Slide 38
Slide 38 text
Axians’s myStaff is in use
for shift rostering for
anesthesiologists in some
of the Belgian hospitals:
Saint-Jean UZ Brussel,
OLV Aalst, …
myStaff is a planning tool tailored to physician teams. Drawing up fair schedules according to the
schedules, conditions and expectations of the service or department on the one hand, and the
individual work preferences within the care team on the other: it is an almost impossible task for the
human brain to solve this puzzle within an acceptable time. In addition, any change to the schedule
means that all conditions, expectations and individual preferences must be re-evaluated. To make this
process automatic, flawless and fast, Axians uses a powerful optimization engine.
Why Red Hat
Axians is a Red Hat partner and they used Optaplanner, our optimization engine, included in Red Hat
Decision Manager to build myStaff.
Planner benefits
- Fair schedules according to work regime
- Personal and flexible approach
- Errors eliminated as much as possible
- Focus more on core tasks
Advantages doctor team
- Optimal care provision
- Time-saving and cost-efficient
- Personal and flexible approach
- Satisfied healthcare workers
Products and partner resources
Red Hat Decision Manager (Optaplanner)