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@francoisblavoet Accessibility On Android

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WHAT IS ACCESSIBILITY ? ▸ Accessibility : making sure that anyone can use your application ▸ Who is targeted ?
 Any kind of visual, auditory and motor disabilities
 Color blindness

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WHO ▸ United States, 23.7 million adults report difficulty seeing ▸ EU : 75 million have some disability
 30 million have partial sight
 By 2025, 20% of the European population will be over 65

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First tool : Color and Contrast

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▸ follow the material spec ▸ try to get close to a 5:1 contrast ratio TEXT AND IMAGES

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▸ New with Nougat : change the display size ! ALSO : DISPLAY SIZE

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MAKE YOUR TOUCH TARGETS BIG ENOUGH ▸ 48dp * 48 dp should be your smallest target

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MAKE YOUR TOUCH TARGETS BIG ENOUGH ▸ Sometimes, your view hierarchy makes this hard : use a touch delegate val rect = Rect() view.getHitRect(rect) rect.right += 24.pxToDp(context) rect.bottom += 16.pxToDp(context) (view.parent as View).touchDelegate = TouchDelegate(rect, view)

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▸ Eyes free keyboard :

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ACCESSIBILITY CHECKLIST ▸ make sure to have enough contrast ▸ don’t rely only on color to signal error / success ▸ support sp fonts without breaking your layouts ▸ support display size changes ▸ make sure your touch targets are at least 48dp x 48dp ▸ provide content description ▸ make sure that the focus handling is correct