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The GraphQL Way @qrush RailsConf 2018

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Reconsider the Basics!

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!"# $

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!"#$% !"#$%

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Live Lessons!

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Agenda What is GraphQL Using in your app Potential pitfalls

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Rails 5.1 Webpack (some) React JSON

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Endpoint explosion Expensive roundtrips Low discoverability Backwards compat REST Problems

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1. What is GraphQL?

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History 2012: 
 Started by Facebook 2015: Open sourced 2016: graphql-ruby

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Companies GitHub Facebook Shopify

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Use Cases Mobile app Single page app Anywhere a JSON API
 could be used

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A Query query { currentUser { id login email isStudent updatedAt } }

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Returns JSON! { "data": { "currentUser": { "id": "106", "login": "qrush", "email": "", "isStudent": true, "updatedAt": "2018-03-13T15:20:14Z" } } }

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Basics Yep, it’s still JSON Strongly typed Change-resilient Paging built-in Introspection

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Types No more validations All I/O must be a type

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Every app: QueryType MutationType InputObjectType

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Our app: UserType UpdateUserMutation UserInputType

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GraphiQL will change the way you write APIs

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Free API Docs!

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Changes No more API versioning Extend with graphs

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New data model? query { currentUser { login upcomingAppointments { startTime language { code } } } }

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No problem! { "data": { "currentUser": { "login": "qrush", "upcomingAppointments": [ { "startTime": "2018-03-25T04:00:00Z", "language": { "code": "de" } } ] } } }

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Not included: Data model Authorization Authentication Caching

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GraphQL Way Evolve Server +
 Client Introspect It All Shape Your

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2. Using in your app

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Off the Golden Path No Controllers No Views GraphQL DSL

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Installing # Gemfile gem 'graphql' gem 'graphiql-rails' $ bundle $ rails generate graphql:install

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Structure $ tree app/graphql/ app/graphql/ ├── chatterbug_schema.rb ├── mutations │ ├── mutation_type.rb │ └── update_user.rb └── types ├── language_type.rb └── query_type.rb

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Schema ChatterbugSchema = GraphQL::Schema.define do query Types::QueryType mutation Mutations::MutationType end

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Types Name Fields Description

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Fields Name Arguments Resolver Description

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Query Example query { germanLanguage { name } }

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Expose it Types::QueryType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do field :germanLanguage do type Types::LanguageType resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) do Language.find_by(code: "de") end end end

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A type Types::LanguageType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Language" field :name, types.String, description: "Name of the language” end

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Mutations mutation { updateUser(user: { timezone: "UTC" }) { login timezone updatedAt } }

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A mutation Mutations::MutationType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do field :updateUser, Types::UserType do argument :user, Types::UserInputType resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) { user = ctx[:current_user] user.update_attributes!(args.to_h['user']) user } end end

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Authentication No built-in pattern Enforce via controller Pass a current user

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How we auth class Api::GraphqlController < ApplicationController before_action :find_current_user_from_http_token # ... end

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HTTP! def find_current_user_from_http_token authenticate_with_http_token do |token, options| @current_user = # …lookup based on token end end

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Authorization No built-in pattern graphql-guard graphql-pundit

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Testing Integration tests are hard Test custom logic Treat types like framework code

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Functions # in app/graphql/mutations/update_user.rb class Mutations::UpdateUser < GraphQL::Function argument :user, Types::UserInputType def call(input, args, ctx) user = ctx[:current_user] user.update_attributes!(args.to_h[‘user']) user end end

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Function tests require 'test_helper' class UpdateUserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "can change info" do user = users(:scott) function = returned_user =, {'user' => {'login' => 'scott'}}, {current_user: user}) assert_equal, assert_equal 'scott', user.reload.login end end

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Integration tests require 'test_helper' class GraphQLTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "current token is required" do post "/api/graphql", as: :json, params: { query: <<~QUERY { currentUser { email } } QUERY } assert_response :unauthorized end end

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Test auth! test "requesting current user with token" do post "/api/graphql", as: :json, params: { query: <<~QUERY { currentUser { email } } QUERY }, headers: { 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Token .encode_credentials(user_tokens(:scott).token) } assert_response :success current_user = JSON.parse(response.body) .dig(“data", "currentUser") assert_equal "", current_user["email"] end

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3. Potential pitfalls

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Handling errors # NOT BUILT IN! # Gemfile gem 'graphql-errors'

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Resolve functions aren't sequential

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Batching # N+1’s are real # Gemfile gem 'graphql-batch'

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CacheQL # Released today! # All the goodies from this talk # Gemfile gem 'cacheql' https:/ /

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Foreign Keys resolve -> (obj, args, context) { RecordLoader.for(Language) .load(args["id"]) } https:/ / https:/ /

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Polymorphic Keys # belongs_to :respondable, # polymorphic: true resolve -> (obj, args, context) { PolyKeyLoader.for(obj, :respondable) .load(obj.respondable) } https:/ /

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Caching HTTP Etags Rails.cache Store results

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Cache results resolve CacheQL -> (obj, args, ctx) { # expensive operation # cached on obj.cache_key } https:/ /

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Instrumentation Apollo Engine Scout APM Rails.logger

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Rails.logger [CacheQL::Tracing] User.displayLanguage took 7.591ms [CacheQL::Tracing] User.createdAt took 0.117ms [CacheQL::Tracing] User.intercomHash took 0.095ms [CacheQL::Tracing] took 0.09ms [CacheQL::Tracing] User.friendlyTimezone took 0.087ms [CacheQL::Tracing] User.utmContent took 0.075ms [GraphQL::Tracing] User.timezone took 0.048ms [CacheQL::Tracing] took 0.046ms [CacheQL::Tracing] took 0.042ms [CacheQL::Tracing] Query.currentUser took 0.041ms

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The New Way? Will be hard if app
 logic coupled For fresh apps For new APIs

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