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CSP powerful security steroid Chrome Tech Talk Night #9 #chromejp 2017/02/09

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5 C ontent S teroid P rotein S ecurity P olicy

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7 Policy of Security for Content ● This content is allowed to ○ exec inline script ? ○ load assets from origin xxx ? ○ embend iframe ? ○ mixed content ? ○ etc

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8 How to apply CSP ● via Header ● via Meta Tag Content-Security-Policy: $policy

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9 CSP directives ● fetch directive ● document directive ● navigation directive ● reporting directive

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10 fetch directives ● default-src ● child-src ● connect-src ● font-src ● frame-src ● img-src ● manifest-src ● media-src ● object-src ● script-src ● style-src ● worker-src whitelist of allowed orign fallback to default-src ex) img-src; default-src; ‘self’

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11 document directives ● base-uri ○ allowed url for ● plugin-types ○ allowed media type for / ● sandbox ○ behave like sandbox iframe ● disown-opener ○ behave like noopener

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12 navigation directives ● form-action ○ allowed action for ● frame-ancestors ○ allowed origin for embed this docment ● navigation-to ○ allowed origin to move (a, form, window.location etc)

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13 reporting directives ● report-uri ○ deprecated ○ only for fallback of report-to ● report-to ○ url to send violation report

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14 CSP keywords ● ‘self’ ○ only from Same Origin ● ‘none’ ○ from everywhere ● ‘unsafe-inline’ ○ allow / <style> ● ‘unsafe-eval’ ○ allow `eval()` in JS ● ‘strict-dynamic’ ○ specify nonce of script ● ‘unsafe-hashed-attributes’ ○ specify a hash of inline script

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15 Most Powerful Policy ● can I have… ○ jquery from cdn ? :No ○ google anlytics ? :No ○ youtube? :No ○ iframe… :NO! ○ inline.. :Never !! Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self’

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16 Example: XSS

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No more Escape Input ? ● only checking a Policy , not Attack ○ in policy has a hole, It may have incident ○ no implement of CSP on old browser ● do Security thing, and adding CSP for cover ○ if security hall exists, block the attack 17

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18 case study:

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It’s really works ?? 19

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report-uri 20 ● Send Report as JSON to URI Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self’; report-uri https://report-server/... { "csp-report": { "document-uri": “...”, "referrer": “...”, "blocked-uri": “...”, "violated-directive": “...”, "original-policy": “...”, } }

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Report doesn’t tells me about attack ● you can know WHAT happened ○ document uri ○ violated policy ● you can’t know WHY happened ○ attack ? or not ? ● you can’t know WHAT result to USER ○ ad image not displayed ? ○ can’t read the article ? 21

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It’s really… OK ...? 22

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Too strict to deploy immediate ● Hard to make sure your policy right ○ crowring with browser on staging ● Real World Problems ○ every user use each browser with variaus setting ● Deploy in production immediately ? ○ bad experience for user ? ○ it’s wose than blocking attack ? 23

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CSP-Report-Only ● only sending report ○ find out WHAT happened only ● rolling out to remove report-only ○ after finish testing policy ○ but I think it’s optional ○ finding what happened is enought for integration 24

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1 Year Experience 25

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Current Settings 27 content-security-policy-report-only: default-src 'self' https://* m ; child-src ; connect-src wss:// ; report-uri

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28 CSP report (2016/3 ~ now) deploy fixup csp setting non critical reports

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29 CSP Report case#1 ● append script via bookmarklet (maybe) { "csp-report": { "document-uri": "", "referrer": "", "violated-directive": "script-src", "effective-directive": "script-src", "original-policy": "default-src 'self'", "disposition": "report", "blocked-uri": "", "line-number": 1, "column-number": 108, "status-code": 0 } }

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30 CSP Report case#2 ● browser-extension { "csp-report": { "document-uri": "", "violated-directive": "default-src 'self' ...", "effective-directive": "img-src", "original-policy": "default-src 'self' ...", "blocked-uri": "ms-browser-extension", "status-code": 0 } }

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31 CSP Report case#3 ● inline style in Chrome .txt, .md, .xml { "csp-report": { "document-uri": "", "referrer": "", "violated-directive": "style-src", "effective-directive": "style-src", "original-policy":"default-src 'self' https://*", "disposition":"report", "blocked-uri":"inline", "line-number":1, "status-code":0 } } Image

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32 CSP Report case#3 ● inline style in Chrome .txt, .md, .xml

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33 CSP Report case#4 ● inline style in FF view-source:// { "csp-report": { "blocked-uri": "self", "document-uri": "view-source", "original-policy": "...", "script-sample": "-moz-tab-size: 4", "source-file": "view-source:", "violated-directive": "default-src view-source:// ..." } } Image

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34 CSP Report case#4 ● inline style in FF view-source://

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35 CSP Report case#5 ● about://blank { "csp-report": { "document-uri": "about://blank", "violated-directive": "default-src 'self'", "effective-directive": "img-src", "original-policy": "default-src 'self'…", "blocked-uri": "data", "status-code": 0 } }

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More and More... 36

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P rotein S teroid 37 C ontent

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38 Steroid (powerful but…) ● Blog for Engineer ○ bookmarklets, extentions, localproxy etc ○ user nomary arrange contents by themself ● Almost all seems Not Attack ○ really need to block them ? ○ safe ? incombenience ? ● Protected / Clippled ○ depends for contents ○ Github / Twitter etc

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Mixed Contents 39

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Finding Mixed Contents 40 ● Mixed Contents ○ HTTP subresource in HTTPS ○ can’t ensure falsify by MITM ○ no green URL bar ● Active ○ Possible to modify outer DOM (script, iframe etc) ○ Blocked ● Passive ○ Impossible to modify outer DOM (img, video, audio etc) ○ Error but not blocked

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HTTPS Everywhere vs Mixed Contents 41 ● case of Mixed Contents ○ Consumer Generated Media ○ Ad ○ Legacy Hard Coded URL ● if Mixed ○ insecure url bar ○ broken contents ○ invisible Ad

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Upgrade-Insecure-Request 42 ● fetch http:// url as https:// ○ 404 if not supported ○ never mixed contents ● avoid mixed only one header ○ no modify contents ○ find mixed by 404 in server access.log Content-Security-Policy: Upgrade-Insecure-Requests

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Block-All-Mixed-Contents 43 ● block if Passive mixed contents ○ broken contents if mixed ○ never mixed contents ● with CSP Report ○ Report-Only doesn’t broke contents ○ finding mixed by csp reoprt Content-Security-Policy: Block-All-Mixed-Contents

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Reporting Server 44

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45 ● not recommended (in production) ○ bad UI ○ bad response at sending Report ○ can’t see data before half year ○ can’t see HTTP header ○ can’t export your data ● do yourself ○ simple POST endpoint for JSON ○ kibana, grafana, big query etc ○ Google Analytics support are welcome :)

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One More Thing 46

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HTTP Public Key Pinning 47 ● pin a hash of public key ○ avoide CA incident ● hard to deploy ○ backup pin Public-Key-Pins: pin-sha256=”#{hash-of-public-key}”

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on my blog 48

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from same service 49

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HPKP Report 50 (Pins set by includeSubdomains=false)

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this is Real World Web 51

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May the Safe be with Web 52

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