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JVM Networking with Netty Michael Nitschinger, Couchbase, Inc. High Performance!

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“Netty is an asynchronous and event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients.“

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“Netty is an asynchronous and event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients.“

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It’s simple.

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Half-Duplex Full-Duplex

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ChannelHandler ChannelHandler ChannelHandler ChannelHandler Pipeline

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Encoder Encoder Decoder Decoder

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OutboundHandler OutboundHandler InboundHandler InboundHandler

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Encoder Encoder Decoder Decoder Codec Codec

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BinaryMemcacheObjectAggregator KeyValueAuthHandler KeyValueFeatureHandler BinaryMemcacheClientCodec KeyValueHandler

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“Each Handler receives events from the pipeline and emits events into the pipeline.“

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Handlers Codecs ByteToByte ByteToMessage MessageToByte MessageToMessage Replay FixedLengthFrame LengthFieldBasedFrame LineBasedFrame DelimiterBasedFrame …. HTTP HTTP2 Memcache MQTT Redis Smtp SSL Websockets Xml Zlib …

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Handlers Codecs ByteToByte ByteToMessage MessageToByte MessageToMessage Replay FixedLengthFrame LengthFieldBasedFrame LineBasedFrame DelimiterBasedFrame …. HTTP HTTP2 Memcache MQTT Redis Smtp SSL Websockets Xml Zlib …

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Magic (1) Opcode (1) Key Length (2) Extras Length (1) Data Type (1) Status (2) Total Body Length (4) Opaque (4) CAS (8) Memcached Binary Header (24 Bytes)

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It’s fast.

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1 JVM, 1 CB Node, localhost

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Techempower, Round 12

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Techempower, Round 12

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Why? Efficient EventLoop/Socket Multiplexing GC Optimized Less Allocations Pooling Statics & Reuse Selected use of sun.misc.Unsafe Lots of “Mechanical Sympathy”

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Why? Efficient EventLoop/Socket Multiplexing GC Optimized Less Allocations Pooling Statics & Reuse Selected use of sun.misc.Unsafe Lots of “Mechanical Sympathy”

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Why? Efficient EventLoop/Socket Multiplexing GC Optimized Less Allocations Pooling Statics & Reuse Selected use of sun.misc.Unsafe Lots of “Mechanical Sympathy”

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Wait! There is more.

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NioEventLoopGroup → EpollEventLoopGroup NioEventLoop → EpollEventLoop NioServerSocketChannel → EpollServerSocketChannel NioSocketChannel → EpollSocketChannel

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Where Next?

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Make Norman Rich!

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Start Here Web IRC #netty on Freenode Mailing List!forum/netty StackOverflow “netty” tag Bugs

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Thanks! Michael Nitschinger, Couchbase, Inc. twitter: @daschl