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Go Global Search 2 Orgil Davaajargal オリギル Cookpad Global 1

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2 $ whoami Orgil オリギル ● from Mongolia 󰐆 ● Joined 2016 as a newgrad 🌸 ● Cookpad Global, Search engineer 󰡷 ● Bouldering󰩥, Photography📷, Robot anime🤖 ● Favorite Gundam series: Z Gundam

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Agenda ● About Cookpad Global, Global Search ● New platform global-search-2 (GS2) ● How search team has changed ● Summary 3

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4 Cookpad Global

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Cookpad Global We do a recipe service in 30+ language, 70+ countries 100M+ monthly users Completely separate platform than JP We believe that the world would be a better place if there were more creators 5

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6 30+ languages 70+ countries

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Almost 7M recipes! 7 5x growth in last 5 year

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8 Cookpad HQ UK, Bristol Offices in 10 countries

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Diverse team from all over the world 9

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RTL - Right To Left language 11 Arabic

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Challenges in 30+ languages Unicode normalizations Tokenizations Stemming Dictionary Grammars Compound words Continuous languages 12 More about internationalizations

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Global Search V2 (GS2) 13

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About Global search V2(GS2) project Old search(GS1) was rails app with elasticsearch We renewed the search backend with whole new tech stack 14 5.x 7.x Hako

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Before 15

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After 16

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Python! Kubernetes! Kafka! Elasticsearch 7! ML API! AB testing! Microservices & Devops! Changes in GS2 17 7.x

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Why GS2? More product development for search more search engineering resources needed Hiring Hard to find Rails + Elasticsearch + Relevance engineer Want to use ML and other new techs Faster iteration cycles, AB testing GS1 was not good at AB testing Python has big NLP libraries easier ML research integration, lang detection lib etc 18

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19 GS2 features

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● kafka: at least once ○ make sure all events are delivered ● elasticsearch: document versioning ○ prevent overwriting when running reingestion Ingestion pipeline kafka event streaming Faust - python stream processing avro schema to share the event structure near real time indexing 20

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No more shared DB! 21

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Enrichment pipeline enriches recipe document ML APIs ● image attractiveness ● text embeddings ● recipe categorization ● … 22

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AB testing Using feature flag system Grouping request by GUID for 16 channels Test by language, country 23

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AB test analysis done easily Data platform can handle the experiment channel and show the result 24

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k8s infra - team owns its resource 25

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Search Portal Admin tool dictionary management debugging the search result KPI metrics stemming fixes stopword list Important changes are moderated by engineer 26

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SSMs - Search Success Managers ● Local community manager responsible for search ● In GS2 it is more dedicated role ● Has a deep understanding of how dictionaries work ● Holds a workshop regularly to share the knowledge 27 Local person is responsible for final search adjustment using dictionary tool Engineers can't handle 30+ languages, cultures I can't read these: เนื้อไก चकन ચકન . . .

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Debugging search results easier Added more debugging capabilities SSMs can solve their problem on their own Engineers can notice strange behavior 28

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ML challenges ML enrichment category prediction Q2Q ingredient expansion recipe recommendation ingredient normalization . . . 29 enrichments.classification_tagging.tag = "diet" enrichments.classification_tagging.weight > 0.8

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ML challenges ML enrichment category prediction Q2Q ingredient expansion recipe recommendation ingredient normalization . . . 30 Q2Q(query to query) suggestion suggestion to narrow down result

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31 How we work has changed a lot too

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In GS1 the team became reactive Increasing languages, traffic, product demand reactive to search inquiry, product requests had to rely on external team to make changes 32

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Proactive team with more capabilities More people work on search Dedicated platform team Web app engineers 33

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#ask-search channel The inquiries from CMs is investigated, answered systematically Question about dictionary management -> SSMs help each other Bug or strange behavior of the search -> Search Ranger rotation 34

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Responsibility change We own our infrastructure Alerting, SLOs On-call shift Owns the quality of search, metrics Proactively acts to improve search 35

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36 Philosophy for teams building solutions in search: You build it, you own it, you run it.

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37 Summary ● Renewal was needed for bigger challenge ● GS2 was built on completely new tech stack ● It has capabilities to support further endeavour ● The team has more responsibilities

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Check our Global Tech blog - Source Diving 38

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40 Go Global Search 2

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