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POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES optimizing for strength and muscle growth 01

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Disclaimer POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Kevin Tusiime is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Kevin Tusiime will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this presentation including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

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Breaking myths POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Weightlifting has one of the lowest injury rates among any sport You will not become disgustingly muscular (it takes steroids and an unimaginable amount of work to look like that)

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A focus on building muscle mass Hypertrophy 02

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8-12 rep range (Sets typically taken to failure) Short(er) rest periods Focus on isolation excercises

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Powerlifting A focus on building strength 04

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1-4 rep range, Maximal Load (Sets NOT taken to failure) Extremely long rest periods Focus on three excercises: Squats, Deadlift, Benchpress

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Powerbuilding A focus on both 04

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4-8 rep range (Sets taken close to failure) Moderate rest periods "Supplementary" exercises + the main 3

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Our Priorities POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES "Train with good form, mostly 6-12 rep range, mostly compound movements, be consistent, train hard(progressively overload), have fun, eat enough protein, calorie surplus to gain size faster, calorie deficit to lose fat"~ Jeff Nippard

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Compound Movements: Squat • Deadlift • Bench Press Compound movements provide the most bang for your buck. POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES

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Squat POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Technique guideline: v=bEv6CCg2BC8 06 To build our lower body

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Deadlift POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Conventional: v=VL5Ab0T07e4 Summo: v=XsrD5y8EIKU Technique guideline: 06 To build our mid section

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Benchpress POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Technique guideline: v=vcBig73ojpE&t=593s 06 To build our upper body

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Accessories POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Incline Pec Deck Fly Dip (weighted) Overhead Triceps Extensions Triceps Pushdowns Narrow-Grip Bench press Bicep curl Preacher Curl Chest: Triceps: Biceps: Side bridge Leg raise Toe raise Leg extension Leg Curls Walking lunges Rows pull up (weighted) Abs: Calf: Legs: Back:

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Warm up POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES A good warm up is NECESSARY to prevent injury. Technique guideline: 3A8XM

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Progressive Overload POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Always challenge yourself to lift heavier with each passing week/month. That's the only way you'll progress.

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Recovery POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Recovering from a tough workout is just as important as the workout itself. Going to the gym every other day, and getting sufficient sleep are highly recommended.

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Nutrition POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Lots and Lots of protein. A rule of thumb is 1g /lb of bodyweight. Carbohydrate: 2g/lb of of bodyweight Fat: Also necessary! You'll have to play around with your calories to lose/ gain weight.

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Implement a cardio intensive routine that's easy on the joints like swimming/ cycling. Cardio generally kills strength gains so don't overdo it. POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES Cardio

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POWERBUILDING FOR DUMMIES 06 Don't forget to exercise today! Fall in love with taking care of yourself and your body.