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It’s me, @AQ HeYO

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CTO of

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Chief Taco Officer CTO of

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• Unique animated gifs posted in Campfire: 3,208 • Unique metrics stored in Graphite: ~250,000 • Most individual user-generated cards sent in a single week: ~2 million • Registered user growth over December 2011: 211% (3.1x) • Revenue growth over December 2011: 135% (2.3x) • Number of commits to main app git repo: 44,545 • Number of commits to chef git repo: 4,447 • Peak traffic served: ~300 Mbps • Number of production deploys across applications: 1,631 • Number of staging deploys across applications: 10,600 December 2012

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ALMOST 60, crazy, wonderful people

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Ain’t Easy Growing a rails app

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Also not easy Growing a Team

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Each one, Teach one MENTORING AS A WAY OF LIFE

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When I Ship, You Ship, We Ship pushing for a culture of shipping

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Rules to ship by

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We all live with the choices we all make Fixing > Complaining

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Roadies > Rock stars helping > winning

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Push for a balance of quality and quantity working > perfect

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Win in pieces, not all at once small changes > big refactors

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What does this mean in practicE?

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Including Rails, Ruby, Chef Maintain over 40 forks

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Even if they don’t hit the button, everyone is a part of it Everyone deploys

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Numbers for everything we can number Metric obsessed

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While keeping our main focus grounded in the things we know and care about (Ruby, JS, PGSql) An ever evolving stack

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Refuse to replace our stack whole hog, Lets make it the best it can be The future = Polishing + simplification

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