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handle($request); $response->send();

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services: _defaults: autowire: false autoconfigure: false public: false index.controller: class: Thunder\Example\Application\Example\Controller\IndexController arguments: ['@routing'] public: true routing: class: Symfony\Component\Routing\Router arguments: ['@routing.loader', 'routing.yaml', { cache_dir: '../var/cache' }] public: true routing.loader: class: Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\YamlFileLoader arguments: ['@routing.locator'] routing.locator: class: Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator arguments: [['../etc']]

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getOption('services'); $target = $input->getOption('target'); $builder = new ContainerBuilder(); $loader = new YamlFileLoader($builder, new FileLocator(\dirname($yaml))); $loader->load(basename($yaml)); $builder->compile(); $dumper = new PhpDumper($builder); file_put_contents($target, $dumper->dump([ 'class' => str_replace('.php', '', basename($target)), ])); } }

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getOption('resource'); $target = $input->getOption('target'); $loader = new YamlFileLoader(new FileLocator([\dirname($resource)])); $routing = new Router($loader, basename($resource), [ 'cache_dir' => $target, ]); $routing->match('/'); } }

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apps/console/bin/example container:generate --services=apps/example/etc/services.yaml --target=apps/example/var/cache/ExampleContainer.php apps/console/bin/example routing:generate --resource=apps/example/etc/routing.yaml --target=apps/example/var/cache

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class ExampleContainer extends Container { public function __construct() { $this->services = $this->privates = array(); $this->methodMap = array( 'index.controller' => 'getIndex_ControllerService', 'routing' => 'getRoutingService', ); $this->aliases = array(); } protected function getIndex_ControllerService() { return $this->services['index.controller'] = new \Thunder\Example\Application\Example\Controller\IndexController( ($this->services['routing'] ?? $this->getRoutingService() ); } protected function getRoutingService() { return $this->services['routing'] = new \Symfony\Component\Routing\Router( new \Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\YamlFileLoader( new \Symfony\Component\Config\FileLocator(array(0 => '../etc')) ), 'routing.yaml', array('cache_dir' => '../var/cache') ); } }

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final class ExampleKernel implements HttpKernelInterface { private $container; public function __construct(\AppContainer $container) { $this->container = $container; } public function handle(Request $request, $type, $catch) { // to be continued... } }

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$routing = $this->container->get('routing'); $context = new RequestContext(); $context->fromRequest($request); $routing->setContext($context); $route = $routing->matchRequest($request); $request->attributes->replace($route); [$ctrl, $action] = $route['controller']; return $container->get($ctrl)->{$action}($request);

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services: user.controller: class: Application\Web\Controller\UserController arguments: ['@user.repository'] user.repository: alias: user.repository.doctrine user.repository.doctrine: class: Application\Web\Repository\DoctrineUserRepository arguments: ['@doctrine.em'] user.repository.memory: class: Application\Web\Repository\MemoryUserRepository

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index.index: path: / methods: [GET] defaults: controller: [index.controller, indexAction] _controller: index.controller:indexAction user.view: path: /user/{id} methods: [GET] defaults: controller: [user.controller, viewAction] _controller: user.controller:viewAction requirements: id: \d+

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final class UserController { private $users; public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $users) { $this->users = $users; } public function viewAction(Request $request) { // to be continued... } }

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$id = $request->attributes->get('id'); try { $user = $this->users->findById(new UserId($id)); } catch(UserNotFoundException $e) { return new JsonResponse(null, Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } return new JsonResponse($user->toArray(), Response::HTTP_OK);

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interface UserRepositoryInterface { public function findById(UserId $id): User; public function add(User $user): void }

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final class MemoryUserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { private $users = []; public function findById(UserId $id): User { if(false === array_key_exists($id->toString(), $this->users)) { throw new UserNotFoundException(); } return $this->users[$id->toString()]; } public function add(User $user): void { if(array_key_exists($id->toString(), $this->users)) { throw new DuplicateUserException(); } $this->users[$user->getId()->toString()] = $user; } }

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final class DoctrineOrmUserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { private $em; public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em) { $this->em = $em; } public function findById(UserId $id): User { return $this->em->find(User::class, $id->toString()); } public function add(User $user): void { $this->em->persist($user); } }

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Application ﹂src ﹂User ﹂Application ﹂Command ﹂CreateUserCommand.php ﹂Domain ﹂User.php ﹂UserId.php ﹂UserRepositoryInterface.php ﹂Infrastructure ﹂Persistence ﹂MemoryUserRepository.php ﹂DoctrineOrmUserRepository.php ﹂tests ﹂User ﹂Domain ﹂UserTest.php

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Application ﹂apps ﹂example ﹂etc ﹂routing.yaml ﹂services.yaml ﹂src ﹂Controller ﹂UserController.php ﹂Service ﹂TokenService.php ﹂Kernel ﹂ExampleKernel.php ﹂web ﹂app.php

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Application ﹂apps ﹂console ﹂bin ﹂example ﹂src ﹂Command ﹂ContainerGenerateCommand.php ﹂RoutingGenerateCommand.php

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Application ﹂apps ﹂example ﹂features ﹂user-auth.feature ﹂tests ﹂UserTest.php ﹂var ﹂cache ﹂router.php ﹂container.php ﹂logs ﹂error.log

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Library ﹂src ﹂Provider ﹂ProviderInterface.php ﹂AgnosticProvider.php ﹂Agnostic.php ﹂tests ﹂AgnosticTest.php

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Library ﹂bundle ﹂etc ﹂services.yaml ﹂src ﹂DependencyInjection ﹂Configuration.php ﹂AgnosticExtension.php ﹂AgnosticBundle.php ﹂tests ﹂AgnosticBundleTest.php

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{ // ... "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Thunder\\Agnostic\\": "src", "Thunder\\Agnostic\\Tests\\": "tests", "Thunder\\AgnosticBundle\\": "bundle" } } // ... }

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