Slide 21
Slide 21 text
// Create id = 1 of Thread actor
threadRef1 ! CreateThread(ULID(), threadId, administratorId, None, title, None,
AdministratorIds(administratorId), MemberIds.empty, now, reply = false)
val messages = Messages(TextMessage(MessageId(), None,
ToAccountIds.empty, Text("ABC"), memberId, now, now))
threadRef1 ! AddMessages(ULID(), threadId, messages, now, reply = false)
//Stop id = 1 of Thread actor
// Recover id = 1 of Thread actor
val threadRef2 = system.actorOf(PersistentThreadAggregate.props(threadId, Seq.empty))
// Check if it is in the previous state
threadRef2 ! GetMessages(ULID(), threadId, memberId, now)
expectMsgType[GetMessagesResponse] match {
case f: GetMessagesFailed =>
case s: GetMessagesSucceeded =>
s.threadId shouldBe threadId
s.createAt shouldBe now
s.messages shouldBe messages
a test that intentionally stops and
restarts the persistence actor
Replayed state after reboot
How to build an EventSourcing system using Akka with EKS
ScalaMatsuri 2019
永続化アクターを意図的に停止して再起動するテスト。再起動後に状態をリプレイする 21 / 75