained CRDT … Global Avg Fold Fold 29

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30 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage) %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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31 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage), %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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32 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage), %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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33 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage), %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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34 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage), %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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35 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage), %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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36 %% Define a pair of counters to store the global average. GlobalAverage = declare({counter, counter}, global_average), %% Declare a dynamic variable. Samples = declare_dynamic({bounded_lww_set, 100}), %% Define a local average; computed from the local Bounded-LWW set. LocalAverage = declare_dynamic({counter, counter}), %% Register an event handler with the sensor that is triggered each %% time an event X is triggered at a given timestamp T. EventHandler = fun({X, T} -> update(Samples, {add, x, t}, Actor) end register_event_handler(EventHandler), %% Fold samples using the function `avg' into a local average. fold(Samples, fun avg/2, LocalAverage), %% Fold local average using the function `avg' into a global average. fold_dynamic(LocalAverage, fun sum_pairs/2, GlobalAverage)

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Lasp Extensions Semantics 37

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Bounded LWW Set • Bounded “Last-Writer-Wins” Set
 Same structure as Observed-Remove Set, but enforces a maximum number of elements 38

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Bounded LWW Set • Bounded “Last-Writer-Wins” Set
 Same structure as Observed-Remove Set, but enforces a maximum number of elements • Objects tagged with local time
 Each object in the set is tagged with a local time from insertion time 38

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Bounded LWW Set • Bounded “Last-Writer-Wins” Set
 Same structure as Observed-Remove Set, but enforces a maximum number of elements • Objects tagged with local time
 Each object in the set is tagged with a local time from insertion time • Objects marked “removed” when bound exceeded
 Use a tombstone to mark objects as removed when performing insertions and merges 38

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Bounded LWW Set • Bounded “Last-Writer-Wins” Set
 Same structure as Observed-Remove Set, but enforces a maximum number of elements • Objects tagged with local time
 Each object in the set is tagged with a local time from insertion time • Objects marked “removed” when bound exceeded
 Use a tombstone to mark objects as removed when performing insertions and merges • “Last-Writer-Wins” with Single Writer
 Single writer removes possible non-determinism inherent with LWW- registers with replicated state 38

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Samples (bound 2) Event Handler 39

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Samples (bound 2) Event Handler {1} {(1, T1, F)} 1 40

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Samples (bound 2) Event Handler {1} {(1, T1, F)} 1 {1, 2} 2 {(1, T1, F), (2, T2, F)} 41

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Samples (bound 2) Event Handler {1} {(1, T1, F)} 1 {1, 2} 2 {(1, T1, F), (2, T2, F)} {2, 3} {(1, T1, T), (2, T2, F), (3, T3, F)} 3 {2, 3} 42

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Lasp Fold • Fold
 Computes an aggregate over a set into another type of CRDT 43

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Lasp Fold • Fold
 Computes an aggregate over a set into another type of CRDT • Function invariants
 Operation must be associative, commutative, and have an inverse operation 43

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Samples (bound 2) Local Avg 44

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Samples (bound 2) Local Avg {1} {(1, T1, F)} {1, 1} {(T1, 1)}, {} {(T1, 1)}, {} 45

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Samples (bound 2) Local Avg {1} {(1, T1, F)} {1, 1} {(T1, 1)}, {} {(T1, 1)}, {} {1, 2} {(1, T1, F), (2, T2, F)} {(T1, 1}, {T2, 2}}, {} {(T1, 1}, {T2, 1}}, {} {3, 2} 46

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Samples (bound 2) Local Avg {1} {(1, T1, F)} {1, 1} {(T1, 1)}, {} {(T1, 1)}, {} {1, 2} {(1, T1, F), (2, T2, F)} {(T1, 1}, {T2, 2}}, {} {(T1, 1}, {T2, 1}}, {} {3, 2} {2, 3} {(1, T1, T), (2, T2, F), (3, T3, F)} {2, 3} {(T1, 1}, {T2, 2}, (T3, 3)}, {(T1, 1}} {(T1, 1}, {T2, 1}, (T3, 1)}, {(T1, 1)} {5, 2} {5, 2} 47

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Dynamic Scope • Variables exist on all nodes
 Variables exist across all nodes with a given identifier with their own value that is not replicated 48

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Dynamic Scope • Variables exist on all nodes
 Variables exist across all nodes with a given identifier with their own value that is not replicated • Dynamic Fold operation
 Combines the value using a merge across all nodes through pairwise synchronization until fixed point is reached 48

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Global Avg Local Avg Fold 1.) “bind” message received 2.) fold operation re-executed with new value 3.) “bind” broadcast to peers 49

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Global Avg Local Avg Fold 1.) “bind” message received 2.) fold operation re-executed with new value 3.) “bind” broadcast to peers 50

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Global Avg Local Avg Fold 1.) “bind” message received 2.) fold operation re-executed with new value 3.) “bind” broadcast to peers 51

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Global Avg Local Avg Fold 1.) “bind” message received 2.) fold operation re-executed with new value 3.) “bind” broadcast to peers 52

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In Summary 53

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Related Work • Directed / Digest Diffusion
 Energy efficient aggregation and program dissemination with optimizations when aggregations are monotonic; however, not tolerant to some network anomalies 54

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Related Work • Directed / Digest Diffusion
 Energy efficient aggregation and program dissemination with optimizations when aggregations are monotonic; however, not tolerant to some network anomalies • Tiny AGgregation
 Declarative method for data collection across sensors using SQL-like syntax; however, not a general programming model 54

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Related Work • Directed / Digest Diffusion
 Energy efficient aggregation and program dissemination with optimizations when aggregations are monotonic; however, not tolerant to some network anomalies • Tiny AGgregation
 Declarative method for data collection across sensors using SQL-like syntax; however, not a general programming model • PVARS
 Similar to *Lisp parallel variables, where each processor had it’s own value and could apply an operation across nodes 54

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Future Work 55

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Future Work • Quantitative evaluation
 Evaluation and optimization of the prototype implementation in Erlang 55

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Future Work • Quantitative evaluation
 Evaluation and optimization of the prototype implementation in Erlang • Optimizations to reduce metadata
 Apply known CRDT optimizations to both the fold operation and data structures to reduce space complexity 55

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Thanks! 56 Christopher Meiklejohn @cmeik