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@angustweets STOP BEING PERFE T C

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I’m British but I live in America I work at Twitter (used by, tweetdeck, airbnb, beats music etc.) I co-wrote Flight

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and I’m writing a Book...

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The 5 steps to JavaScript Perfectionism

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1. Discovery

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(weird shit) JAVA!! But Easier!! (Deceptively Familiar Syntax) (weird shit) WTF? JavaScript

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2. Consternation

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3. Despair

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JavaScript developer JavaScript

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4. The Shining Knight

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5. The JavaScript Police™

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So why do we need imperfection?

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1. Technology thrives on Open Minds

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Jed Schmidt has an open mind

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Web Rebels 2014

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‘Oslo’ === ‘Oslo’; //true new String(‘Oslo’) === new String(‘Oslo’); //false Objects have identity, primitives don’t

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(picture) 2. Context > Dogma

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-Classical Inheritance-

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var Widget = function(color) { this.color = color; }; Widget.prototype.render = function() { console.log('render...', 'width:', this.width, 'height:', this.height, 'color:', this.color); } var Button = function(width, height, cb, label, color) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.cb = cb; this.label = label;, color); }; Button.prototype = new Widget(); Button.prototype.constructor = Button; Button.prototype.initialize = function() { console.log('init...', 'onclick:', this.cb, 'label:', this.label); }; var b = new Button(20, 30, alert, 'hello', 'blue') b.initialize(); b.render();

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This is why people hate JavaScript

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But wait...

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var widget = { render : function() { console.log('render...', 'width:', this.width, 'height:', this.height, 'color:', this.color); } } var button = { initialize: function() { console.log('init...', 'onclick:', this.cb, 'label:', this.label);; } } var myButton = { width:20, height:30, cb:alert, label:'hello', color:'blue'};;

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var widget = { render : function() { console.log('render...', 'width:', this.width, 'height:', this.height, 'color:', this.color); } } var button = { initialize: function() { console.log('init...', 'onclick:', this.cb, 'label:', this.label);; } } var myButton = { width:20, height:30, cb:alert, label:'hello', color:'blue'};;

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or just forget OO entirely

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var widget = { render : function(width, height, color) { console.log('render...', 'width:', width, 'height:', height, 'color:', color); } } var button = { initialize: function(cb, label, width, height, color) { console.log('init...', 'onclick:', cb, 'label:', label); widget.render(width, height, color); } } button.initialize(20, 30, alert, 'hello', 'blue');

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var widget = { render : function(width, height, color) { console.log('render...', 'width:', width, 'height:', height, 'color:', color); } } var button = { initialize: function(cb, label, width, height, color) { console.log('init...', 'onclick:', cb, 'label:', label); widget.render(width, height, color); } } button.initialize(20, 30, alert, 'hello', 'blue');

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“Only hasOwnProperty will give the correct and expected result; this is essential when iterating over the properties of any object” —JavaScript Garden

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var obj = Object.create(null); obj.a = 3; obj.b = 5; for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { console.log(obj[p]); } }

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var obj = Object.create(null); obj.a = 3; obj.b = 5; for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { console.log(obj[p]); } }

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var obj = Object.create(null); obj.a = 3; obj.b = 5; for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { console.log(obj[p]); } } TypeError: [Object Object] has no method hasOwnProperty

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-Array constructor-

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[] or new Array?

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Google Style Guide showone=Array_and_Object_literals#Array_and_Object_literals

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Google Developer Day V8 Performance Tuning Tricks

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more importantly you can write neat functions like...

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//From prototype.js extension of //String.prototype function times(count) { return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this); } 'me'.times(10); //"memememememememememe"

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function range(max) { return Array.apply(0,Array(max)).map(function(e,i){ return i+1; }) } range(10); //[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

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“Always use === and !==” - Douglas Crockford, The Good Parts

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if (x == null) //is exactly equivalent to... if (x === null || x === undefined)

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if (typeof x == “function”)

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//using Ramanujan's approximation function factorial(n){ var r = Math.sqrt(Math.PI)*Math.pow(n/Math.E,n); r *= Math.pow(8*Math.pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; }

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//using Ramanujan's approximation function factorial(n){ var r = Math.sqrt(Math.PI)*Math.pow(n/Math.E,n); r *= Math.pow(8*Math.pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; }

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//using Ramanujan's approximation function factorial(n){ with(Math) { var r = sqrt(PI)*pow(n/E,n); r *= pow(8*pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; } }

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//using Ramanujan's approximation function factorial(n){ with(Math) { var r = sqrt(PI)*pow(n/E,n); r *= pow(8*pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; } }

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with as equivalent to let

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apparently this is our worst nightmare...

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var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i);} } };

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you could wrap it in function scope...

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var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(i) { return function(e) {alert(i)}; }(i); } };

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or use with (safely)

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var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { with ({i:i}) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i)} } } };

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-comma operator-

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“but it’s really complicated”

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doThis(), doThat(); 1) do this 2) then do that

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lets you do two things when JavaScript expects one

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var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i);} } };

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var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; console.log(i),i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i);} } };

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var addHandlers = function(nodes) { for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; console.log(i),i++) { nodes[i].onclick = function(e) {alert(i);} } };

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another example

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function getRandomPrime() { while(n = Math.round(Math.random()*1000), !isPrime(n)); return n; }

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make eval run globally

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(function() { var localStorage = "bwahahahaha!" return eval("localStorage") })(); //"bwahahahaha!"

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(function() { var localStorage = "bwahahahaha!" return (0,eval)("localStorage") })(); //"Storage {length: 0}"

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//see are-the-options/ by Kangax (function() { var localStorage = "bwahahahaha!" return (0,eval)("localStorage") })(); //"Storage {length: 0}"

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Thanks Comma Operator!!! , Really it was Nothing!

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functional programming

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functional programming

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functional programming languages

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JavaScript is not a functional language But it has functional idioms

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function passing higher order functions function composition

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Use them and have fun with them You don’t need to be functionally pure

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3. Play == Learning

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experiment code outside your comfort zone

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Future Java Developer

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Some replies...

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“use [] not new Array” “aren't r and i also global?” “eval.....” “global arr variable :P” “Why is it Useful?” “evil() is like cheating” “no global functions!”

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Don’t let best practices do your thinking for you

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JavaScript is not a Science

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There is no Panacea

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Your code will Break - it always does. Keep it simple and human readable so it’s easier to fix.

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Most importantly...

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Don’t take anything I’ve said seriously I’m just exploring. You should explore too.

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Picture Credits Mr Perfect by Roger Hargreaves If Hemingway wrote JavaScript by Angus Croll No Starch Press Bayeux Tapestry Maker The Scream by Edvard Munch JavaScript: Good Parts by Douglas Crockford cheetah cubs lion cubs

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@angustweets STOP BEING PERFE T C Tusen Takk!